Edward Payson Weston is considered "The Father of Modern Pedestrianism".
He spent his life giving lectures on the health benefits of walking, and put his money where his mouth was.
On this day in 1861, he set out to walk to Abraham Lincoln's inauguration in Washington, D.C, from Boston, 478 miles(769km) away. As he only had ten days, he had to walk through snow, rain, and mud, fell a few times, never got more than 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and ate while walking.
This brought him media attention for his cause of fitness through walking, and a handshake from the new president, as he got there in time to attend the inaugural ball.
Later, he would walk 1200 miles (1900 km) in 26 days, from Portland, Maine, to Chicago, Illinois. This won him even more fame, a prize of $10,000, and death threats from gamblers who had bet against him!
So, in honor of the man who proved walking is good for your health, take a walk outside soon. I suggest you get this done early in the week, as the weather is predicted to get wild again. Winter is not done with us yet, it seems.
Today is:
Be Humble Day
Concordia -- Ancient Roman Calendar, Festival of Goodwill
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
Feast of Hastseltsi -- Navajo Native American Indian Red God (god of racing)
Girl Guides Day, UK
Handing Back of Goblin Orphans Day -- Fairy Calendar (You know, the goblin orphans they adopted 2 days ago! No fairy can tolerate a goblin longer than that.)
Independence Day, St. Lucia
International World Thinking Day
Mother's Day, India
National Margarita Day (How is that going to help with the thinking?)
Single Tasking Day
St. Joseph of Arimathea's Day
Unity Day, Egypt
Walking the Dog Day
Washington's Birthday
Birthdays Today:
Drew Barrymore, 1975
Michael Chang, 1972
Lea Salonga, 1971
Clinton Kelly, 1969
Jeri Ryan, 1968
Vijay Singh, 1963
Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin, 1962
Julius "Dr. J" Erving, 1950
Dan Millman, 1946
Sparky Anderson, 1934
Edward M. Kennedy, 1932
Robert Wadlow, 1918
John Mills, 1908
Sheldon Leonard, 1907
Robert Young, 1907
Luis Bunuel, 1900
Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1892
"Chico" Marx, 1891
Lady Baden-Powell, 1889
Lord Baden-Powell, 1857
Frederic Chopin, 1810
George Washington, 1732
Today in History:
Jews are expelled from Zurich, Switzerland, 1349
Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published, 1632
The English House of Lords rules that authors do not have perpetual copyright of their material, 1774
Jews are expelled from the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland, 1775
The first US ship to trade with China, the "Empress of China," sails from New York, 1784
The Last Invasion of Britain by the French begins near Fishguard, Wales, 1797
Spain signs the Adams-Onis Treaty, renouncing its claim to the Oregon territory and west Florida, 1819
Spain sells east Florida to the US, 1821
Frank W. Woolworth opens the first US chain store, his "Woolworth's" 5 and 10 cent store, in Utica, NY, 1879
John Reid of Scotland establishes a 3 hole golf course near Yonkers, New York, thus introducing the game to the US, 1888
Hawaii becomes a US territory, 1900
Due to drought, the US side of Niagara Falls runs short of water, 1903
The Great White Fleet, the first US fleet to circumnavigate the globe, returns to Virginia, 1909
Calvin Coolidge gives the first US presidential radio address, 1924
Bert Hinkler successfully completes the first solo flight from England to Australia, 1928
Australian swimmer John Konrads sets 6 world records in two days, 1958
Wordless Wednesday
13 hours ago
I never heard this before - how very interesting. Of course you know what I was thinking.....wonder what he looked like when he got to the inaugural ball????!!!!!