Wednesday, November 25, 2020

This One Would Be Fun to Wear (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulcher, with some pictures by her friend Bill Dodd, and are posted by Elephant's Child.                  

This week's prompts are:















Well, we all know about the best laid plans of mice and men.  They gang aft a-glay (go often awry) with a vengeance around here.  Or maybe an EAGLE swoops in and eats the mice, who knows.

(Yes, it's a stretch, but i needed to vent about this whole shebang and these are the words i was given to work with, so please let me FRAME my diatribe my own way on this PLATFORM.  Thanks.)

It is a very, very good thing that Ms. G ended up out of town and i moved Ms. V to Wednesday, otherwise the insanity that was Tuesday would have been worse.

Monday evening, Ms. S called me and said, “My sister the doctor called me and told me she wants me to cancel the doctor appointment I already have tomorrow and go see my primary doctor instead.  She called my primary doctor and made the appointment for me herself.  She said she is taking me to the appointment, so you don't have to come as early, and you don't have to take me anywhere."

Yeah, right.

Now please understand, the doctor being canceled has no appointments available for several months.  Ms. S was going to see the PA, who only has a very few appointments available, and maybe i need to go back further.

Ms. S has become so frail, the senior living place won't be FURNISHING her with rides her to the doctor any longer.  Her daughter-in-law (D-I-L) is going to be taking her to all appointments now.  But of course, the PA of this unavailable doctor has no appointments available on days when D-I-L can get away from work.  This means i was the last resort to get Ms. S to this PA in a timely manner.

Enter Dr. Sister.  She was not CONTENT with Ms. S seeing anyone except her primary, and was going to use her own day off to take Ms. S.

Okay, i am just a hired monkey, i don't run this circus.  Instead of taking her anywhere, i'll just show up and do the cleaning and laundry.  Let them sort it all out.

Sure.  So i get up Tuesday morning, go to MallMart and get stuff, including the groceries i need for Thanksgiving (it was early enough they still had everything, even my favorite BRAND of cat litter), then get to Ms. S's place.

My arrival, as agreed, was 8am.  Her appointment was at either 10am or 10:30, we aren't sure, but Dr. Sister said she'd be there at 9:40.  This gives us an hour and forty minutes to get Ms. S ready.

We needed almost every bit of it.  She was in so much pain i had to lift her to reposition her in bed, she couldn't do it herself.  She had already fed Kiki (the cat) but had gotten back in bed, at least partway.  After getting her settled, i made the coffee and got her morning meds. 

When she felt up to it, i helped her get dressed and ready, including getting her oxygen tank changed, as you don't want to run out.  The whole time, she was thinking of things that needed doing while she was gone, move the flower VASE, spray the boxwood wreath with water, don't forget to wash the couch pads, etc.

She also called to confirm her appointment was at 10:30.  Thus when Dr. Sister did not show up at the time she'd said, we did not worry.

When it got to be 10:10am, we did worry. A call to Dr. Sister at 10:15 had her saying, "Oh, I'm going to be on my way.  Why, what time is it?"

By this time, i had moved everything out of my front seat so i could take her myself, i had seen where it was going and it did.  Dr. Sister said she would meet us there.

The clinic where primary doctor works is one of those with about 50 docs of all specialties in the building.  Ms. S sees more than one doctor there.  They are brilliant in that they know people have a difficult time getting in, finding a parking space, and making it into the building on time, so there's a phone number plastered on signs throughout the parking lot letting you call to check in that you've arrived as soon as you get in the lot itself.  After dropping her at the front door, that's what i did, call the number while parking.

Thank heaven this place has wheelchairs available.  PROPELLING her up to the elevators we went to the fourth floor, to one of those waiting rooms that's as big as a BALLROOM.  Stand on the ARROW, stay distant, and make sure you are yelling loud enough that the people on the other side of the plexiglass who check you in can actually tell what you are saying.  So much for patient privacy.

The wait was short, and primary doctor ordered tests, of course.  Once those were done, she'd see Ms. S again and let her know if she needed a further test.  Back down the elevators to the lab, where they had to fight to find a vein, and i had to take Ms. S in the restroom to help her get the needed "whiz quiz" done.  Then X-rays.

