Thursday, January 12, 2023

Follow (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


When Ms. G gets a lead, she follows, and if it's a Wednesday and i'm working with her, i follow her.  It can take us to some interesting places.

Yesterday Ms. G called a lady she'd heard feeds a TNR colony in a part of town not far from her, a lady with no car and limited resources who walks to work at a locally owned convenience store.

The neighborhood is sketchy, but this lady is solid, her landlord is keeping his area up nicely and doing well for himself by doing that, he knows he has good people renting and he wants to keep it that way so the police don't have to make too many visits.

Another load of the cat food from across the river was procured over the weekend and Ms. G is now distributing it to TNR people, we brought this lady enough to keep her colony going for a good 2 months.

It's a joy to help people who step up even when they have limited resources themselves.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Lead.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

This is the only fence i had a chance to snap this week!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

We're the Rockettes, famous for our gams.

We're fabulous dancers, not just hams.

To dance with us, you need talent, heart and grit,

And if you make it here, then you know you have IT!


I grew up wanting

to dance with a group,

well look at me now,

I'm in a dance troupe!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i'm thankful it worked out yesterday that Sweetie dropped me at work, and he was able to go to the funeral of a former choir member.  The gentleman was 92 when he passed away and was in the choir until about a year ago!  We're thankful for our faithful choir members, too.


Today is:

Bikaner Camel Festival -- Bikaner, India (colorful camel activities, including a beauty competition, and fun for people also in this gorgeous, fortified desert town; through tomorrow)

Compitalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (slave festival to the Lares and Manes, household gods)

Curried Chicken Day

Eat Crackers and Try to Whistle Day -- just to see if it's as much fun as it was when you were young

Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day -- an internet generated holiday with whatever purpose you decide to give it

Goblin Gala -- Fairy Calendar (Fairies not invited)

Hen Galan -- Gwaun Valley, Dyfed, Wales (New Year Celebration begins -- yes, they still use the old calendar)

Kiss a Ginger Day -- some call it a national or international day, although it's not official; a history of this day is here 

Little League Girls Baseball Day -- girls were finally allowed to play this date in 1974

Memorial Day -- Turkmenistan

National Marzipan Day

National Pharmacist Day -- US

National Youth Day -- India (on the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananand)

Rubber Band Veteran Day -- to commemorate the warriors and heroes of rubber band fights around the globe and in your very own school or office

Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Day -- because if you made any it's too soon to give up

St. Benedict Biscop's Day (Founder and Patron of English Benedictines, and Patron of musicians, painters; Sunderland, England)

Zanzibar Revolution Day -- Tanzania

Birthdays Today:

HAL, 1997 (according to A. C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey)

Jeff Bezos, 1964

Oliver Platt, 1960

Kirstie Alley, 1955

Howard Stern, 1954

Rush Limbaugh, 1951

Joe Frazier, 1944

Glenn Yarborough, 1930

Ray Price, 1926

Ira Hamilton Hayes, 1922

James Farmer, 1920

Luise Rainer, 1910

Tex Ritter, 1905

Joe E. Lewis, 1902

Jack London, 1876

John Singer-Sargent, 1856

Edmund Burke, 1729

Charles Perrault, 1628

John Winthrop, 1588 (O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Dynasty"(TV) 1981

"All in the Family"(TV), 1971

"Batman"(TV), 1966

"Arthur Godfrey and His Friends"(TV) 1949

"Ottone, re di Germania"(Handel's Opera, HWV 15). 1723

Today in History:

Tsarina Elizabeth establishes the first university in Russia, 1755

The first US public museum is established, in Charlestown, South Carolina, 1773

Mission Santa Clara de Asis is founded in California, 1777

The first cargo arrives in New Orleans by steamship, from Natchez, 1812

Anthracite coal is first used to smelt iron, in Mauch Chunk,Pennsylvania, 1839

The Royal Aeronautical Society is founded in England, 1866

The Dow-Jones closes above 100 for the first time, 1906

A long-distance radio message is sent from the Eiffel Tower for the first time, 1908

The University of the Philippines College of Law is formally established; three future Philippine presidents are among the first enrollees, 1911

The United States House of Representatives rejects a proposal to give women the right to vote, 1915

Finland's "Mosaic Confessors" law went into effect, making Finnish Jews full citizens, 1918

