It's been a crazy week, and crazy gives me lots of opportunities to be thankful.
The insurance company finally got us a rental car for a few days. It has been a blessing simply having an extra vehicle, and it will be a big help today.
Today i was supposed to go help Mr. B start organizing his workshop. We've been planning for a while that i would start helping him a couple of Saturday mornings a month, and the last several weeks something has always interfered. This was going to be the day, but then he and his wife ended up having to be out of town.
It's a blessing in disguise, as instead of helping him for the whole morning, i'm only going over there for a little while to feed cats and scoop boxes, and i have the rest of the day free.
Yesterday Grandma called in tears, as she finally lost her precious dog, Sadie. Because i only have to work for an hour instead of half a day, and because we have the rental car, i can get to NOLA to visit her, she needs it.
Grandma and Grandpa also didn't sit around and wait, they have already adopted another dog, and i'm thankful i will get to meet Lulu today as well.
Hello, Lulu! |
Some extra work was squeezed in this week so we were able to afford flea treatment for the cats, and just in time, too.
Yesterday had a really nutty event. Every Friday morning, i go into the church at 6:02am, after i am sure the alarm has shut off (it shuts off at 6am, i wait two minutes to be certain), to make coffee for the 6:30am Bible study group. It has worked great until yesterday, when for some reason the alarm had not shut off.
The alarm sounded for over 30 minutes. No calls from the alarm company, either to the church or to one of the pastors or maintenance people to let them know the alarm had been tripped. No police showed up. Nothing until someone from Bible study who had the right phone numbers called the head of maintenance and got the code to shut off the alarm. As annoying as the whole event is, i'm thankful because now we know our alarm is useless and somebody in charge up there can take steps to change that.
Ms. G, always a source of both work and amusement, blessed us with towels this week. As with flatware and bowls and cups, towels pull a disappearing act around here and i never have quite enough of them. The towel shelf is full again!
Another crazy happening for which i'm very thankful, the Jalopy has quit making the noise that had us thinking we were looking at a big expense soon. It may still happen, but for now, no noise is good noise.
Two of my cleaning clients are moving, and i'm thankful they've both decided i am moving with them. In one case it means helping with packing and all the insanity that is moving, but it's worth it.
It's spring, and the weather is still cool enough that we're surviving without the A/C. That's not just crazy, it's a miracle for which i'm very thankful!
The best crazy of all is that, for the most part, all is well in this old house.
That's a lot of thankful in some odd and crazy circumstances. List your thankfuls and link up with the Ten Things of Thankful today, you won't regret it.
Today is:
Anniversary of the Arengo and the Feast of the Militants -- San Marino
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary -- Roman Catholic Christian
Lady Day/Quarter Day -- England; Ireland; Wales (traditional New Year's Day)
Varfrudagen -- Sweden (waffle day)
Daylight Saving Time begins -- Palestinian Territories
Day of the Shining Ones of Heaven move Upstream -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)
Earth Hour -- 8:30pm-9:30pm, your local time; turn off your lights to take a stand against climate change
Festival of King Amenhotep I -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (rituals depicting his death and burial, performed for the Deir-el-Medina workforce; date approximate)
Hilaria -- Ancient Roman Empire ("Day of Joy", honoring Attis)
Independence Day -- Cyprus; Greece(1821)
International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade -- UN
International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members -- UN
International Waffle Day -- based on Sweden's tradition of having waffles on Annunciation Day
Maha Shivaratri -- Hindu (festival of Shiva; local observances and government official days off will vary)
Medal of Honor Day -- US (first one awarded this date in 1963)
Mother's Day -- Slovenia
National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy -- Greece; US
National Lobster Newburg Day
National Pecan Day -- anniversary of George Washington's planting of Pecan trees at Mt. Vernon in 1775
National Waffle Day -- possibly also International Waffle Day, depends on the site you search
Numbskulls and Clodhoppers' Dance -- Fairy Calendar (i know a couple of people who qualify on both counts; i need to find out how to buy tickets!)
