Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Little Extra, a Random and Happy Tuesday Word Counters Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 50. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 30

It was submitted by:  Karen of Baking in a Tornado

Please don't think that Carl corners the market on funny things people around me do.  Just for Word Counters today, a few funnies from some other clients and even me.

First up is Ms. GA's cat treat jar on the bathroom counter.  She doesn't put the lid on quite all the way, and i find it behind the jar sometimes.

Clever kitty Ruth(less) has figured out she can flip the lid off, stick her head in, and help herself.  Three-legged Abigail waits for Ruth(less) to finish and follows suit.

Once they've eaten down to where they can't stick their heads in further, the predation stops.  Ms. GA wonders where the treats went, thinking Mr. BA is simply overtreating them!

Becca, my rEcess and Sunday morning buddy, likes for us to play games, and enjoys Apples to Apples Junior.  Her special needs don't mean she's not very clever at times.

The game's point is to use the noun card from your hand that best fits the adjective card played, or even funnier, make up a reason your unrelated card fits.

When we were playing a while back, the adjective card that came up was "horrible," and without hesitation she threw down her noun card "Justin Bieber"!  We both laughed ourselves silly.

Ms. D thinks of the most interesting things for me to do.  She's 85 and wants to do her regular cleaning herself, keeping herself active, saving special jobs for me.

Someone reminded her to check the drip pan under the fridge regularly and that's my job.  There's the evidence, she makes me take a photo to show her all's well.

At Ms. SE and Mr. DE's house, there's a swear jar where every time you say a word you shouldn't in front of the kids, you pay a small fine.

Soon after it appeared, next to the words "Swear Jar" on the outside the words were added, "For SE!" in very lavish script.  Sometimes Mr. DE's ADD gets to her.

One time, there were two $100 bills in there.  While i have no idea what happened, i can see her stuffing the jar ahead of time and letting it fly!

Ms. G has worn a lot of hats in her life, and one is house flipper.  She can fix and repair and install a lot of things around the house.  

She's also excellent at rigging things when she doesn't have what she needs.  What you see above his her bird bath, held with a paper clip.  Three of them, actually.

If i'm going to find out about such a rigging job, it's going to be the hard way.   When one of the clips gave up, i got an unexpected shower.

This happened when she was out of town last week and i was filling it daily.  Since i'm not a bad hand at rigging things, i found a fresh clip.

For Carl fans, his breakfast yesterday.  Four kinds of cereal, lactose free milk, non-lactose free yoghurt (not pictured), grape jelly, Mrs. Butterworth's Fruity Pebbles flavored syrup.  Breakfast of champions!

His fridge yesterday.  Why put anything on the bottom shelf when you can cram it all up at the top where you can't see what's there and thus lose things?

My final funny story is on me, and i wasn't able to get a photo.  It was back when Jock dog was here, and happened before dawn at potty time.

He'd just been a good boy and i was "cleaning his mess" when he suddenly jumped away and from the corner of my eye, i saw something hit the ground.

Thinking he'd had a bit of mess stuck on his bottom that had fallen off, i reached to grab it and it shocked me by moving.  It was a frog!

Laughing at myself for mistaking the small lump in the dark for his "mess", i apologized to the poor creature and dragged Jock off so it could gather its dignity.

Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                  

For the sake of the frog, a few frog funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Birthday of the Sun -- Inca (date approximate; a few days before the Autumn Equinox, all fires, including that at the Temple of the Sun, were extinguished and 3 days later ceremonially relighted using only glass to concentrate the sunlight on cotton; followed by 8 days of feasting)

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 10, Disarmament (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of Orlog -- Scandinavian Deity of Destiny (date approximate)

Feast of Zywie -- Poland (goddess of longevity and health; date approximate)

Genesia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival to honor the dead, especially those who died in wars)

Get Ready Day -- US (help your community, workplace, or school to get ready for disasters or emergencies)   

National Farm Safety Day -- US (can't find a sponsor, but farming is hard, and dangerous, work, so it's a good idea)

National Rum Punch Day

National Youth Day -- Thailand

Okuma-kabuto Festival -- Nakajima, Japan (Noto Peninsula's top autumn festival)

Opening of Parliament -- Netherlands (holiday in The Hague); related observance

     Prinsjesdag -- Netherlands  (technically translates "Prince's Day;" the day Parliament opens and the reigning sovereign, now King William-Alexander, gives the Speech from the Throne and the Minister of Finance proposes next year's budget)

Pause the World Day -- because we've all wanted to do this at one time or another