Hattie W. Caraway becomes the first woman elected to the United States Senate, 1932

Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with intent of future resuscitation, 1967

An act of the U.S. Congress authorizes the use of military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait, 1991

A new constitution, providing for freedom to form political parties, is approved by a referendum in Mali, 1992

Nineteen European nations agree to forbid human cloning, 1998

The world's largest ocean liner, RMS Queen Mary 2, makes its maiden voyage, 2004

Deep Impact launches from Cape Canaveral on a Delta 2 rocket, 2006

The French warship Clemenceau reaches Egypt and is barred access to the Suez Canal, 2006

Comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught) reaches perihelion becoming the brightest comet in more than 40 years, 2007

An earthquake in Haiti kills an estimated 230,000 and destroys most of Port-au-Prince, 2010

Divers retrieve one of two black boxes from Air Asia Flight 8501, which crashed on December 28th during its flight from Indonesia to Singapore, 2015

Missy Eliot becomes the first female rapper inducted into the Songwriter's Hall of Fame, 2019

Taal volcano, 70km (45 miles) south of Manila in the Philippines, begins erupting and  prompts evacuations, 2020

India's Supreme Court puts on hold three controversial new farm laws that ignited weeks of protests by farmers in Delhi, 2021


  1. It so often is the people with limited resources who step up and help out. I am glad that you and Ms G could help this woman.
    Love your poem too.

  2. So kind of you and Ms G to help out this kind woman. Nice poem. Have a wonderful day.

  3. It is such good news bad news about all the feral cat colonies. The good news being how you all are helping so many and the sad news that so many kitties are only loose like this.

  4. A heartwarming six and a toe-tapping poem! Nice!

  5. That is an amazing community you have going on down there with all the donations and things to help those poor kitties. You too are amazing to help with all the other things you have going on in your life.

  6. It's wonderful that the feral feeder got some food, it sure can be expensive. That was a cute poem and a most heartfelt thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. I never wanted to be a dancer but if I had tried I would be in a lot better shape today.

  8. Can I just add that I love the fence you posted?
    Especially, the four legged angel behind it!

  9. I remember seeing the Rockettes in New York. Thee ladies were so beautiful but wow, could they dance. What amazed me was how high they could place their legs when they danced and even better was how close their legs were together.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. I like your poems, and I'm always amazed how well you make them fit the picture. I still hope for your car-troubles to end soon - yesterday preferably.

  11. Lovely thankful and sweet poem ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. What a kind woman to help feed the cats and aren't you the greatest to help her! Hugs all round!

  13. Wow! I would LOVE to go to the camel festival. I love your 6 sentence story! The fence is purrfect! And we are hoping to get Mom to help us pawticipate in Feline Friday tomorrow (she has been busy this week and we are woefully behind yet again). Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  14. Cute fence, Nice poems. And I am glad you were able to deliver all that food to help ferals.

  15. Totally agree. About watching a person do something good without a care about being recognized or praised or anything else... just the inherent good of their own sense of giving.

  16. The further adventures of Mrs. G! Keep up the good works.

  17. Oh my whiskers, would you pulleeze tell The Human that play fighting between brofurs is okay? She sometimes gets cranky when we take things too far although two cats weighing in at 18 and 20 pounds can do a bit of damage.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  18. WOW - both of your poems about the Rockettes are just great.....imagine they've been around since 1932 - and I'm sure they'll be around for MANY more years!

    Hugs, Pam

  19. TNR is a lot of work and it isn't cheap. How nice that you were able to assist her cause. I love kitties so!

  20. "It's a joy to help people who step up even when they have limited resources themselves." - very true. I feel like these people are truly grateful for the help and not just being lazy while still expecting something, and I'm not a fan of entitlement.

  21. Two lighthearted poems to brighten my morning. And great to hear stories about grassroots solutions; neighbors stepping up is our greatest resource & hope!

  22. Sounds as if Ms. G will never be short of adventures and neither will you riding shotgun, lol
    It's uplifting to hear of such generosity.
    Rockettes! My ballet teacher in grade school was a former Rockette. I was a little too young then to appreciate all that went into becoming a Rockette.

  23. I, too, love helping the helpers! Sweet poem! And so many things to be thankful for!


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