Small things that bug me.
Being a morning person has its advantages.
Except on Saturday.
Every other day of the week, i can get up early and go to the store, or bank, or whatever, rather early.
On Saturday, some things have to wait.
So, on Saturday, i went to the bank. They don't open, either the lobby or the drive through, until 9am on Saturday. Since i needed one dollar bills as well as fives and tens (kids allowances), i would either have to wait, or just go to the ATM and try to get change later.
No way i could wait, too much else to do that day.
Get to the ATM, which is a drive-up version. No one else is anywhere near the place when i pull up, so i figure i have time to add and count and make sure i have everything right. Nope.
The moment i pull up, two other cars pull in right behind me.
Rush job as usual.
When i rush, i forget stuff.
The best thing about heaven may not be the things everyone else talks about. It may be never having to hurry again.
Today is:
Aaron the Patriarch's Day and Abraham the Patriarch's Day -- Christian
Burgoo Festival -- North Utica, IL, US (come enjoy the festival and taste the Burgoomeister's secret recipe)
Cirio de Nazare -- Belem, Para, Brazil (two week festival in honor of St. Mary of Bethlehem)
Clergy Appreciation Day
Curious Events Holiday -- Fairy Calendar
Establishment of the Samitang in Norway -- Sami People's Parliament
Felicitas Festival-- Old Roman Calendar (goddess of good luck and joy)
Fire Prevention Week begins -- Canada; US (and a great idea everywhere, feel free to join in)
Give Peace a Chance Day / Instant Karma Day -- in honor of the birth of John Lennon
Grandmother's Day -- Florida, US
Independence Day -- Uganda
International African Diaspora Day
Korean Alphabet Day -- Korea (Hangul Nal)
Leif Erickson Day -- Iceland; Norway; Minnesota and Wisconsin, US
Messenger Appreciation Day -- 10/9 in radio talk is a request to repeat information
Moldy Cheese Day (Sorry, but I do not like the stinky, moldy cheeses, at least not the heavier ones.)
National Day of Honor -- Peru (sometimes translated as Day of Dignity)
National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust -- Romania
National Metric Week -- US (yes, it's no fun to switch; get over it and learn, it's good for your brain!)
National Submarine/Grinder/Hoagie/Hero/PoBoy/Pierogi Day -- each of these has its own special day, but today you get to pick which one you want
St. Denis' Day (Patron of France; against frenzy, headaches)
St. Dionysius of Paris' Day (Protector from headaches & the devil)
St. Ghislain's Day (patron against twitching)
St. Louis Bertrand's Day (patron of Columbia)
Takayama Matsuri Autumn Festival -- Takayama, Japan (ancient, elaborate floats parade through the old city; through tomorrow)
White Sunday -- Samoa; American Samoa (children wear white to church and run the church services, are served a special meal, and receive new church clothes for the upcoming year)
Windsor Pumpkin Regatta -- Windsor, NS, Canada (come out and watch the pumpkin boat races)
World Post Day / Universal Postal Union Day -- International
Anniversaries Today:
King Louis XII of France marries Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII of England, 1514
Birthdays Today:
Eddie Guerrero, 1967
Tony Shalhoub, 1953
Scott Bakula, 1954
Sharon Osbourne, 1952
Jackson Browne, 1948
John Entwistle, 1944
Brian Lamb, 1941
John Lennon, 1940
Jacques Tati, 1908
Bruce, Catton, 1899
Camille Saint-Saens, 1835
Mary Ann Shadd Cary, 1823 (with her husband, the first black newspaper
publishers in the US)
Robert de Sorbon, 1201 (founded Sorbonne University, Paris)
Today in History:
Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (somewhere in New England or Nova Scotia, possibly?), 1000
Leif Ericson lands in L'Anse aux Meadows, Canada, a definitive European landing in the "New World", 1003
The Korean Hangual alphabet is devised, 1446
Founder of Rhode Island Roger Williams is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a religious dissident after he speaks out against punishments for religious offenses and giving away Native American land, 1635
Collegiate School of CT (Yale University) is chartered in New Haven, 1701
Father Francisco Palou founds Mission San Francisco de Asis in what is now San Francisco, California, 1776
City of Hobart, Tasmania, founded, 1804
Official opening of the University of Ghent, 1817
Isaac Singer patents the sewing machine motor, 1855
Joshua Stoddard of Worcester, Mass., patents the first Calliope, 1855
The first US underground pipeline for carrying oil is laid in Pennsylvania, 1865
Aaron Montgomery starts the mail order business that will later become Montgomery Ward, 1872
The Universal Postal Union is created as part of the Treaty of Berne, 1874
The first 2-way telephone conversation over outdoor wires occurs, 1876
Washington Monument opens to the public, 1888
Woodrow Wilson becomes the first US president to attend a World Series Game, 1915
National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) forms, 1926
Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to L.A., 1936
A day after being captured, Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara is executed for attempting to incite a revolution in Bolivia, 1967
The Khmer Republic is proclaimed in Cambodia, 1970
Abolition of capital punishment in France, 1981
A 13 kilogram (est.) fragment of the Peekskill meteorite lands in the driveway of the Knapp residence in Peekskill, New York, destroying the family's 1980 Chevrolet Malibu, 1992
North Korea allegedly tests its first nuclear device, 2006
First lunar impact of the Centaur and LCROSS spacecrafts as part of NASA's Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
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