Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Exercise, Hidden Cheesecake and VBS, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl was back at work this week, but as in the past several, he didn't have to go in until 9am.

That means getting him up and out of his room to go sleep in his sleep chair in the living room, which means hoping he gets back up early enough to get the sheets/pillowcases/pajamas he absolutely has to have with him to sleep comfortably back in time for them to be washed.

It worked out well this week, he was back in his room to brush his teeth and shower relatively early, so he  may have gotten a really good night's sleep.

Although there were signs the previous week had been rough.

The three hangers had fallen between the bed and the wall.  The other seven were still in the bed.  Yes, of course, he goes to sleep with the hangers from his clothes in the bed.  He took the clothes off the hangers and wore them, and the hangers got dropped on the bed when he was finished with them, where else would they be?

Put them back in the closet?  Whatever for?

He came back into the room and told me, "I went to mass yesterday."

At the Catholic church? i asked, and he nodded, his eyes wide.

It's a bit different from what you are used to, isn't it? i asked, and again he nodded.

Someday we might have time for him to ask me his questions, but yesterday he was too busy running in place and doing push-ups at odd times in the middle of the floor.

"I need more exercise," he told me as i told him to go ahead and shower.

He headed in there, i showed him how he had everything he needed and told him not to come out undressed, and he popped back out immediately to start dealing with receipts on his counter.

My job, i told him, and he said, "But there's one with a phone number..."

I don't throw away any with writing on them, i told him, and he nodded and went in to shower.

Later, i noticed he didn't put on the pants i'd given him but traded them for a different pair.

When i asked him why, he said, "Those were darker!"  I'll have to remember the difference between darker khaki pants and lighter khaki pants.

He still didn't have shoes on, so i found the pair along with socks i'd put in the bathroom for him.  "Funky shoes!  Smell funky!" he said, and grabbed his spray foot powder, giving them a liberal dosing of it.  I left for the main kitchen to get his lunch packed while the smell dissipated.

As he ate, and came back and forth into the room as i cleaned, he discussed what's on his mind now.

"The library programs have changed, the pattern, I have to figure out when stuff is now."

He went on about something else i couldn't quite catch and ended it with, "There's all kinds of crazy stuff out there, what are you gonna do?"

At one point, as he tried to tell me something while brushing his teeth, i only caught the word, "Birthday."

Then he said something about VBS (Vacation Bible School).  I told him it was last week and he was quite disappointed.  Next year i must tell him in advance so he can get a day off and go volunteer to help.  He'd love to do it.

While packing his lunch, i noticed an open can of Fanta orange soda in his fridge, spilled, of course.

I brought it to the main kitchen where he was eating and told him he needed to buy only the drinks in plastic bottles with lids.  He was quite disappointed there was only a small amount of the soda left in the can.

Right before he left for work, he said something about Father's Day and grabbed the gift he'd bought several weeks earlier.

I asked why he hadn't given it to his dad the day before, but he looked confused.  He went ahead and set it on the table where his dad would find hit when he got up.

Later, Ms. V explained they were putting off their Father's Day celebration until this coming Friday, when their other son can come in town and celebrate with them.

Once he was gone and i was finishing up cleaning his fridge from the spilled soda, i found evidence he's still buying sugary treats he's not supposed to have.

In the back of the fridge was a half eaten piece of cheesecake.

We can only do what we can.

Meanwhile, VBS funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Autistic Pride Day -- an Aspies for FreedomAspies for Freedom initiative; shifting the view from "disease" to "different"     

Birthday of Cheng Huang -- Taiwan (the gods that are city guardians are celebrated with a procession of actors on stilts doing dragon and lion dances on this 13th day of the fifth moon)

Constitution Day / National Day -- Seychelles

Eid el-Galaa -- Egypt (Evacuation Day; final withdrawal of British this date in 1956)

Foundation Day -- Benguet, Philippines

Going Forth of Neith Along the River -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (goddess of war and hunting; date approximate)

Go Fishing Day -- anniversary of the first American fly-casting tournament this day in 1861 in Utica, NY

Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan -- Taoism (Heavenly Sage Guan Di's Birthday [god of war])

International Picnic Day

International Sushi Day

Inti Raymi Festival -- Cusco, Peru (traditional Inca sun worship festival, through the 24th, which is the biggest and best day)

National Cherry Tart Day

National Splurge Day    

Queen Mother's Birthday -- Cambodia (Ex-Queen Norodom Monineath)

St. Gregory of Fragalata's Day (Patron of Fragalata, Sicily)

St. Osanna Andreasi's Day (Patron of school girls)

Veterinary Appreciation Day -- sometimes listed as Veterinarian Appreciation Day, and supposedly begun by Trupanion, celebrate your favorite vet and the whole team today    

Waterloo Day -- UK (no longer an official holiday, but still of historic importance)

Birthdays Today:

Eddie Cibrian, 1973

Nathan Morris, 1971

Richard Powers, 1957

Carol Kane, 1952

Isabella Rossellini, 1952

Roger Ebert, 1942

Paul McCartney, 1942

Lou Brock, 1939

John D. Rockefeller IV, 1937

Tom Wicker, 1926

Donald Keene, 1922

Red Adair, 1915

Sammy Cahn, 1913

Sylvia Field Porter, 1913

E.G. Marshall, 1910

Bud Collyer, 1908

James Kern "Kay" Kyser, 1905

Jeanette MacDonald, 1903

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicolaievna Romanova of Russia, 1901

George Herbert Leigh Mallory, 1886

Henry Clay Folger, Jr., 1857

E.W. Scripps, 1854

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Archipelago S"(Takemitsu orchestral work), 1993

"Der Freischütz/The Marksman"(Opera, Weber Op. 77, J. 277), 1821

Today in History:

Li Yuan becomes Emperor Gaozu of Tang, initiating three centuries of Tang Dynasty rule over China, 618

Five monks from Canterbury report seeing "two horns of light" on the shaded side of the moon, probably witnessing the meteor impact formation of the Giordano Bruno crater, 1178

The Parliament of Ireland meets at Castledermot in County Kildare, the first definitively known meeting of this Irish legislature, 1264

French forces under the leadership of Joan of Arc defeat the main English army under Sir John Fastolf at the Battle of Patay, 1429

Samuel Wallis, an English sea captain, sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island, 1767

The U.S. Congress  declares war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1812

The Battle of Waterloo leads to Napoleon Bonaparte abdicating the throne of France for the second and last time, 1815

Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russel Wallace that includes nearly identical conclusions about evolution as Darwin's own, prompting Darwin to publish his theory, 1858

Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 (US) for attempting to vote in the prior year's US presidential election, 1873

Empress Dowager Longyu of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families, 1900

Aviator  Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly as a passenger in an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean, 1928

The "Finest Hour" speech is delivered by Winston Churchill, 1940

The Republic of Egypt is declared and the monarchy is abolished, 1953

Governor of Louisiana Earl K. Long is committed to a state mental hospital; he responds by having the hospital's director fired and replaced with a crony who proceeds to proclaim him perfectly sane, 1959

The AIDS epidemic is formally recognized by medical professionals in San Francisco, California, 1981

Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, 1983

Kazakhstan launches its first satellite, KazSat, 2006

Sequoia, IMB's Blue Gene/Q system installed at the Department of Energy becomes the world's fastest supercomputer, 2012

New data reveals that over 280 previously unknown craters exist on the Moon, 2013

King Juan Carlos I of Spain abdicates to make way for his son, Felipe VI, 2014

Pope Francis blames human selfishness for global warming in his encyclical, named "Laudato Si (Be Praised), On the Care of Our Common Home", 2015

A rare magnitude-four earthquake causes a tsunami to hit Nuugaatsiaq in northwestern Greenland, 2017

A world record is set for the greatest duration of a single lightning flash, 17.1 seconds during a thunderstorm over Uruguay and Argentina, according to the World Meteorological Organization, 2020

According to the United Nations refugee agency, a record 1% of the world's population, or 82million people, are now considered "forcibly displaced," 2021


  1. If I slept in a bed with coat hangers I would not sleep well. Cats on the other hand...

  2. He would make for an interesting volunteer, probably just another kid for the teachers to wrangle, but he would enjoy himself.

  3. Was thinking of last visit with grandson, our night owl and getting him moving in the mornings and he too, candy wrappers as evidence. Boys so different than girls. Miss all their energy and entertainment. Sweet! VBS, oh yes! Chuckles.

  4. That Carl is quite the charater and those were terrific funnies!

  5. I love Carl. He's a whirlwind of confusion.

    Love all the funnies. Free daycare is my favorite one.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Carl is fascinating and keeps one busy ~ especially his angel ~ You! ~ great funnies ~ lol ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Lulu: "Our Dada says in his world 'VBS' stands for 'Visual Basic Script' but that a lot of those memes still apply. We aren't sure exactly what he means by that ..."

  8. Allways the smile of the day when I look into your place

  9. Carl certainly keeps you busy. He is quite entertaining to us:). The grands loved VBS when they were little and they have all volunteered at it when they were in middle and high school. A fun week for all.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. So true - All we can do is all we can do! #HappyTuesday (I hope he's ok, it's a little unclear what's wrong....but if he can go to work that must mean improvement?)

  11. Whatever you get paid is not enough for all you do.

  12. Oh, Carl... :)
    Having helped with VBS a few times, I resemble some of those remarks!

  13. Does VBS go for the whole of school vacation time?

  14. Sleeping with coat hangers in bed ... now I understand why he needs a nap. Thank you for the smiles.

  15. One day of Mass, seven days of mess.

    I usually go to MAS on Wednesdays, but it's different than your mass. Ours stands for Memphis Animal Services and a lot of us pray for the dogs in danger of euthanization . . . and do all we can to try to get them rescued, fostered, or adopted. :(


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