Old New Year's Day -- until 1751, British Empire
Revolution Day -- Greece (anniversary of the revolt against the Ottoman Empire in 1821)
Sacrifice to Kronos -- Ancient Greek Calendar (private sacrifices to Kronos; date approximate)
St. Dismas' Day ("Dismas" is the name given to the unnamed "Thief on the Cross", crucified next to Jesus according to Biblical accounts, and who repented; Patron of condemned/death row prisoners, funeral directors/undertakers, penitent criminals, prisoners, reformed thieves; Merizo, Guam)
Struggle for Human Rights Day -- Slovakia
The Tichborne Dole - in Alresford, Hampshire, UK; since 1150, a gallon of flour is given to every resident by the Tichborne family head on this day, to avoid a curse
Tolkien Reading Day -- sponsored by The Tolkien Society on the anniversary of the fall of Sauron
Birthdays Today:
Danica Patrick, 1982
Lee Pace, 1979
Sheryl Swoopes, 1971
Sarah Jessica Parker, 1965
Marcia Cross, 1962
John Stockwell, 1961
Mary Gross, 1953
Paul Miles, 1952
Bonnie Bedelia, 1948
Elton John, 1947
Bonnie Bedelia, 1946
Paul Michael Glaser, 1943
Aretha Franklin, 1942
Anita Bryant, 1940
Gloria Steinem, 1934
James Lovell, 1928
Eileen Ford, 1922
Simone Signoret, 1921
Howard Cosell, 1920
Norman Borlaug, 1940
David Lean, 1908
Bela Bartok, 1881
Arturo Toscanini, 1867
Gutzon Borglum, 1867
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"Barrymore"(Play), 1997
"Cagney & Lacey"(TV), 1982
Today in History:
The first Easter, according to calendar-maker Dionysius Exiguus, 31
According to legend, Venice, Italy is born today at noon, 421
Richard I is wounded by a crossbow bolt while fighting France, leading to his death on April 6, 1199
Robert the Bruce becomes King of Scotland, 1306
Sir Walter Raleigh renews Humphrey Gilbert's patent to explore North America, 1584
Henry Hudson embarks on an exploration for Dutch East India Co., 1609
Lord Baltimore founds Catholic colony of Maryland, 1634
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is discovered by Christian Huygens, 1655
Mount Etna in Sicily erupts, destroying Nicolosi, killing 20,000, 1669
The Slave Trade Act becomes law, abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire, 1807
The Swansea and Mumbles Railway in England, then known as the Oystermouth Railway, becomes the first passenger carrying railway in the world, 1807
Percy Bysshe Shelley is expelled from the University of Oxford for publishing the pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism, 1811
Greeks revolt against the Ottoman Empire, beginning the Greek War of Independence, 1821
In New York City, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills 146 garment workers, leading to factory reform laws, 1911
The Georgian Orthodox Church restores its autocephaly abolished by Imperial Russia in 1811, 1917
The first successful tornado forecast predicts that a tornado will strike Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, 1948
The European Economic Community is established (West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), 1957
Canada's Avro Arrow makes its first flight, 1958
Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King, Jr. successfully complete their 4-day 50-mile march from Selma to the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, 1965
The first fully functional space shuttle orbiter, Columbia, is delivered to the John F. Kennedy Space Center to be prepared for its first launch, 1979
The world's first wiki, a part of the Portland Pattern Repository, is made public by Ward Cunningham, 1995
The European Union's Veterinarian Committee bans the export of British beef and its by-products as a result of mad cow disease, 1996
Protesters demanding a new election in Belarus, following the rigged Belarusian presidential election, clash with riot police, 2006
In southwest China, environmental and health concerns among residents are raised when 1,000 dead ducks pulled from the Sichuan River, 2013
I like this post because it makes me want to list things I am thankful about too. I try to do this often but sometimes need a bit of reminding! Enjoy your weekend
ReplyDeleteI am sorry about your grandparents' dog, but I am glad they kept their heart open for another rescue. That is sweet of you to go make coffee so early in the morning. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteYou are almost always able to see a positive. You should be thankful for that also.
