Our trip to the shelter on Thanksgiving was as short and well conducted as the holiday itself, especially when compared to the week before. There were 10 fewer cats, mostly because Suki, Lulu, Sasha, Daisy, and Sandy were adopted and the others went to the adoption station at the pet store for the week.
The biggest adventure of the evening was Grady's great escape. He managed to get himself wedged under one of the shelving units and had to be dragged out with a broom, growling all the way. After we got him back in his room, he didn't come near the door again.
Clint actually made an appearance for a moment.
Katie, a new beautiful girl, is in isolation for possible upper respiratory infection. Gidget is recovered from her urinary tract infection. We have a new Sebastian, a gorgeous gent with long black and white hair.
Baby is still growling, but allowing an occasional pet. Peepers and Squirt are getting less shy. Everyone else is holding steady.
We were there for barely an hour, compared to over 2 last week.
Another thing to be thankful for.
Today is:
Advent Sunday -- start of the Advent season
Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha -- Baha'i
Feast of the Holy Sovereigns -- Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii (in honor of King Kamehama IV and Queen Emma, the founders of the Anglican Church of Hawaii
Independence Day -- Albania; Mauritania
National French Toast Day
Red Planet Day
Republic Day -- Chad
Runic Half Month of Is (ice) commences
St. Simeon Metaphrastes' Day
Birthdays Today:
Jon Stewart, 1962
Judd Nelson, 1959
Ed Harris, 1950
Alexander Godunov, 1949
Paul Shaffer, 1949
Joe Dante, 1946
Randy Newman, 1943
Berry Gordy, Jr., 1929
Brooks Atkinson, 1894
William Blake, 1757
John Bunyan, 1628
Today in History:
Skanderbeg and his forces liberate Kruja in Middle Albania and raise the Albanian flag, 1443
Ferdinand Magellan and his men become the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic into the Pacific Ocean, 1520
The Times in London is for the first time printed by automatic, steam powered presses built by the German inventors Friedrich Koenig and Andreas Friedrich Bauer, signaling the beginning of the availability of newspapers to a mass audience, 1814
Ka Lahui: Hawaiian Independence Day - The Kingdom of Hawaii is officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation, 1843
Women vote in a national election for the first time in the New Zealand general election, 1893
US-born Lady Astor becomes the first female member of British Parliament, 1919
Capt Cyril Turner of the RAF gives 1st skywriting exhibition in NYC; Turner spelled out "Hello USA. Call Vanderbilt 7200." 47,000 called, 1922
"Hopalong Cassidy" premieres on TV, 1948
The first Polaroid Camera is sold, 1948
Thankful Thursday
15 hours ago
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