My "Southern" children were fascinated when we arrived at the church to clean this morning to see the garden fountain had frozen and had the most beautiful fringe of icicles hanging from each of its 3 tiers. They had never seen such a thing in person before, just in pictures.
The Little Girl and #2 Son had a blast breaking off icicles and playing with them. I watched from inside where it was warm, as did Bigger Girl.
They even insisted on trying to bring icicles home with them!
The temperatures are supposed to stay well below freezing for the next several nights in a row, which is most unusual for this area. There is no rain in the forecast, though, so they will not have snow to play with for now.
It isn't unusual for us to have a night or two below freezing a couple of times per winter. It is very unusual for such cold weather to last so long down here. It just confirms my opinion that the people who live up north are of much sturdier stock than I.
Today is:
Bubble Bath Day
Feast of St. Gudula (patron of Brussels; against toothaches)
Justitia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of justice)
Learn to Ski Day (No!!! I tried once, as a teen, and vowed never again!)
Male Watcher's Day
Midwife's Day
National English Toffee Day
National Joy Germ Day (Infect others with joy, I like this idea.)
Old Hickory Day
Postal Day
Rock 'n' Roll Day
Show and Tell Day at Work
World Literacy Day
Birthdays Today:
Ami Dolenz, 1969
Don Bendell, 1947
David Bowie, 1947
Robbie Krieger, 1946
Stephen Hawking, 1942
Yvette Mimieux, 1939
Bob Eubanks, 1938
Shirley Bassey, 1937
Elvis Presley, 1935
Charles Osgood, 1933
Soupy Sales, 1926
Ron Moody, 1924
Larry Storch, 1923
Jose Ferrer, 1912
Butterfly McQueen, 1911
Galina Ulanova, 1910
James Longstreet, 1821
Today in History:
Monoco gains its independence, 1297
Genoa, Italy expels Jews, 1598
The oldest surviving commerial newspaper begins in Haarlem, Netherlands, 1675
The New York Fishing Company is the first American commercial corporation chartered, 1675
US President George Washington delivers the first "State of the Union" address, 1790
Victor, the Wild Boy of Aveyron, emerges voluntarily from the wild in southern France (he had been captured and escaped before), 1800
The Battle of New Orleans, 1815
The first US music school, the Boston Academy of Music, is established, 1833
The US national debt hits $0 for the first and only time, 1835
Crazy Horse and his warriors fight their last battle with the US Cavalry at Wolf Mountain in Montana Territory, 1877
Dr. Herman Hollerish receives the first US patent for a tabulating machine, considered by some to be the earliest computer, 1889
Thankful Thursday
19 hours ago
We have a few icicles hanging from the gutters too. It was 14 here this a.m. I remember as a little girl putting a snowball in the freezer and saving it for later!!! Have a good day.