Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Yep, That's Where Everyone Keeps Their Baseball Cap (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     



Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by lissa at The Memory Tourist

This week's prompts are:

1. epistle

2. welfare

3. children

4. spirit

5. companions

6. primroses

7. sea

8. walk

9. faithful

10. happiness

(Prompts are inspired by Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte)

After I read about the child who defined an EPISTLE as the wife of an apostle, I knew I had to go ahead and teach Sunday school.

I expected the CHILDREN to be most entertaining, and I was not wrong.

Besides looking out for their general WELFARE, I was also supposed to teach them a lesson that would nurture them in SPIRIT, helping them grow in a FAITHFUL WALK with The Lord.

How I was supposed to do all of that in one hour a week was beyond me, but they were fine COMPANIONS for that hour each week and just being with them brought me much HAPPINESS.

No, it wasn't all PRIMROSES, I had one who insisted on doing headstands during class (I always let him, it kept him busy and out of worse trouble), and another who always cried if she wasn't the first one picked up by the parents returning from the service (she was convinced if her parents weren't first, they'd forgotten and would not come).

Still in all we had a fun time together, pretending the blue rug was the SEA of Galilea when talking about how many of Jesus' followers were fishermen (by the way, is that what makes all of the stories of His miracles seem unbelievable to many people, that they were witnessed by fishermen?), acting out various parables, even putting on short plays we wrote with Bible lessons in them.

If you want to learn, teach.  It really works.


Today is:

Coldest Day Ever -- the lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2 *C (-128.6 *F; 184.0 *K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on this day in 1983

Crufts Dog Show -- Birmingham, England (the World's Greatest Dog Show; Best in Show here is the most prestigious award in the world of dogs; through Sunday)

Feast of Damo -- Ancient Greek Calendar (keeper of secrets of philosophy; daughter of Greek sages, Pythagoras and Theano, date approximate)

Hemingway Birthday Celebration -- Hemingway Museum, Oak Park, IL, US

Independence Day / National Day -- Belgium(1830)

Kazanskaya -- Russia (Feast of Our Lady of Kazan)

Liberation Day -- Guam (1944; from Japan)

Lucaria -- Ancient Roman Calendar ("Feast of Clearings", with prayers said as land was cleared for planting)

National Junk Food Day

No Pet Store Puppies Day -- ASPCA sponsored this day in previous years, and while i can't find a confirmation of another campaign, you can still Take The Pledge to not shop at any pet store that sells puppies, because they are almost certainly from puppy mills 

Racial Harmony Day -- Singapore

Schoelcher Day -- French West Indies; Martinique (Schoelcher worked for abolition)

St. Lawrence of Brindisi's Day (Patron of Brindisi, Italy)

St. Praxedes' Day (Patron of single laywomen)

Sumarauki -- Iceland (their calendar's extra days added to take into account the "drift" of the calendar from the moon phases)

Touch Hammer's Birthday Bargain Day -- Fairy Calendar

Tug-Of-War Tournament Day -- if you have a problem with someone today, solve it with an old fashioned tug-of-war!

Birthdays Today

Hatty Jones, 1988

Josh Hartnett, 1978

Justin Bartha, 1978

Lance Guest, 1960

Matt Mulhern, 1960

Jon Lovitz, 1957

Michael Connelly, 1956

Robin Williams, 1951

Garry Trudeau, 1949

Cat Stevens, 1948

Kenneth Starr, 1946

Tony Scott, 1944

Edward Herrmann, 1943

Janet Reno, 1938

Norman Jewison, 1926

Don Knotts, 1924

Kay Starr, 1922

Isaac Stern, 1920

Marshall McLuhan, 1911

Ernest Hemingway, 1899

John Joseph "Johnny" Evers, 1881

Today in History

Herostratus sets fire to the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, BCE 356

A tsunami devastates the city of Alexandria, Egypt, 365

The first landing of French troops on the coast during the French invasion of the Isle of Wight, 1545

Twenty-four-year-old Scottish physician and explorer Mungo Park became the first European to see the Niger River, the third longest river in Africa, 1796

In the market square of Springfield, Missouri, Wild Bill Hickok shoots and kills Davis Tutt in what is regarded as the first true western showdown, 1865

At Adair, Iowa, Jesse James and the James-Younger Gang pull off the first successful train robbery in the American Old West, 1873

Louis Rigolly, a Frenchman, becomes the first man to break the 100 mph (161 km/h) barrier on land, driving a 15-liter Gobron-Brille in Ostend, Belgium, 1904

In Dayton, Tennessee, high school biology teacher John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching evolution in class and fined $100, 1925

Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon, during the Apollo 11 mission, 1969

After 11 years of construction, the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed, 1970

The world's lowest temperature is recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica at -82.9*C (-129*F), 1983

The fully restored USS Constitution (aka "Old Ironsides") celebrates her 200th birthday by setting sail for the first time in 116 years, 1997

NASA's Space Shuttle program ends with the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-135, 2011

India scraps a proposed tax on feminine sanitary products after a campaign by activists, 2018


  1. LOVE your use of the words. And strongly suspect that your students loved your class.

  2. Haha Thanks for making me smile :-)

    Have a captastic week 👍

  3. Wonderful Words for Wednesday story. The thougth of people not believeing the discples because they were fishermen is just hilarious. Thank you!

  4. I always thought Epistle and Mortar were a double comedy act.

    God bless.

  5. I always love your short stories!
    When we cruise hubby always puts his baseball cap on top of the bedside lamp. It is a bit easier to reach than that one though.

  6. Mom taught Sunday school one year but it wasn't her thing. She isn't the teaching type. We think you would make an excellent teacher with all your patience.

  7. I've got a lot of celebrating to do today. While Lucy may never win Best of Show at Crufts, she is best of show in our house every day.
    All too many of us make every day National Junk Food Day when Racial Harmony is a much more noble celebration. Have a blessed week.

  8. Loved your story and the brilliant way to each Sunday school.

  9. Sunday school is an important part of a young persons life. I so remember.

    That baseball cap is way up there.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. That's a very interesting cap spot! Fabulous story too!

  11. That cap must be Carl's. I like your story. I can relate, I taught Catechism for years.

  12. national junk food day !!!! I'm all for it

    and a great story today mimi :) ☺☺♥♥

  13. Carl must be really tall to reach that hat- or does he use a step ladder! Fun use of the words with a perfect last sentence!

  14. It's true, teaching does help you learn. Good use of the words.

  15. Those AGNES GREY prompts are so terrific. Thank you Lissa.

    The whole concept of Memory Tourism.

    I loved the reminder of Belgian independence - the Bronte sisters [Charlotte and Emily] had visited Belgium to study and to teach French and Music in 1842 and 1843.

    So the Crufts show is still going - I wondered if it had taken a break or gone virtual.

    Technically I did cover - children; welfare; walk; spirit; faithful and happiness.

    I say technically because I did not use words.

    Adelaide who made "Family visit and first aid".

  16. I don't know how teachers do it but I admire them for having the patience to teach even with kids who don't always listen.

    Good use of the WFW prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

  17. Children are themselves a wealth of knowledge. Sunday school would be fun with the younger ones. I Love to relate with the small kids. You are sure a good person getting invovled in everything else while you still work so hard. :-)


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