Yesterday exploded.
When Bigger Girl told me she still couldn't get the smell out of the mattress from the cats, I remembered where I had seen the new doorknob for her room, and got it from the bottom of the toolbox.
While fighting to use the wrong tools to modify an old door to hold a new type knob, the doorbell rang. Little Girl went to answer it and the doorknob to that door fell off in her hands.
I rigged the front door temporarily and was back at Bigger Girl's door when the phone rang. "Mom, mom, it's _____(#2 Son)."
"Hey, mom, we are looking at the Statue of Liberty and getting on the boat, we will be sailing in a few minutes!"
That's wonderful, I replied. Bigger Girl is yelling, "Ask if he is going to stand on deck and wave to everyone he doesn't know on the dock as they leave!"
Son, your sister wants to know if you are going to stand on deck and wave goodbye.
"Yea, we will, but we drove the RV through the mountains!"
I'll bet that was exciting.
"Yea, mom, sure, but guess what! It's a good thing the hotel here in New York where we stayed last night is open all night and has Red Bull. Pierce and I stayed up all night! Gotta go, we're boarding, bye mom!"
Why do I have the feeling everyone on that ship is going to recognize him by face and deed before the voyage is over? I'm glad he's having fun, but I feel sorry for the crew.
Today is:
Amelia Earhart Day
Bolivar Day, Ecuador and Venezuela
Cousins Day
Feast of the Trickster of Liberty
Festival of St. Eloi, French Basque
National Drive Through Day (Like most people don't do this enough already?)
National Tequila Day
Opinion Day (Opinions are like elbows, everybody has a couple and sometimes mine bump into yours.)
Pioneer Day -- Mormons
Pop a Wheelie Day
St. Boris' Day
Tell an Old Joke Day
Birthdays Today
Linda Carter, 1951
Ruth Buzzi, 1936
Zelda Fitzgerald, 1900
Alexandre Dumas, 1802
Today in History
Mary, Queen of Scots, abdicates and James VI (later James I of England) becomes king of Scotland, 1567
Treason of Don Juan in Brussels, 1577
Abolition of slavery in Chile, 1823
Brigham Young and company (Mormons) arrive at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1847
After serving 3 years for embezzlement, O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) is released from prison in Austin, Texas, 1901
Wordless Wednesday
2 hours ago
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