Debated whether, after my last post, to use this title, as i might need it again someday*, but it really is true. Today i got one of those calls a mom never wants.
Phone rings, as i stopped to fill the car after leaving homeschool co-op. Hello!
#1 Son: "Mom, i wrecked the car!"
Anyone hurt?
"No, the lady was really nice, too. Let me sit in her truck since it's so cold."
You hit her?
"Yes, from the back, and I think the car is totaled."
He gave me his location, and the younger kids never made it to school today. I got there and the officer was writing everything up. I called Sweetie and got the phone number of our insurance agent. I probably had it in there somewhere, but it was easier to call him.
Talked to the agent, to my favorite mechanic, and to the towing people. The tow is covered, the rental car for us is not. The nice lady he hit has the same insurance company, and if she needs a rental, it will be provided. She has a huge truck, and tows a horse trailer for work, and it is still running. If it can safely tow the trailer (she was heading off to the hitch place to ask when she left), she will continue to use it until they can get it into the shop. If not, she will get the rental sooner rather than later. Her damage really does appear to be just cosmetic in nature, the bumper and tailgate both dented. Nothing underneath appeared damaged in any way, but you never know.
#1 Son said that he looked away for just a split second when something on the side of the road appeared to be heading his direction. The lady realized he was going to hit her, and she actually sped up, which kept her damage from being as bad as it could have been.
We got his important stuff out of the car, and all the cups and the bowl he had accumulated (none of the missing forks, though), and left it there for the tow truck. It was back in our driveway a couple of hours later.
More calls, and the insurance wants it taken to a body shop to be looked at before deciding. The hood is folded in half. The battery is split open. #2 Son came and asked if he could get some of the acid out and melt stuff with it. I said no, but he really, really wants to. The radiator is flat.
The other working headlight won't go off, the windshield wiper fluid is spurting, and the thing still started when the tow truck got it here! The driver said it wouldn't have gone far, but just far enough to back into the driveway, and it did. I was amazed, although it squealed in protest, it really did run.
So tomorrow it is going to the closest body shop, where they will look at it and confirm its demise or declare it repairable. I looked up the value on Kelly Blue Book, and i really think they are going to have to declare it a goner.
#1 Son is being very responsible about it all. He has said he is going to pay for his rental car, because this was his fault and he wants to pay for what he can. So tomorrow morning we will go get him something that will keep him going until we can complete repairs or get money in hand for another beater. Really he does need a hoopdie, as he runs the heck out of his car driving pizza delivery. Might as well put that mileage and wear on something old as to ruin something new.
Right now, i'm just glad no one was hurt, and tomorrow will have to take care of itself for a while.
*One friend, trying to be nice, took one look at my hands when i told her about it and said that what i have is a fungus indigenous to Southeast Asia that all the Vietnam Vets came back with and that is completely incurable. If that turns out to even be remotely true, that is the real phone call i wouldn't want, this one will pale in comparison!
Today is:
Compitalia -- Old Roman Calendar (slave festival to the Lares and Manes, household gods)
Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day
Goblin Gala -- Fairy Calendar (Fairies not invited)
Lift Every Voice and Sing Day (I promise I won't! You, however, are welcome to.)
Make Your Mark Day
Memorial Day -- Turkmenistan
National Clean-Off-Your-Desk Day (Me and what army?)
National Marzipan Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Youth Day -- India
Printing Ink Day
Scalloway Fire Festival -- Shetland Islands (viking festival)
St. Benedict Biscop's Day (founder and patron of patron of English Benedictines, and patron of musicians and painters)
Ullr Festival -- Breckenridge, Colorado (mythical god of winter)
Zanzibar Revolution Day -- Tanzania
Birthdays Today:
Jeff Bezos, 1964
Kirstie Alley, 1955
Howard Stern, 1954
Rush Limbaugh, 1951
Joe Frazier, 1944
Glenn Yarborough, 1930
Ray Price, 1926
Luise Rainer, 1910
Tex Ritter, 1905
Joe E. Lewis, 1902
Jack London, 1876
John Singer-Sargent, 1856
Charles Perrault, 1628
Today in History:
Tsarina Elizabeth establishes the first university in Russia, 1755
The first US public museum is established, in Charlestown, South Carolina, 1773
Mission Santa Clara de Asis is founded in California, 1777
The first cargo arrives in New Orleans by steamship, from Natchez, 1812
Anthracite coal is first used to smelt iron, in Mauch Chunk,Pennsylvania, 1839
The Royal Aeronautical Society is founded in England, 1866
The Dow-Jones closes above 100 for the first time, 1906
A long-distance radio message is sent from the Eiffel Tower for the first time, 1908
The University of the Philippines College of Law is formally established; three future Philippine presidents are among the first enrollees, 1911
The United States House of Representatives rejects a proposal to give women the right to vote, 1915
Finland's "Mosaic Confessors" law went into effect, making Finnish Jews full citizens, 1918
Hattie W. Caraway becomes the first woman elected to the United States Senate, 1932
Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with intent of future resuscitation, 1967
An act of the U.S. Congress authorizes the use of military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait, 1991
A new constitution, providing for freedom to form political parties, is approved by a referendum in Mali, 1992
Nineteen European nations agree to forbid human cloning, 1998
The world's largest ocean liner, RMS Queen Mary 2, makes its maiden voyage, 2004
Deep Impact launches from Cape Canaveral on a Delta 2 rocket, 2006
The French warship Clemenceau reaches Egypt and is barred access to the Suez Canal, 2006
Comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught) reaches perihelion becoming the brightest comet in more than 40 years, 2007
An earthquake in Haiti kills an estimated 230,000 and destroys most of Port-au-Prince, 2010
Friendly Fill-Ins Week 461
10 hours ago
Well Mimi, I am just so very sorry that this has happened, but I am very glad that your son is not damaged. I am sure that he feels awful. I'm also sure that you have had many better days. I hope you have a long day full of nothing but good news very soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jokamo. He feels badly, and has learned to be more careful.
ReplyDeleteAs my brother said, when he found out, every teen has to have one accident, at least now his is over.
Ack. I'm so glad nobody was hurt but geesh you don't need this. So sorry you're dealing with this. And I'll bet you a car that you don't have this incurable fungus. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen it rains, it really rains, doesn't it? I am just happy no one was hurt, and you had a reasonable person to deal with, it sounds like. Sending good vibes, for less rain! (And more kitten adoptions, too!)