"Any healthy man can go without food for two days -- but not without poetry." ~ Charles Baudelaire
"Or sleep." ~ messymimi
But since that's what i'm trying to do right now, my head is muddled.
Don't try this at home, it's not fun. Going without sleep, i mean.
Sweetie has trained HiCat to want in and out of the bedroom several times a night. He did this by getting up to let him in and out one night.
Once is a habit with pets and brothers-in-law.
So now the cat who knows how to knock on the door knocks at all hours. Over and over.
Yes, i often get up to feed kittens in the middle of the night. That's once.
This is sometimes twice an hour. What can a cat want with being let out more than once an hour?
Don't answer, i don't want to know.
What i want is some sleep.
And a cat door for the bedroom door. Anyone know if that can be done?
Today is:
Armed Forces Day -- Indonesia
Balloons Around the World -- balloon artists around the world are encouraged to donate an hour or more to a charity of their choice in their community, entertaining children everywhere with balloon sculpture
Chung Yeung Festival -- China (Double Nine Festival; date differs in other parts of Asia)
Constitution Day -- Vanuatu
Do Something Nice Day -- internet generated; make someone's day brighter, it will brighten your own
Festival of the Five Toes -- Fairy Calendar
Festival of Mania -- Ancient Roman Calendar
Long Walk Day -- David Kunst finished his walk around the world on this day in 1974; go for a long walk in his honor
Most Common Birthday -- US (yes, according to Anybirthday.com, on average, more people are born in the US on this day than any other; wonder if it has anything to do with today being 9 months after New Year's Eve?)
National Apple Betty Day
Nottingham Goose Fair -- Nottingham, England (through the 9th; yearly fair that dates back to at least 1284)
Nubaigai -- Pagan Lithuanian Calendar (harvest festival; can't get independent confirmation that it's always on this day)
Republic Day -- Portugal
St. Placid's Day
Thesmophoria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (start of a 3 day women's festival of Demeter; date approximate)
Unicorn Questing Season begins -- as established by the late W. T. "Bill" Rabe, get your official license here
Waqf al Arafa - Hajj Day -- Islam
World Teachers Day -- International
Birthdays Today:
Maya Ying Lin, 1959
Bernie Mac, 1957
Bob Geldof, 1954
Karen Allen, 1951
Glynis Johns, 1923
Donald Pleasence, 1919
Allen Ludden, 1917
Larry Fine, 1902
Chester A. Arthur, 1829
Denis Diderot, 1713
Jonathan Edwards, 1703
Today in History:
Founding of the city of Concepcion, Chile, 1550
The Gregorian calendar is introduced in Italy and other Catholic countries, 1582
March on Versailles by the women of Paris, 1789
Shawnee Chief Tecumseh killed in the battle of the Thames, 1813
Founding of the City of Anaheim, 1857
Destruction of most of Calcutta by cyclone, approximately 60,000 die, 1864
A strong hurricane devastates the Bay of Fundy region of Maritime Canada, 1869
Surrender of Chief Joseph, after the 1,700 mile retreat, marks the end of the Nez Pierce War, 1877
The first individual time trial for racing cyclists is held on a 50-mile course north of London, 1895
Sir Samuel Griffith is appointed the first Chief Justice of Australia and Sir Edmund Barton and Richard O'Connor are appointed as foundation justices, 1903
First appearance of the Little Orphan Annie comic strip in the NYC Daily News, 1924
Suffrage is extended to women in France, 1944
The 1948 Ashgabat earthquake kills 110,000, 1948
The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held,
1953Dr. No, the first in the James Bond film series, was released, 1962
The first episode of the famous comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus aired on BBC, 1969
Signature of the European Patent Convention, 1973
Raoul Wallenberg is made an honorary US citizen, 1981
Marc Garneau becomes the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, 1984
The first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, is released, 1991
The Bulldozer Revolution begins in Belgrade, eventually leading to the resignation of Slobodan Milosevic, 2000
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
Why not just leave the bedroom door open? My cats come and go as they please. I'm rarely aware of them.
ReplyDelete"Once is a habit with pets and brothers-in-law." cracked me up. ;)
Sweetie won't sleep with the door open, i wish he would. That would be such an easy solution.