Friday, January 28, 2022

Sweet Little Girlie (Feline Friday), Friendly Fill-Ins, and Monthly Poetry Group


Feline Friday was started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude, and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He has handed hosting duties off to Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's simple to join, just follow the link to Sandee's page for the rules and the code.

 Today i am featuring our Little Girlie, who at age 16 crossed to the Rainbow Bridge this past week.  She will be missed, especially by her daddy.



Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I get my _________ from _________.

2. It's a good thing _________.

3. _________ required me to muster a lot of courage.

4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now _________.

1. I get my   best ideas  from   driving, when i can’t write them down of course.

2. It's a good thing   i’m not afraid of giving shots, because Dansig is now on twice daily insulin.

3. Starting my own business cleaning houses  required me to muster a lot of courage.

4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now   am starting to make headway on getting debts paid off.


Today is the Monthly Poetry Group, hosted by Karen at Baking in a Tornado.  The theme is Your Favorite Childhood TV Show.

When i was just a wee thing

A-playing in a pen

Before i could even talk straight

Or count from one to ten

There was a special show

And i’d try to say the name,

But i simply couldn’t do it,

Adults played a guessing game.

It was my very favorite

Though i couldn’t say it right,

Then one day when it came on,

How i yelled with great delight!

After that they knew

Though i said it with disfunction,

My very favorite TV show

Was simply Petticoat Junction!

Don't forget to go read poems by the other participants:     

Karen at Baking in a Tornado 

Diane at On the Border   


Today is:

Army Day -- Armenia

Big Garden Birdwatch -- UK (sponsored by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; through Sunday) 

Data Privacy Day -- International

Festival of the Lenaia to Dionysus -- Ancient Greek Calendar, end January through early February

Fun At Work Day -- inject laughter and fun into your workplace (if you dare); some sites have this as a national or international day, and dates given vary, but my warning stands if you decide to celebrate this at all

Jackhammer Day -- US (the pneumatic jackhammer was patented this day in 1894 by Charles Brady King of Detroit, MI)

National Blueberry Pancake Day

National Kazoo Day -- because anyone can play one!

National Preschool Fitness Day  

National Spieling Day -- internet generated, and whatever your area of expertise, spiel about it today

Rinkydinks Annual Snowball Fight -- Fairy Calendar

Runic Half-month Elhaz (elk) commences

St. Charlemagne's Day (Patron of the University of Paris)

St. Thomas Aquinas's Day (Patron of academics, apologists, book sellers, chastity, colleges, learning, pencil makers, philosophers, publishers, scholars, schools, students, theologians, universities; Aquino, Italy; Belcastro, Italy; Falerna, Italy; University of Vigo; all Catholic academies, schools, and universities; against lightning, storms)

Telephone Exchange Day -- US (the first telephone exchange was set up in New Haven, CT with 22 subscribers on this day in 1878)

Anniversary Today:

Adoption of the Great Seal of the United States, 1782

Birthdays Today:

Elijah Wood, 1981

Nick Carter, 1980

Joey Fatone, Jr. 1977

Kathryn Morris, 1969

Sarah McLachlan, 1968

Harley Jane Kozak, 1957

Nicolas Sarkozy, 1955

Rick Warren, 1954

John Beck, 1943

Susan Howard, 1943

Alan Alda, 1936

Susan Sontag, 1933

Claes Oldenburg, 1929

Jackson Pollack, 1912

Robert Stroud, 1890 (The Birdman of Alcatraz)

Arthur Rubenstein, 1887

Auguste Piccard, 1884

Jean Felix Piccard, 1884

Colette, 1873

Jose' Marti, 1853

Henry Morton Stanley, 1841

Alexander Mackenzie, 1822

Peter the Great of Russia, 1775

St. Thomas Aquinas, 1225

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Fantasy Island"(TV), 1978

"Barnaby Jones"(TV), 1973

"Symphony No. 1/Jeremiah"(Bernstein), 1944

Today in History:

The Walk to Canossa: The excommunication of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor is lifted by Pope Gregory VIII, 1077

The first Crusaders begins siege of Hosn-el-Akrad Syria, 1099

Pope Alexander VI gives his son Cesare Borgia as hostage to Charles VIII of France, 1495

Edward VI, age nine, succeeds his father Henry VIII as king of England, 1547

By the Edict of Orleans, the persecution of French Huguenots is suspended, 1561

Articles of the Warsaw Confederation are signed, sanctioning freedom of religion in Poland, 1573

Sir Thomas Warner found the first British colony in the Caribbean, on St. Kitts, 1624

The Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great, and implemented in the Senate decree (it was called St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences until 1917), 1724

Horace Walpole, in a letter to Horace Mann, coins the word serendipity, 1754

London's Pall Mall is the first street lit by gaslight, 1807

Pride and Prejudice is first published in the United Kingdom, 1813

The first locomotive runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean on the Panama Railway, 1855