While they had her back for the X-rays, i used the time to get on my TABLET and try to comment on blogs i read.  Gotta make the most of those little moments.

Finally, it was back up to the primary, where Dr. Sister was actually waiting.  Once Ms. S and Dr. Sister were in the room to talk to primary doc about next steps, i was dismissed to go back to my main duties, housecleaning.

That's what i did, leaving to go back and get the rest of the housework done, and the shopping.  Of course, i’m leaving out some details or this might be twice as long, and i won’t inflict that on you.

As an EPILOGUE, i will get the rundown of what the doctor is now saying when i go see Ms. S later today.  It all makes me glad i'm just there to do what i am told.


Today is:

Anniversary of Moquegua City -- Peru (founded this date in 1541)

Cat-Napping Convention -- Fairy Calendar

Day Sacred to Proserpina -- Ancient Roman Calendar (also Persephone, of the Greeks, the Wheel goddess of the Underworld, often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

DrinksGiving -- if you've come home for Thanksgiving and are meeting up with old friends for a night on the town, don't forget to call for a ride or designate a driver, please

Evacuation Day -- 19th Century New York City (withdrawal of British troops in 1783)

Hari Guru -- Indonesia (Teacher's Day)

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women -- UN

     White Ribbon Day -- International (if you know a victim of violence, help break their silence! because domestic violence affects all of society)

International Hat Day  

Mangé Yam -- Haiti (fete de la moisson; a yam harvest festival)

National Day -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (commemorates the 1943 declaration of statehood within Yugoslavia)

National Don't Utter A Word Day -- internet generated, and variously listed as the 25th of November, February, or May; pick one if you want

National Family Caregivers' Day -- US (if you are a caregiver who needs support, you can get it here or here)

National Parfait Day

Persephone Day (a/k/a Kore) -- Ancient Greek Calendar (celebration of her as wheel goddess of the underworld; date approximate, but she is often associated with St. Catherine; see below)

Saint Catherine of Alexandria's Day -- of the Catherine Wheel, sometimes associated with the Wheel of Karma and the Hindu Kali; one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (Patron of apologists, archivists, attorneys, barristers, craftsmen who work with wheels of any sort, dying people, educators, girls, jurists, knife grinders and sharpeners, lawyers, librarians, libraries, maidens, mechanics, millers, nurses, old maids, philosophers, potters, preachers, scholars, schoolchildren, scribes, secretaries, spinners, spinsters, stenographers, students, tanners, teachers, theologians, turners, University of Paris, unmarried girls, and wheelwrights; Aalsum, Netherlands; Bertinoro, Italy; Camerata Picena, Italy; Dumaguete, Philippines; Heidesheim am Rhein, Germany; Kuldiga, Latvia; Mähring, Germany; Saint Catharines, Ontario; Zejtun, Malta; Zurrieq, Malta) related observance

     Women's Merrymaking Day -- Women go 'Cath'rining' and have a good time (in some places, especially France, women may propose marriage on this day)

Shopping Reminder Day -- exactly a month until Christmas

Srefidensi -- Suriname (Republic Day/Independence Day)

Statehood Day -- FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Thanksgiving Day -- Norfolk Island

Tie One On Day -- an apron!  on US Thanksgiving eve, write a note of encouragement or prayer, tuck it in the pocket of an apron, and wrap the apron around a good home or bakery made loaf of bread, then deliver it to someone who needs a kind gesture

Vajiravudh Day -- Thailand

Birthdays Today:

Barbara and Jenna Bush, 1981

Jerry Ferrara, 1979

Donovan McNabb, 1976

Eddie Steeples, 1973

Christina Applegate, 1971

Jill Hennessy, 1968

Cris Carter, 1965

Amy Grant, 1960

John F. Kennedy, Jr., 1960

Bucky Dent, 1951

John Larroquette, 1947

Ben Stein, 1944

Joe Jackson Gibbs, 1940

Lenny Moore, 1933

Paul Desmond, 1924

Ricardo Montalban, 1920

Joe DiMaggio, 1914

Solanus Casey, 1870

Carry Nation, 1846

Karl F. Benz, 1844

Andrew Carnegie, 1835

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Iolanthe: or, The Peer and the Peri"(Comic opera), 1882

Today in History:

