Did you know that catnip has gone gourmet? Wine has been that way for years, coffee has caught up, and chocolate has those who discuss the merits of this region and variety versus that one, but catnip?
#2 Son, the 13 year boy, is apparently an expert. He says that the best is grown in Alaska and Canada, and that you can tell the region of origin and quality by the cut and smell. Apparently the better varieties are almost powdered.
He stood in the cat shelter, looking at their "stash" (his word) of catnip, and identifying the types in unmarked packets, by cut and smell. It was so funny, a boy his age talking about catnip the way a sommelier would discuss fine wine!
The funniest thing about it is that I don't know if he was being serious or just pulling my leg. He has always enjoyed giving catnip to our cats once in a while, and takes delight in introducing it to the kittens when they are weaned, but a catnip expert? Who knew?
Meanwhile, the grandparents are coming today to take the whole family out for lunch (a huge treat for mom, it means I don't have to cook dinner tonight, they can have leftovers!), then on to the big box store to buy bicycles for Bigger Girl, Little Girl, and #2 Son. #1 Son, of course, is 18 and in college and beyond bicycles, so will only come for lunch. After all, there is no such thing as a boy in his teens/early 20's who is actually full.
Today is:
Aldus Day (Aldus Manutius invented italics)
Bob Marley Day, Jamaica
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day (Shame this doesn't work when it is your brother-in-law!)
Lame Duck Day
Mid-Winter's Day
MOBIUS Awards Day
National Frozen Yogurt Day
Orchid Festival/Tropical Extravaganza, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, London -- through March 7
Pay-A-Compliment Day
Royal Hobart Regatta Day, Tasmania (through the 8th)
Rubik-Cube Muddling Championships -- Fairy Calendar
St. Dorothy's Day (patron of brides, gardeners, florists, newlyweds; against lightning, fire, and thieves.)
Waitangi, Maori, New Zealand (treaty with Britain, 1840)
Anniversaries Today:
The College of William and Mary in Virginia is founded by royal charter, 1693
Birthdays Today:
Axl Rose, 1962
Natalie Cole, 1950
Bob Marley, 1945
Michael Tucker, 1944
Fabian, 1943
Tom Brokaw, 1940
Mike Farrell, 1939
Rip Torn, 1931
Mamie Van Doren, 1931
Zsa Zsa Gabor, 1919
Mary Leakey, 1913
Ronald Reagan, 1911
Babe Ruth, 1895
Aaron Burr, 1756
Nicolaus II Bernoulli, 1695
Chongzhen, Emperor of China, 1611
Christopher Marlowe, 1564
Today in History:
The United States signs its first treaty, in which France recognizes the US and promises aid, 1778
New Jersey issues the first US railroad charter to John Stevens, 1815
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founds Singapore, 1819
Harper's Weekly publishes the first picture of Uncle Sam with chin whiskers, 1869
The Young Women's Hebrew Association organizes in NYC, 1902
The "Monopoly" board game goes on sale for the first time, 1935
Turkey holds its first election in which women can vote, 1935
K Elizabeth Ohi becomes the first Japanese-US female lawyer, 1937
Wordless Wednesday
13 hours ago
Have a wonderful lunch. What a great time of fellowship with loved ones. I rode a million miles on my bike in my younger days. Fun times!
ReplyDeleteThat's a cute story about the cathip - who knew?