Get up and start laundry, clean kitchen that the gnomes messed up in the night, hang laundry on the line, get Sweetie off to work.
Take Bigger Girl to work.
Come home and get Little Girl and #2 Son.
Go clean the cat shelter.
Bring them home.
Go to the free Pilates class at church (if the teacher is back from taking care of her mother in Texas).
Come home and get laundry, since it dries in a heartbeat on these hot days.
Fold, put away, and do any cleaning chore possible to put off the dreaded ironing.
Pull out the iron and board (ack! my allergies!), and go at it until it's time to go pick up Bigger Girl.
Go get Bigger Girl from work.
Get the kids together and go out for Father's Day dinner with Sweetie.
Come home and pack a lunch for him for tomorrow, tidy, make sure the kids put their clothes away, and wind down for the evening.
All through the day, mixed in, dishes, cleaning, supervising, breaking up fights, making sure #2 Son isn't doing anything too dangerous, feed cats, check email, and, if i have the time, start going through the backlog of paper work.
Thus goes another Monday.
Today is
American Eagle Day
Day of the National Flag -- Argentina
Feast of the Great Spirit / Great Mystery -- Cherokee Native Americans (deity, Asgaya Galun Lati); Iroquois Native Americans (deity Orenda); Zuni Native Americans (deity Awonawilona); through tomorrow
Festival for Summanus -- Ancient Roman Calendar
Festival of the New Knee -- Fairy Calendar
Flag Day -- Argentina
Helen Keller Festival -- Tuscumbia, Alabama, US (through the 26th)
Ice Cream Soda Day
International Surfing Day
Inti Rayni -- Inca (festival of the sun god Inti)
Iron Skegge's Day -- Vikings (martyrdom of Iron Skegge, who died defending the temples of Maeri against Christians)
Lakota Sun Dance -- Lakota Native Americans (festival of the sun god Wi, with offerings to Maka (mother earth) and Haokah (father sky), both aspects of Creator Tukaskanskan; through the 23rd)
Martyr's Day -- Eritrea
National Vanilla Milkshake Day
New Identity Day -- an internet generated holiday, just have fun thinking about who you might want to be for a day
Ride to Work Day (Motorcycles)
St. Osana of Mantua (patron of schoolgirls)
Takekiri Eshiki Matsuri -- Kuramadera, Kyoto, Japan (bamboo cutting festival)
World Refugee Day
Anniversaries Today:
The University of Oxford receives its charter, 1214
West Virginia becomes the 35th US state, 1863
Birthdays Today:
Nicole Kidman, 1967
John Goodman, 1952
Lionel Richie, 1949
Bob Vila, 1946
Anne Murray, 1945
Brian Wilson, 1942
Danny Aiello, 1933
Martin Landau, 1931
Chet Atkins, 1924
Audie Murphy, 1924
Jean-Jacques Bertrand, 1916
Errol Flynn, 1909
Lillian Hellman, 1905
Scipio Africanus, BC236
Today in History:
Flavius Aetius' battles Attila the Hun; the battle was inconclusive, and Attila retreats, causing the Romans to interpret it as a victory, 451
Jews are expelled from Brazil by order of regent Don Henrique, 1567
The Irish village of Baltimore is attacked by Algerian pirates, 1631
A British garrison is imprisoned in the Black Hole of Calcutta, 1756
King Louis XVI of France and his immediate family begin the Flight to Varennes during The French Revolution, 1791
The U.S. vessel SS Savannah, the first steam-propelled vessel to cross the Atlantic, arrives at Liverpool, 1819
Queen Victoria succeeds to the British throne, 1837
Samuel Morse receives the patent for the telegraph, 1840
Alexander Graham Bell installs the world's first commercial telephone service in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1877
Caroline Willard Baldwin becomes the first woman to earn a doctor of science degree, at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1895
A rare June hurricane struck Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence killing 35, 1959
The so-called "red telephone" is established between the Soviet Union and the United States following the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1963
The German parliament decides to move the capital from Bonn back to Berlin, 1991
Nope. Not Done With Flowers Yet
5 hours ago
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