Because people know i work in cat rescue, they often feel they can simply drop animals on me and expect me to take care of them. These people are called "irresponsible idiots."
One such stray was dropped on us recently. She's a sweet little girl, about 6-7 months old, and kept trying to get into the house. Thus i knew she wasn't feral, just cold and hungry.
To protect our own cats from anything she might have (and she at least has fleas and diarrhea), we set her up with a shelter out of doors and plenty of food and water.
Today, at my expense because the cat rescue can't take her yet, she is going to the vet to at least get a test for disease and medication for the diarrhea so i can let her in the house. The rescue will get her in the program early next year, but until then, we are it.
Last night, we brought her in and put her in the isolation cage so i would be able to get her when it was time for the appointment. (Five of the kittens were going in for surgery at the same time.)
Here she is, in the arms of #1 Son:
She's a sweet little tabby thing, and doesn't hiss at the other cats, but she did knock over the neighbor's parakeet cage that they had put outdoors so the birds could get some sun on one of the nicest days we've had in a while. So she can't be left outdoors to make mischief, and that means another foster cat for us.
Today is:
Acadian Remembrance Day -- Acadians of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
Count the La's in "Deck the Halls" Day -- just so you can say you know
Feast of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (goddess of joy, feminine love, and motherhood; date approximate)
Fetes de l'Escalade -- Geneva, Switzerland (Scaling, or Climbing Day; celebrating the defeat of the Duke of Savoy's troops; through Sunday)
Fiesta de Santo Thomas -- Chichicastenango, Guatemala (week long festival celebrating the town's Patron Saint that includes the Palo Volador dance, where men hang by ropes from 30 meter poles, spinning and swinging)
Ice Cream and Violins Day -- another of those silly made up holidays that no one can trace, but would be fun to celebrate. Get yourself a bowl of buttered pecan or rum raisin -- if you are going to celebrate, do it in style -- and put in a Mozart or Bach CD, and enjoy!
Icelandic Yuletide Lad of the Day, Giljagaur -- Gully Oaf, who tries to sneak in the cowshed and skim the cream from the pails of milk
Ides of December -- Ancient Roman Calendar; other observance
Festival for Tellus -- a/k/a Tellura or Tellus Mater, the personification of the earth's productive powers
Jum ir-Repubblika -- Malta (Republic Day)
National Day -- Santa Lucia
National Salesperson's Day -- US (begun by Maura Schreier-Fleming)
New Calendar Day -- time to get the 2014 model, unless you contribute to so many charities you are already flooded with them
Peace Day -- Korea (the fighting stopped in 1953, but the Koreas didn't sign a formal nonaggression pact until this day in 1991)
Runic Half-month Jara commences (fruition)
St. Herman of Alaska (Orthodox Church Patron of the Americas)
St. Jodocus' Day (Patron of boatmen, harvests, mariners, sailors, watermen; against fever, fire, storms, and shipwrecks)
Saint Lucy's Day (Patron of authors, blind people, cutlers, glaziers, laborers, martyrs, peasants, saddlers, salesmen, sore eyes/eye problems, sore throats, stained glass workers; Begijnendijk, Flemish Brabant, Belgium; Conzano, Italy; Mtarfa, Malta; Perugia, Italy; Santa Lucia di Piave, Italy; Syracuse, Sicily, Italy; Villa Santa Lucia, Latium, Italy; against blindness, dysentery, epidemics, eye diseases, hemorraghes)
Feast of the Light-bringer -- honoring Juno Lucina (Roman goddess of light) and Lucia (Old Swedish goddess of light), all now merged with St. Lucy
Little Yule a/k/a Luciadagen or Santa Lucia (Festival of Lights in many parts of Scandinavia, honoring St. Lucia.)
Thorn Cutting Ceremony -- Glastonbury, Somerset, England (a sprig from the tree supposedly planted by Joseph of Arimathea is cut, with great ceremony by the eldest child of St John’s Infant School, and sent to the Queen, to decorate her table on Christmas Day)
Unreturned Library Book Sale -- Fairy Calendar (Imps)
Birthdays Today:
Taylor Swift, 1989
Amy Lee, 1981
Tom DeLonge, 1975
Christie Clark, 1973
Jamie Foxx, 1967
Steve Buscemi, 1958
Wendie Malick, 1950
Ted Nugent, 1949
John Davidson, 1941
Aga Khan IV, 1936
Christopher Plummer, 1929
Dick Van Dyke, 1925
Archie Moore, 1913
Kenneth Patchen, 1911
Mary Todd Lincoln, 1818
Heinrich Heine, 1797
Debuting/Premiering Today:
The Susan B. Anthony Dollar(USD coin), 1978
"Alice's Restaurant"(Song and Album), 1969
"An American In Paris"(Symphony), 1928
Today in History:
The Council of Trent opens, 1545
Sir Francis Drake sets sail from England to circumnavigate the globe, 1577
Emperor Ferdinanad II delegates the first Anti-Reformation decree, 1621
The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes 3 militias which are today seen as the founding of the United States National Guard, 1636
Dutch navigator Abel Tasman becomes the first European to land in New Zealand, 1642
Dartmouth College in New Hampshire is chartered, 1769
Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" is published, sells 6,000 copies, 1843
Italo Marcioni patents an ice cream cone, 1903
The Relay 1 communication satellite is launched, 1962
Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt begin the third and final Extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or "Moonwalk" of Apollo 17, 1972
The European Union announces that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia will become members from May 1, 2004, 2002
Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is captured, 2003
The Baiji, or Chinese River Dolphin, is announced as extinct, 2006
Friendly Fill-Ins Week 461
9 hours ago
Irresponsible idiots is right. Bless their hearts. Actually, bless your hearts for being a family that cares. About each other and those precious kitties.
ReplyDeleteHave a purrfect Feline Friday. ♥♥♥
Aww! she's cute I agree with Sandee they are irresponsible idiots you do a great job in caring for them hope all goes well at the vets :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a kittytastic weekend :-)
She does look like a sweetie. Idiots yes, but her former owners did her a big favor by bringing her to you.
ReplyDeleteMimi- you are an angel to help out all those kitties. Wish we lived closer as I would be helping you! Here in California there is a $1000 fine for abandoning an animal.
ReplyDeleteHave a sweet day!
I don't understand why people get animals if they aren't prepared to look after them. Idiots is right. She's such a sweet looking little girl
ReplyDeleteThat is a cute kitty. You do such a wonderful job rescuing animals that people depend on you.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Aww, what a nice little tabby. I do love a tabby cat. So sad how people leave pets. You are awesome for taking her in. I need to befriend St. Lucy!
ReplyDeletesome cat's just can't help gitting into mischief they are just that way.