St. Eustace's Day (Patron of difficult situations, fire prevention, firefighters, hunters, torture victims, trappers; Madrid, Spain; Poli, Italy; against fire and torture)

Birthdays Today:

Kristen Johnston, 1967

Guy LaFleur, 1951

Taro Aso, 1940

Sophia Loren, 1934

Anne Meara, 1929

Donald A. Hall, 1928

Dr. Joyce Brothers, 1928

Red Auerbach, 1917

Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton, 1890

Maxwell Perkins, 1884

Upton Sinclair, 1878

Rama V, King of Thailand, 1853 (eldest son taught by Anna, of "The King and I" fame)

Emperor Takakura of Japan, 1161

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Cosby Show"(TV), 1984

"Eubie"(Revue), 1978

"The Phil Silvers Show"(TV), 1955

"The Corn is Green"(Play), 1938

Today in History:

Atilla the Hun defeated at Chalons-sur-Marne by General Aetius, 451

Saladin begins the siege of Jerusalem, 1187

Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition to circumnavigate the globe, 1519

Galileo Galilei is tried before the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for teaching that the Earth orbits the Sun, 1633

Maryland passes the first "anti-amalgamation" law to stop English women from marrying black men, 1664

The Negro Convention of Free Men agrees to boycott slave-produced goods, 1830

The American Association for the Advancement of Science is created, 1848

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 ends with the recapture of Delhi by troops loyal to the East India Company, 1857

The first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, 1891

The Otis Elevator Company unveils the first escalator at the Paris Exposition, 1900

Cunard Line's RMS Mauretania is launched, 1906

The first Cannes Film Festival is held, 1946

James Meredith, an African-American, is temporarily barred from entering the University of Mississippi, 1962

The RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 is launched, 1967

Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in The Battle of the Sexes tennis match, 1973

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joins the UN, 1977

Walt Disney World hosts its 200 millionth guest, 1985

U.S. President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror", 2001

The US Military ends its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, 2011

SETI researchers propose aliens may have left devices to spy on us planted on near Earth co-orbitals, suggesting these co-orbitals be investigated, 2019

A first edition of Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein sells for $1.17 million, setting new world record for a printed work by a woman, 2021


  1. Thanks for all the smiles. Which never go astray.

  2. Great 'thirties'! I used to have a swear jar on the bar at my pub. A local charity did very well from it!

  3. Hehe, not only Carl ...
    Thanks for those frog funnies!
    We never had a swear jar, but when the children were small we had an Ugh! jar. All found bottles' deposit were put in there, and library fines and such were paid from it - greatly reducing the Ugh! factor of said fines.

  4. Mom would have screamed if she tried to pick up the frog, she is terrified of them. It is hard to scoop poop in the dark, we deal with that daily on our morning walk or run. Enjoy your variety of clients, they will keep you amused forever!

  5. You made my morning. I enjoyed all of your fun blog! And thank you for your kind and loving words on Katie's bloggie. Both she and me...we are grateful. XX

  6. Lots of Lol situations and photos here today ~ thanks ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Ex[;pres.
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. You have an interesting group of folks to keep you entertained. You also keep me entertained.

    Love the frog funnies. I'd like to try that bacon cleanse.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  8. No one will ever accuse you of having a boring life. But there is great value in having so much to laugh at.

  9. The frog jokes were all brilliant. I wish I could keep a fridge as tidy and empty as that one! As to swear jars, I dont have one as Mrs H says she swears enough for both of us and doesnt want to keep paying herself!

  10. As a reader of my blog you know that I can totally relate to Ms. SE. Lol... I've tried swear jars (plural) in the past and most of the time I just filled it up ahead of time because I knew eventually it would, in fact, be full. I'm happy I'm not the only one. :) - All four of my grandkids think nothing of picking up frogs. I couldn't do it when I was little and I definitely could not do it now! I have a nephew who keeps exotic frogs. Some of them are so beautiful but none are deadly. - Have a great Tuesday, Mimi!

  11. That was some fun story and terrific froggy humor too.

  12. Funny story about the cat treats. Seeing that table with all Carl's breakfasts disturbs me a lot. You really are a saint. XO

  13. Love all the Froggy funnies, and that tiny frog on a fingernail is just too cute.
    I think a cable tie would hold longer than paper clips for the bird bath.

  14. I love that you never have a dull moment wherever you are. ;) The funnies were funny! I'm also glad I wasn't taking a drink when I read your frog antics...I might have snorted. :D

  15. Gahhh! There's nothing worse than picking up something inanimate and then HAVING IT MOVE!!!


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