It's official.
#1 Son is no longer 17 and Surly.
He is 18 and Edgy? Maybe
18 and Enormously Pompous? Only sometimes.
18 and Earnest? No, no him.
18 and Enough? He certainly thinks so.
18 and Eager? Yes, but sometimes for the wrong things.
18 and Ebullient? No, more of a laid back type.
18 and Eccentric? Well, aren't we all, just a little?
18 and Economical? Absolutely not, he's costing more than ever.
18 and Ecstatic? Again, he is too laid back for that term.
18 and Educated? He has a diploma, yes, but there is too much life still has to teach him.
18 and Egomaniacal? Well, egocentric maybe.
That's it. I'll use 18 and Egocentric, unless a better term comes along before next year.
Today is:
Anti-Bigot Day
Chrysanthemum Day
Constitution Day, Uruguay
Hog Calling Contest Day (Stage one of your own if you don't have one near you!)
National Caviar Day (Don't I wish that were in the budget.)
National Woody Wagon Day
Railroad Day
St Philastrius' Day
Toss Away the "Could Haves" and the "Should Haves" Day
Wiener Day
Birthdays Today:
Vin Diesel, 1967
Dick Button, 1929
Harriet Nelson, 1914
Richard "Red" Skelton, 1913
Hume Cronyn, 1911
Today in History:
Rome begins to burn, 64
Jews ordered out of England by King Edward I, 1290
Trains begin running over the 1st North American railroad between Portland, Maine, and Montreal, 1853
Secret ballot voting introduced in Great Britian, 1872
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
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