#2 Son's party did not quite turn out as he expected. He only ended up with about 15 people, not the 30 he was expecting. That is okay, though, they had a huge fire, ate a lot, and had a good time. That was the whole point anyway.
My fingers seem to be getting no worse, which is what happens when they are on the way to getting better, so i am grateful.
We cleaned the church a day early this week so that we wouldn't have to do it on Christmas Eve. That meant we had to also clean the shelter that evening.
There were only 3 adoptions at the Wednesday night event. Dolly, Bunny, and Belle went to great homes. The only people who were interested in kittens all had the attitude that of course they would let them outside, that's where cats belong! Not my babies, thankyouverymuch.
JuJu, Bowie, Katy, Bebe, Muffin, Lucky (who is doing a bit better now that he is back on his meds), Heathcliff, Squirt, Peepers, Tiffany, Rosie, Harley (who is not eating again), Sophia, Roxanne, Devon, Corrie, Angel, Dustie, Nanette, Frieda, Clint, Grady, Prissy, Candy, Ginny, Zoey, Gidget, and Baby will be spending their Christmas in the shelter. As much as i love them all, even the crazy ones, i hope they all get new places soon. The shelter is a great place of its kind, but not as great as a forever home.
Today is:
Adam & Eve Day
Aofangadagskvold -- Iceland (arrival of the 13th and final Yule Lad)
Calendas -- Oaxaca, Mexico
Celtic Tree Month Beth (Birch) commences
Christmas Eve
Declaration of Christmas Peace -- Old Great Square of Turku, Finland's official Christmas City
Feast of the Seven Fishes(La Vigilia) -- Italy (traditional serving of seven kinds of seafood at dinner)
Global Accountability Day
Jul -- Denmark
Juvenalia -- Roman Empire (celebration of coming of age)
Modresnach -- Germanic/Scandinavian/Anglo-Saxon Odinist festival celebrating midwinter and motherhood
National Egg Nog Day
Noche Buena -- Spain and Spanish speaking countries
Tolling the Devil's Knell -- All Saints Parish Church, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England (the church bell tolls once for each year since the birth of Christ, signaling when the Devil's demise was heralded)
T'owd 'oss -- Richmond, North Yorkshire, England (A tradition of dressing in hunting clothes and blowing the hunting horns on Christmas Eve.)
Utter Day -- Fairy Calendar (Every word uttered by the fairy folk becomes a physical object he/she must wear for the rest of the day.)
Zerowork Season begins
Birthdays Today:
Ryan Seacrest, 1974
Stephanie Meyer, 1973
Ricky Martin, 1971
Mary Higgins Clark, 1929
Ava Gardner, 1922
Howard Hughes, 1905
Johnny Gruelle, 1880
Kit Carson, 1809
Today in History:
The Byzantine church Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is dedicated for the second time after being destroyed by earthquakes, 563
Thomas Wolsey is appointed English Lord Chancellor, 1515
Kiritimati, also called Christmas Island, is "discovered" by James Cook, 1777
"Silent Night" is composed by Franz Joseph Gruber; it is first sung the next day, 1818
The Eggnog Riot at the United States Military Academy begins that night, wrapping up the following morning, 1826
Fire devastates the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., destroys 35,000 volumes, 1851
Henry Ford completes his first useful gas motor, 1893
Irving Fisher patents an archiving system with index cards, 1912
The first radio transmission of NCRV in Netherlands, 1924
NORAD Tracks Santa for the first time in what will become an annual Christmas Eve tradition, 1955
Shooting begins on "The Cage" the pilot for the Star Trek series, 1964
The crew of Apollo 8 enters into orbit around the Moon, becoming the first humans to do so, 1968
Wait And See, Or Fuck Around And Find Out?
2 hours ago
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