ReplyDeleteWOW! It seems that you really had heavy week. Now is the time to rest. Sorry about Grandma's dog. For many people, it's like losing a member of your family and it is.
ReplyDeleteNext Saturday I take out my Camaro, zoom, zoom. I have to take it first to everything checked and fix the tire. There is is screw in the front tire. I hope it won't cost me a great deal
Have a great Saturday Mimi. See ya.
Cruisin Paul
Wow, what a week indeed. Someone at the church needs to change their alarm companies. Good grief.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the loss of Grandma and Grandpa's dog. I know this pain. Big healing hugs for the both of them.
I'm glad all is well in your neck of the woods.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺
Lulu looks like a happy and curious pup. It's amazing how a small thing like a free afternoon and a rental car help to make a needed visit possible. I'd look up and say thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteThis certainly was a crazy, jumbled up week for you! I am so grateful that your clients, the insurance, and the good Lord worked things out so that you could go to NOLA for a visit today. How wonderful that your grandparents used the hole in their hearts to make room for another furkid in need of a a forever home!
ReplyDeleteAbout five minutes of our security alarm blaring is all I can endure, so I can imagine that by the time you got that one shut off you were wishing to be deaf! It is a blessing that you found out this way that no one was responding though. It could have been a far worse situation if someone had broken in and caused damage to the church.
I am thankful that your vehicle issues are working out for the time being, that is always an ongoing concern I know, and that it's been cool enough to do without AC for now. We are headed to your part of the country at the end of next week, and I'm hopeful the weather will still be reasonably mild with no major storms!
I am not at all surprised that your clients chose to take your services with them to their new homes, I am certain you are both a joy and a blessing in their lives, just as you are in ours! XOXO
Thanks for making me reflect on the things I'm grateful for.
ReplyDeleteLots of things to be thankful for :) I'm sorry your grandma lost her dog, but how lovely that they have Lulu :)
ReplyDeleteGood List... you had me at "...crazy gives me lots of opportunities to be thankful."
ReplyDeleteDon't know what it is about that line, but I totally like it.
Bad to hear about someone's dog dying, better to hear that another has stepped in (as much as thats possible), one more example of how dogs are perfect lifeforms.
Hi Lulu. Pets have so much love and joy to give. I can't blame grandma and grandpa.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I took my van to the shop, I had a rental for a day also from the shop. My teens said it was ugly (it is old and dirty green) but it worked and I gave them both a ride. It is hard not having a car even for a day.
I spent my morning with guide dog puppies--labs and golden retrievers--and Lulu looks like some of the pups I saw today. I'm sorry about Sadie, but know your grandparents will have lots of fun with Lulu!
ReplyDeleteWow what a list! I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Sadie but sounds like the found a replacement. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAh, thanks for the reminder to get treatments for my cat and dog. The cat is indoors but my dog goes outside and I have to watch. I was aware of Tolkien Reading Day. Love it.
ReplyDeleteOh my, 30 minutes of the alarm must have driven the neighbors crazy. Glad no one had broken into the church.
ReplyDeleteTowels and tablecloths sometimes seem to disappear only to be returned later after someone has taken them home to launder them. In the meantime it is problematic for those needing them.
Glad you could go spend some times with your Grandma and with Nola. We have had some black labs in the past. They are such great companions.
Sorry about Sadie, but welcome Lulu into their hearts! Terrific!
ReplyDeleteCan't imagine dealing with 30 minutes of alarm. Glad that got resolved.
I love this part of your post best... "The best crazy of all is that, for the most part, all is well in this old house." Yes. It is indeed good when all is well.