In a snowstorm at Fort Keogh, Montana, the world's largest snowflakes are reported, being 15 inches (38 cm) wide and 8 inches (20 cm) thick, 1887

Walter Arnold of East Peckham, Kent became the first person to be convicted of speeding in an automobile. He is fined 1 shilling, plus costs, for speeding at 8 mph (13 km/h), thus exceeding the contemporary speed limit of 2 mph (3.2 km/h), 1896

The Carnegie Institution is founded in Washington, D.C. with a $10 million gift from Andrew Carnegie, 1902

An act of the U.S. Congress creates the United States Coast Guard, 1915

The first Jewish  US Supreme Court justice, Louis Brandeis, appointed by Wilson, 1916

A symbolic Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is installed beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris to honor the unknown dead of World War I, 1921

The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhary Rehmat Ali Khan and is accepted by the Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence, 1933

The Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today, 1958

The current design of the Flag of Canada is chosen by an act of Parliament, 1965

Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region, 1984

Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief, 1985

Space Shuttle Challenger breaks apart after liftoff killing all seven astronauts on board, 1986

Hundreds of thousands of protesters filled up the Egyptian's streets in demonstrations referred to as "Friday of Anger" against the Mubarak regime, 2011

DNA analysis confirms that the 6th C Plague of Justinian was caused by a variant of Yersinia pestis, which is the same bacteria for the Black Death, 2014

Seven survivors from the missing Kiribati ferry carrying 100 people are rescued after week at sea, 2018

A draft framework for a peace agreement to end the 17-year conflict in Afghanistan is agreed upon by US and Afghan negotiators, 2019


  1. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost another furry family member.
    Hooray for making headway on paying down debt.

  2. Oh so sorry to hear that bless her and my best wishes to you :-(

    You should be proud of yourself with your cleaning business

    Have a shotstastic weekend 👍

  3. You are a brave and inspiring person.

    God bless.

  4. I am sorry you have lost Little Girlie, she was very pretty.
    I get my best ideas when I lie awake at night.

  5. Love your favorite childhood show, although I have to admit that was a surprise.
    And I'm very sorry, Mimi, for your loss.

  6. I'm so sorry Little Girlie went to the bridge. Big healing hug.

    Love your fill-ins. Paying off debt is a wonderful thing. Hubby and I were so in debt when we got together. We both had exes that would spend, spend and spend some more. We are now debt free.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  7. You write good poems. Have a good weekend.

  8. Sorry for your loss.
    I love your poem - as always :D
    I get the best ideas in bathtub or walking.

  9. So sorry about Little Girlie ~ sweet kitty photos and lovely fill ins ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Brilliant rhymes here! And I LOVED that show! Listened to the video and all sorts of memories surfaced!
    I'm so sorry about your sweet little kitty. She's happily curled up in the Saviour's lap now...

  11. we are very sorry to learn of little girlie ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥ may God speed your journey to heaven ♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~ she is a beautiful cat ^,,^

  12. I am so sorry for the loss of Little Girlie, she was beautiful. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry you have to give insulin shots, but glad you can do it to extend Dansig's life. XO

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Little Girlie, we understand, it's never easy and so very sad. Hugs from all of us. Those were good fill-in answers too.

  14. Oh Mimi- I am so sad to read about Little is always too soon. Your poem is delightful .... we did not have TV until I was 10- I was hooked on weekend radio shows like The Lone Ranger and Only the Shadow Knows and more! We only got the TV so we could watch the Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth....history in the making! Have a sweet weekend and hugs to your sweetie and Little Girls daddy.

  15. We send purrayers to those who gave a Little Girlie sized whole in their hearts! She was loved. We also LOVE your fill-ins. #4 is difficult. But I'm glad I did it even though I had to work 2 years extra, it was worth it. I send you strength, I know you can.


  16. 1. I get my hair from my mum.
    2. It's a good think I like the waves and curls
    3. Making second husband leave required me to muster a lot of courage.
    4. My younger self would be proud to know that now I can handle just about anything.

    I am sorry to hear Girlie has crossed the bridge.
    I like your poem.

  17. Mimi,

    I'm sorry to read that Little Girlie crossed the Rainbow Bridge this week. It's sad to loose a beloved furry member of the family. Great poetry and I liked reading your fill-ins. It's a great feeling to knock debt in the head, isn't it? Have a good weekend, my dear!

  18. Oh Sweet Little Girlie. She was a precious one and I know you were grateful for the time you had with her. I dislike having to let sweet fur babies go. Makes us so sad. I love all your postings each day. As a child Thomas Aquinas and Augustine of Canterbury were two of my three favorite people to learn about. The other Blaise Paschal. He Fascinated me with his Mathematical knowledge as it was a tough subject for me. Somehow I prevailed. :-) Thank you for the wonderful posts here again, I truly love them all.


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