Friday, January 20, 2023

We're New Here (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.  Wish me luck!  

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link.

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

We're new here.

Um, we're not impressed with the accommodations.

Much better!  (By the way, they are both preadopted already!)


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. Hearing sound effects when i get out of bed in the morning  makes me feel old.

2. Playing games with Becca  makes me feel young.

3. Recently,   the spare pair of socks i carry in my bag  came in very handy.  I took my shoes off to climb into and clean a large shower and of course my socks got dampened in the process, but that's why i keep spares.

4. I think that   a glass stove  is the most useless   kitchen appliance.  You can't risk using cast iron on them (and that's almost all i want to use) as if you slip with it at all you can shatter the whole stove top, and they are horrible to clean as i am reminded every two weeks in Ms. V's kitchen.


Today is:

Arbor Day -- Florida and Louisiana, US

Armed Forces Day -- Mali

Camcorder Day -- five companies agreed, this day in 1982, to cooperate and construct a camera with a built in VCR

Celtic Tree Month Beth (Birch) ends

Coffee Break Day

Day of National Mourning -- Azerbaijan (a/k/a Martyrs' Day)

Festival of Jubilation for Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate, in Busiris)

Heroes Day -- Cape Verde; Guinea-Bissau (death anniversary of Amilcar Cabral)

La Tamborrada de San Sebastian -- San Sebastian, Spain (24 hours of drumming, begun last evening)

National Buttercrunch Day

National Cheese Lover's Day

National Granola Bar Day

National Disc Jockey Day -- listed lots of places, but no particular reason given for the choice of date

Penguin Awareness Day -- lots of celebrating, but no history of who started it

Porri Month begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (the name means Middle of Winter, and personifies him as Old Man Winter; often the harshest month, so greet him kindly, to soften his heart and hasten spring)

     Bondadagur (Husband's Day) -- first day of Porri (various traditions honoring the man of the house; these days, women often give the men flowers)

Sacrifices to Athena -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Stay Young Forever Day -- celebrate the child in all of us, do something fun

St. Sebastian's Day (Patron of archers, armorers, arrowsmiths/fletchers, athletes, bookbinders, diseased cattle, dying people, gardeners, gunsmiths, hardware stores, ironmongers, lace makers/lace workers, lead workers, masons, plague victims, police officers, Pontifical Swiss Guards, raquet makers, soldiers, stone masons/stone cutters; several cities, but especially of Rio de Janiero, Brazil and San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, where today is marked with celebrations; against cattle disease, enemies of religion, plague)

Take a Walk Outdoors Day -- unless it's storming, a good way to get some exercise

Te Kowakamai -- Setaka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (festival of old style Japanese dances)

Birthdays Today:

Skeet Ulrich, 1969

Rainn Wilson, 1966

James Denton, 1963

Lorenzo Lamas, 1958

Bill Maher, 1956

David Lynch, 1946

Dorothy Provine, 1937

Arte Johnson, 1934

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, 1930

Patricia Neal, 1926

Otis Dewey "Slim" whitman, 1924

Federico Fellini, 1920

DeForest Kelley, 1920

Joy Adamson, 1910

George Burns, 1896

Harold Lincoln Gray, 1894

Huddie "Lead Belly" Ledbetter, 1889

Carolus Linnaeus, 1778

André-Marie Ampère, 1775

Richard Henry Lee, 1732

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Meet the Beatles"(Album, US release), 1964

Today in History:

The first elected English Parliament called into session by the 6th Earl of Leicester, and meets in the Palace of Westminster (a/k/a Houses of Parliament), 1265

The present-day location of Rio de Janeiro is first explored, 1502

The Casa Contratacion (Board of Trade) is founded in Spain to deal with American affairs, 1503

The cornerstone of Amsterdam town hall laid, 1648

The third and main part of First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay. Arthur Phillip decides that Botany Bay is unsuitable for the location of a penal colony, and decides to move to Port Jackson, 1788

China cedes Hong Kong to British, 1841

L.A. Thompson patents the roller coaster, 1885

The first full length talking motion picture filmed outdoors is released, "In Old Arizona", 1929

Nazi officials hold notorious Wannsee conference in Berlin deciding on "final solution" calling for extermination of Europe's Jews, 1942

The first atomic submarine, USS Nautilus, is launched at Groton, Connecticut, 1955

Witnesses report sightings of a Bottlenose whale swimming in the River Thames, the first time the species had been seen in the River Thames since records began in 1913, 2006

A three-man team, using only skis and kites, completes a 1,093-mile (1,759 km) trek to reach the southern pole of inaccessibility for the first time since 1958 and for the first time ever without mechanical assistance, 2007

Austria votes to maintain compulsory military service in a referendum, 2013

19-year-old aviator Zara Rutherford becomes the youngest woman to fly solo around the world, 2022


  1. Glad that the kittens are on their way to a new home. I hear you (loud and clear) about those sound effects.

  2. You always have to speak up when the accomodation isn't up to scratch that's proof it pays off heheh! 👍

    LOL #1 made me laugh and you can't turn those sound effects off either :-)

    Have a creakylesstastic weekend and thanks for hosting 👍

  3. Happy Friyay guys, and thanks furry much for hosting Feline Friday! 😻😻😻

  4. I'm glad those little cuties will get to go home soon and those were good answers!

  5. Those two kittens are adorable. Mom totally agrees with #1 in the Fill-ins. We have a glass cooktop and Mom has an enamel coated cast iron pan that she uses.

  6. Great fill ins. Those kitties are so adorable and I'm glad they have better accommodations. Have a great weekend!

  7. Adorable kittens. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I wish I had thought of that for #4, my niece has one and I don't like it. Good idea with the socks to keep extras with you. XO

  8. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone carrying around spare socks, now I'm wondering what the story behind that could be.

  9. Happy Feline Friday sweet kitties
    Oh I agree with #1 I don't like things that go bump in the dark of night or wee yours of the morning

  10. Isn't it great when the kittens are pre-adopted! Yay! Love your fill-ins! Especially #4.....we bought a house once with that kind of stove and poof it was gone- horrible stove. Have a great weekend! xoxoxo

  11. The kittens are so beautiful...the dear, sweet little things :)

    1. The above comment title "Anonymous" is from me, Lee. I'm having problems trying to sign into my own blog, for some unknown reason.

  12. Love those kittens! They do look a bit more relaxed in the second photo. It is good news that they have a forever home waiting for them.

  13. So cute and I'm glad to know they've been pre-adopted. Have a great weekend! :-)

  14. What adorable kittens, and our mom totally agrees with your number #1 and #4 fill-ins. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  15. Aww, those little ones are adorbs, and we love how they got the upgrade on their accomodations! Hooray that they already have been pre-adopted!

  16. Oh what sweet kitties and exciting that they are pre-adopted ~ hope all goes well for them and you sweet one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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