Hazelnut doesn't look like she really has any terrier in her. She has more of a Lab/hound look. From this day forward, because so many people are terrified of pit bull terrier type dogs, she is simply to be called a Lab mix. My take on it is she's part Chocolate Lab, and part the mutt up the street who got to the Lab before the breeder could have her properly serviced.
Second, she is about 4 months old, so her feet are about as big as they will get. That means, from the size of her paws, that she will probably stay a medium size, around 25-30 lbs.
Third, she has been wormed and deflea-ed, with great success.
Fourth, it's time for puppy training and, because of her owner, Miss Lizzie's, chronic disability, we need to consider getting her trained to be an official service dog. The vet knows a lady, and i've met her and worked with her partner. This could be a great thing.
Fifth, she has had her first shots, including rabies, and is scheduled for her boosters and spaying next month. We are to watch for swelling of the face, hives, vomiting or diarrhea over the next couple of days. Also, she should be a bit sore and lethargic for a short time. So far, no sign of any of this, and she is tearing through the house like a whirlwind as i write.
Finally, her first heartworm preventive came in a free puppy kit. She will get the dose on the first of September, and is to be given a dose of that and flea drops the first of every month for the rest of her life.
So Hazelnut is properly vetted and on her way to a healthy life.
Today is
Black Ribbon Day -- Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism -- European Union
Flag Day -- Ukraine
Freyfaxi -- Asatru (harvest festival)
Great Feast of the Netjeru (all gods and goddesses) -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
National Spongecake Day
Nemeseia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (local festival to the goddess Nemesis, date approximate)
Ride the Wind Day -- internet generated, a day to get out and ride with the wind in your hair, in whatever transport you choose, or fly a kite
Sento Kuyo -- Nenbutsu-Ji Temple, Adashino, Kyoto, Japan (memorial service for graves that no longer have families to tend them; through tomorrow)
St. Apolinaris' Day
St. Rose of Lima's Day (Patron Saint of Peru, Central and South America, the Philippines, florists, and gardeners)
Tvimanuor -- Old Icelandic Calendar (Double Month begins)
Umhlangaaa -- Swaziland (Reed Dance)
Valentino Memorial Service -- Hollywood Cathedral Museum, Hollywood Forever Cemetary, Los Angeles, CA, US (annually since 1927, a memorial service celebrating Rudolph Valentino on the anniversary of his death)
Vulcanalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival to the god of fire)
Birthdays Today:
Kobe Bryant, 1978
River Phoenix, 1970
Queen Noor of Jordan, 1951
Shelley Long, 1949
Barbara Eden, 1934
Mark Russel, 1932
Vera Miles, 1930
Gene Kelly, 1912
Louis XVI, 1754
Today in History:
On the feast of Vulcan, Roman god of fire, Mt. Vesuvius begins to rumble, 79
Visigoths storm Rome, 410
Edward I executes William Wallace, Scottish patriot, for high treason, 1305
French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada, 1541
Rabbi Joseph Caro completes his commentary of Tur Code, 1542
The St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of Huguenots in Paris, 1572
The first one-way streets open in London, 1617
Steamship service begins on the Great Lakes, 1818
Great Britain abolishes slavery in the colonies, 700,000 slaves are freed, 1833
Automobile tire chain is patented, 1904
The World Council of Churches is formed, 1948
Lunar Orbiter I takes the first picture of Earth from the Moon's orbit, 1966
Bryan Allan, in a Gossamer Condor, completes the first man-powered flight of one mile, 1977
Soviet dancer Alexander Godunov defects to the US, 1979
Hans Tiedge, top counter-spy of West Germany, defects to East Germany, 1985
Hungary opens the Iron Curtain and allows thousands of East Germans through to West Germany, 1989
West Germany and East Germany announce that they will unite on Oct. 3, 1990
Wordless Wednesday
18 hours ago
Sounds like you've got all the bases covered. Where is it that you live, MM? Dogs here only get the heartworm drops between May and October (I think).
ReplyDeleteHazelnut is the luckiest chocolate lab ever to have you on her side.
ReplyDeleteHilary, we live in the swampy areas of South Louisiana, and heartworm preventive is a year round thing.
ReplyDeleteLeah, thank you.
I wondered about the heartworm thing myself, but I remember after Katrina, some of the rescues had heartworms, must be an extensive problem. But that is just cool that she can possibly become a service dog. (I am chuckling about the half lab thing. Ours is a half lab, half shepard. One of the vets we took him too would never pay attention to me when taking info, and I would have to repeat. He asked what breed Rudee was, and I decided to see if he was even listening. Half German Shepard, Half Clydesdale. He was out of the room ten minutes before he came back in... He paid much better attention after that!) Heh.
ReplyDeleteIf Hazelnut is zipping around the house as you say, I think that she is most likely not going to have a big reaction. (fingers crossed...)
Cat, who remembers going through this not so terribly long ago...