After all the work of the last few days, it is happening again.
The main computer goes online, the router seems to be working, the laptop is doing well, the computer that stays on because of a USB wireless adapter is having to be reconnected, reconfigured, re-whatevered, several times a day.
What I really love is redownloading all the software from the disk and it tells me it can't work, and yet I get online after, while it is saying it doesn't work.
So, another day, another call to tech support (later, after I get some work done this morning).
Part of the work for today is showing the kids, yet again, how to use the dishwasher and washing machines while I am out of town.
They know how to use the stuff, they put items in the dishwasher and know how to sort clothes and measure the powder, it's just that when it is full, I usually start the machines.
I said to #2 Son yesterday that I was going to be talking to them about this stuff today, and he said, "Oh, mom, you know I can't run the washing machine! I don't know what all of those buttons are for!" I said, "Son, you can run the Wii, you can run the washer!"
Like the Navy pilot whose wife, on family day, got to see the inside of the cockpit of his plane. She asks, "So, you know how to use every one of those switches, dials, knobs, buttons, and everything else?" He answered with, "Yes, I have to know what every single one of them does and how to work them all." She gave him The Look and said, "So, how come you tell me you can't figure out the buttons on our washing machine?"
Today is:
Apple Festival
Biosphere Day
Feast of the Divine Light, Egypt
Feast of Kuodor-gup, Siberia (god of riches)
Festival of Nyamuzinda, Zaire (god of famine and epidemics)
Get Out of Town Today Day (Sorry, has to be delayed until Thursday for me.)
Independence Day, Armenia, Belize
International Banana Festival
International Peace Day
Miniature Golf Day
National Pecan Cookie Day
National Women Road Warrior Day
Press Day
St. Matthew's Day
World Gratitude Day
Birthdays Today:
Faith Hill, 1967
Darva conger, 1965
Rob Morrow, 1962
David James Elliot, 1960
Dave Coulier, 1959
Bill Murray, 1950
Stephen King, 1947
Henry Gibson, 1935
Leonard Cohen, 1934
Larry Hagman, 1931
H.G. Wells, 1866
Maurice Barrymore, 1849
Today in History:
Richard the Lionheart captured, 1192
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge, 1451
John and Nicolaas van der Heyden patent a fire extinguisher, 1677
Nathan Hale arrested for spying, 1776
The Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser becomes the first successful US daily newspaper, 1784
Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that the Angel Moroni gives him the gold plates from which he translates the Book of Mormon, 1827
The Duryea Motor Wagon Company becomes the first auto manufacturer, 1895
"Kit Carson", the first cowboy film, premiers in the US, 1903
Publication of Tolkien's "The Hobbit", 1937
Wordless Wednesday
5 hours ago
Good Morning, Best wishes with the children and all those buttons! ha ha Thank you for visiting the new blog - yes, it's been a difficult year with family deaths, sickness etc. and this new blog is a fresh start for me. I notice in your list that it's banana festival today-I have one, lonely banana - guess I'll make the most of it!