Thursday, June 27, 2024

Doggie Smarts (Six Sentence Story)


Mimi had gotten in the habit, when puttering around in the Six Sentence Cafe and Bistro kitchen while Hūnga was in there, of speaking to the dog the same way she would talk to anyone else.

She knew he might have trouble understanding certain words, but she also knew he spoke "human" well enough to understand the intent and would have pitted his vocabulary against that of many so-called educated people who couldn't talk a lick of sense.

"The frequency with which you have to take puppies out for potty breaks is inversely proportional to the number of piddle accidents you want to clean on any day," she was saying, "but as for you, my grown-up dog friend, you have sense to use your dog door if you grow desperate enough not to wait for your daily constitutional."

Hūnga was watching her but listening beyond the room they were in, and when he heard a tell-tale sound, his whole back end began to wag as it always did when he was excited about something; Mimi noticed it and reached for the leash and harness.

As the Gatekeeper came through the swinging door, Hūnga launched himself at the man who was ready for it and you couldn't have told which was the more excited at the meeting, man or dog.

As Mimi smiled mischievously and handed the man the dog's gear, she teasingly told Hūnga, "You should be flattered, Hūnga, no person born can command this man but he bows to your every whim," and she heard the Gatekeeper still laughing as he and the dog went out the door for their walk.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Frequency.      



  1. That's a really great six sentence story :)

  2. Nice description of the relationship between Hunga and the Gatekeeper in the last sentence. I like how only Hunga can control him.

  3. I think every dog has his/her Gatekeeper wrapped around their furry paw. My pup most definitely did.

  4. Twinkle Toes has the coolest paws ever and the perfect name! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Delightful! I always like to see the Gatekeeper and Hūnga.

  6. Great story. A true bond between a human and a furry makes communication so easy and in the subtlest of ways.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Great story ~ you are so creative and don't know how you do all you do ~ Wow! ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. damn!*
    (got behind on the week... need to get my-ownself back to that Café and visit a spell)

    *compliment on an engaging Six that reminds me of how fortunate I am to have access to the blogosphere in general and a certain Café, in particular

  9. Beautifully written, Mimi. Loved it. As for the last sentence - absolute truth. Excellent Café Six.


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