If all is going well, yesterday we had a blast visiting these friends, and today we will enjoy most of the day with them, and start to head home this afternoon.
It really does seem rather odd to be writing in advance. Sort of like borrowing time from the future.
I hope, wherever I am today, I am not being beleaguered by calls from the family, desperate for instructions on basic, everyday stuff.
I also hope no disasters come up while I am away. I really need this mini vacation/retreat/what ever it is.
It's either this, and they let me enjoy it for a few days, or I crack and run away from home.
Let's hope they get that.
Today is:
Ancestor Appreciation Day
Cosme e Damiao
Crush a Can Day
Dragonfight Day
Festival of Namakungwe, Zambia (the originator)
Festival of Varuni, India (goddess of wine)
Gold Star Mother's Day
Independence Day, El Salvador
International Rabbit Day
London Bridge Days begin, AZ
Meskel -- Ethiopian/Eritrian Orthodox Christian
National Good Neighbor Day
National Milk Chocolate Day
St. Frumentius' Day
St. Vincent De Paul's Day (patron of Madagascar, hospital workers, prisoners)
World Heart Day
World Tourism Day
Birthdays Today:
Avril Lavigne, 1984
Gwyneth Paltrow, 1972
Sophia Milos, 1965
Shaun Cassidy, 1958
Mike Schmidt, 1949
Wilford Brimley, 1934
Greg Morris, 1934
Arthur Penn, 1922
William Conrad, 1920
Jayne Meadows, 1920
Thomas Nast, 1840
George Muller, 1805
Samuel Adams, 1722
Today in History:
Severe earthquake in the Gulf of Chili, China; reports of 100,000 killed, 1290
Jesuits founded by Ignatius Loyola, 1540
John Adams negotiates peace terms with Britain, 1779
Constitution submitted to the states for ratification, 1787
Jean-Francois Champollion announces that he has deciphered the Rosetta Stone, 1822
The physics journal Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", introducing the equation E=mc²,1905
The first production of a Ford Model T automobile rolls off the line at the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan, 1908
First test of a twin engine airplane, in France, 1810
Native American Day is first celebrated, 1916
Democratic National Committee votes to allow female members, 1919
The first Santa Clause Training School opens in Albion, NY, 1937
The Balinese tiger is declared to be an extinct species, 1937
Wordless Wednesday
9 hours ago
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