Blaire called to ask a favor, and of course i said yes.
Three kittens, not bottle feeds. Very, very shy. Almost ghost cats, they hide from everyone and everything.
They are still young enough to be socialized and trained, although they will never be great to adopt into a huge family.
We will spend the greater part of the next several days lugging them around with us everywhere, making sure they get used to people, trying to get them to quit hiding all of the time.
Wish us luck.
Today is:
Calli (House) Day -- Aztec Calendar (a good day for all things hearth and home and family. a bad day to participate in public life; date approximate, but soon after the solstice)
Constitution Day -- Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Doody Day -- the premier in 1947 of the first successful children's TV show, "Howdy Doody"
International Sahara Festival -- Douz, Tunisia (through Jan. 2)
Kwanzaa, Day 2, Self-Determination
Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day -- internet generated, with Christmas over, you need to do winter decorations
Modern Medicine Day -- birth of Louis Pasteur
National Fruitcake Day -- unless, of course, you are like me and have spent your last several days with fruitcake relatives, at which point you get a day off from fruitcakes! ;D
St. Fabiola's Day
St. John the Divine's Day (Patron of Turkey; writers; against poison)
St. Stephen's Day -- Eastern Orthodox, a public holiday in Romania
Third Day of Christmas
Unfairies' Gathering -- Fairy Calendar
Visit the Zoo Day -- don't know who put this one in the middle of winter, but there it is
Watch the Children Day -- internet generated, a day to take a page from the book of the young and remember how to play like a child
Birthdays Today:
Heather O'Rourke, 1975
Bill Goldberg, 1966
Gerard Depardieu, 1948
Cokie Roberts, 1943
John Amos, 1939
Oscar Levant, 1906
Marlene Dietrich, 1901
Sydney Greenstreet, 1879
Louis Pasteur, 1822
Johannes Kepler, 1571
Today in History:
The Hagia Sofia of Constantinople is completed, 537
The Spanish Crown issues the Laws of Burgos, governing the conduct of settlers with regards to native Indians in the New World, 1512
The first public railroad using steam locomotive completed in England, 1825
Charles Darwin embarks on his journey aboard the HMS Beagle, 1831
Worst English avalanche kills 8 of 15 buried in Lewes Sussex, 1836
Ether is first used in childbirth in US, in Jefferson, Ga., 1845
The world's first cat show is held at the Crystal Palace, London, 1871
Carrie Nation's first public smashing of a bar, at the Carey Hotel, Wichita, Kansas, 1900
Unsuccessful attempt on prince-regent Hirohito of Japan, 1923
Stalin's faction wins All-Union Congress in USSR, Trotsky is expelled, 1927
Radio City Music Hall opened in New York City, 1932
The Shah of Persia declares Persia is now Iran, 1934
The World Bank was created with the signing of an agreement by 28 nations, 1945
Apollo 8 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean, ending the first orbital manned mission to the Moon, 1968
The People's Republic of China is granted permanent normal trade relations with the United States, 2001
Radiation from an explosion on the magnetar SGR 1806-20 reaches Earth. It is the brightest extrasolar event known to have been witnessed on the planet, 2004
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated, 2007
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
I LOVE your kind heart.
ReplyDeletenow---pictures? please??
You'll do it. They'll be climbing up legs and getting into things just like they should, in no time.
ReplyDeleteI know you'll do a fine job. Those pussycats are lucky to have you.
ReplyDeleteCarla, i'd have to learn to take pics, then buy the gizmos to post it, and get someone to teach me. Hoping to do that, maybe soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, all of you.
Kittens have the most... unique qualities when they are that way. I have seen them just about climb walls when they are that spooky. I wish you well, and no major blood loss if they panic... eep.
Thank you, Cat. They are jumpy, but don't seem into bloodshed right now.