A tsunami, caused by the earthquake in the Tyrrhenian Sea, devastates Naples (Italy) and the Maritime Republic of Amalfi, among other places, 1343

The siege of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, begins, 1491

A deadly earthquake rocks Shemakha, in the Caucasus, killing 80,000 people, 1667

The Great Storm of 1703, the greatest windstorm ever recorded in the southern part of Great Britain, reaches its peak intensity which it maintains through November 27. Winds gust up to 120 mph, and 9,000 people died, 1703

First English patent granted to an American, for processing corn, 1715

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is founded, 1758

Farmer's Almanac first published, 1792

The Greek frigate Hellas arrives in Nafplion to become the first flagship of the Hellenic Navy, 1826

A cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (never to be entirely rebuilt again); the storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths result from the disaster, 1839

Alfred Nobel patents dynamite, 1867

John B Meyenberg of St Louis patents evaporated milk, 1884

American College of Surgeons incorporates in Springield, Illinois, 1912

First Thanksgiving Day Parade is held in Philadelphia, 1920

690 earthquake shocks recorded in 1 day in Ito, Japan, 1930

The first Soviet liquid fuel rocket attains altitude of 261' (80m), 1933

Woody Woodpecker debuts with release of Walter Lantz's "Knock Knock", 1940

New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom, 1947

Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London later becoming the longest continuously-running play in history, 1952

The Minneapolis Thanksgiving Day Fire destroys an entire city block, 1982

The United Nations establishes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to commemorate the murder of three Mirabal Sisters for resistance against the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship in Dominican Republic, 1999

A powerful storm brings 3 years worth of rain in 4 hours to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, sparking terrible floods, 2009

Switzerland's Bern Art Museum agrees to accept artworks looted from their Jewish owners by the Nazis, 2014

The longest known frozen embryo to be successfully born is delivered in Tennessee - Emma Wren Gibson, frozen 24 years ago, 2017

The historic northern California Camp Fire is finally declared 100% contained with 85 dead, 249 missing, covering 153,000 acres and 14,000 homes burned, 2018


  1. Your Tuesday sounds like a nightmare! Yet a wonderful way to use the words. Dr Sis needs to set her alarm louder. Hopefully you won't have to go through this again.

  2. I like the T shirt.

    God bless you Mimi for all you do.

  3. WHAT a day. Thank you (so much) for all you do for Ms S. And rather a lot of other people too.

  4. It was good that you will there and able to take Ms S for her doctor appointment. Must be a tiring day for you.

  5. What a nightmare! Ms.S is very fortunate to know she can depend on you.. Dr.Sis does not sound very well organised.

  6. You have to be a very calm and patient person to deal with all the chaos these people throw at you. They are all lucky to have you.

  7. Haha! I like the TShirt heheh!

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  8. I love that shirt too. Fun shirt to wear.

    I would not move that woman and transport her anywhere. The risks are to high. Okay I live in California where you can get sued for looking at someone sideways, but having a mother in law that was frail we ended up having professionals do the transports. That was dumped on you. Shame on her.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. I love that shirt! Could they be pajamas? I want them!! Happy Thanksiving, tomorrow!stay safe.

  10. I could only think that I will be Ms. S someday soon. Great use of all the words.

  11. You are a saint. Dr. Sis sounds like a PITA. :)

  12. I love the shirt. I guess I can be naughty at times. LOL ENjoy Wednesday Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. That sure is a cute shirt. Oh my, what a heck of a day, our Dad would have pulled his hair out, oh, no, it's too late for that.

  14. You are more patient and tolerant than I am, you are my hero.

  15. Well, hello, hello, and HELLO! Love, love, love the shirt. I got to get me one too! hahaha... Hope you're having a good day & HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU & YOURS. Stay healthy & stay safe! God bless.

  16. you can check patience and kindness on your resume for yesterday....blessings to you~~~♥♥♥

    hay, we iz headed ta de convention....rite now !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  17. Yep ~ you are an angel ~ And what a great photo of 'naughty ~ nicely.' ~

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Judging by the comments, you should buy a load of those shirts and sell them on line!

  19. Great shirt! Or are those jammies? Heavens to Betsy Dr Sister is a bbit much! Have a lovely ThanksGiving! xoxoxo


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