It was two for one day at the shelter -- we covered the morning and evening shift, as the morning person was out of town.
We are having a bout of upper respiratory running through the cat shelter.
Rory, Princess, Runt, Allie, Bowie, and JuJu are all isolated, and Frieda sneezed three times while I was taking care of her. At least she is already by herself in the office.
Right now we also have a rash of very, very skinny cats up there.
Gidget is eating more, but still bony. She also hisses, then allows petting, then hisses again. She wants affection but seems afraid to allow it. Poor thing, we can only guess what she has been through.
Lucky, of course, is hyperthyroid, and eats all day and stays thin. Great if you are a fashion model, terrible for a cat.
Leia is new, was spayed only two days ago, and is the skinniest and most talkative Siamese I have ever seen in my life. She may look like a princess, but she makes a royal mess. Her cage was so trashed she had pawprints on the ceiling! We had to replace her bowls with the kind she couldn't move because she spilled her food twice in five minutes. She chattered at us the whole time, too.
Curly Sue is now in with Grady, Clint, Prissy, and Ginny. Clint still hides, and Grady has chased and bothered Ginny so much that she now growls and hisses if any of the other cats come near her. For the record, because I took care of all the sick cats, I didn't go in there with them, so I didn't let Grady out. Little Girl did, 3 times, and Bigger Girl once.
Oreo of the soft fur is getting mean being in a cage, at least when you have to put him back in. He wants more room, and I don't blame him.
Rosie actually came out of her cage! She is so shy, I was amazed. Sweet thing, she needs a very calm home.
Devon has been adopted, and will be picked up Saturday, but meanwhile he and Nacho are doing well. Angel and Dustie are as usual angelic and calm. Corrie is holding her own, Nanette is getting fat, and Roxanne is steady and lovable.
Then we have Chica and Chili. Both solid black, but Chili has a bit of white on the tips of 3 toes on his right hind foot. Otherwise you can't tell the difference between them unless you do a bit of unthinkable snooping. They are lovely lithe little things, and very fast, as we found when we went to pick up kitten milk one day and had to help that morning's caretaker catch Chica. The goal is to get them adopted together, and they would certainly make a great team to keep a household busy.
As for our own menagerie, the kittens have a very bad case of the trots. I hope they get over it quickly, it is more than time for them to be weaned. I can't until this is over, because I can't take the chance that they will dehydrate.
Today is
Cromwell's Day
Day of Universal Alarm -- Fairy Calendar
Flag Day -- Australia
Independence Day -- San Marino; Qatar
Lost Day
Memorial Day -- Tunisia
Merchant Navy Remembrance Day -- Canada
National Welsh Rarebit Day
Skyscraper Day
St. Gregory the Great's Day (invented Gregorian Chant; patron of music, popes, singers, teachers, school children; against plague)
St. Marinus' Day
Birthdays Today:
Charlie Sheen, 1965
Mort Walker, 1923
Kitty Carlisle Hart, 1914
Alan Ladd, 1913
Nicolo Amati, 1596
Today in History:
Sextus Pompeius, son of Pompey, is defeated in the Battle of Naulochus by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, admiral of Octavian, which ends the resistance to the Second Triumvirate, BC36
Saint Marinus founds San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, 301
King Richard I (the Lionheart) crowned, and 30 Jews are massacred as part of the celebration, 1189
The first large group of Swiss and German colonists reach the shores of the Carolina area, 1709
Gregorian calendar adopted, 1752
Signing of the Treaty of Paris, end of the US Revolutionary War, 1783
John Dalton, English scientist begins using symbols to represent different atomic elements, 1803
The first daily newspaper, a "penny paper", The Sun (New York), begins publication, 1833
68th and final transport of Dutch Jews, including Anne Frank and her family/friends, leaves for Auschwitz, 1944
Wally Gator premiers, 1962
The Viking 2 spacecraft lands at Utopia Planitia on Mars, 1976
Friendly Fill-Ins Week 459
7 hours ago
That's quite a lot of felines to care for. Thank you, thank you for looking out for them. It's such a gift of love. Will they likely be adopted before too much of their lives are spent in cages?
ReplyDeleteHilary, we are a no kill rescue, and only put down those that cannot be adopted or are very ill. Every cat gets a home, usually in less than 6 months, but sometimes longer. They are listed on petfinders, and we have lots of adoption days where they get a great deal of exposure. We also work with an adoption center at a local large pet store.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you asked because that is important; we try to keep them in cages as little as possible, preferring foster homes or colony rooms in the shelter, where they have room to run and play, and are let out into the shelter at large for a bit each day.
Thanks for the info, MM. Folks like you are true gems. Thank you for all you do.