Sweetie decided, over the weekend, that he needed to go see his out of town doctor.
Several years ago, he had surgeries in his ears to take care of infectious cysts in the mastoid bone. Ever since, he has to have his ears cleaned out every couple of months, and sometimes more often.
Well, he noticed a problem in his left ear, and he noticed right away when something is off. So he called the doctor and headed down on Monday.
Of course, he got all of the way down there (an almost 2 hour drive) and got the call that the doctor was taking someone into emergency surgery.
He tried again on Tuesday, and it worked out. An infection was beginning, and because it was caught early, it shouldn't cause any trouble. Sweetie has his head packed with antibiotic and gauze, and will go back next week to have it all removed.
In kitten news, we have decided that chicken skin is good. It took a while to figure out what to do with it, but eating it finally made sense.
In honor of National Humor Month:
Pun Time -- What happens when the smog clears in California?
Boudreaux is driving down the big road in Houston, Texas, when all of a sudden this big ole Texan cuts him off and forces Boudreaux to the shoulder where Boudreaux immediately gets out his Country Cadillac (pick-up truck) and walks up to the Texan and begans screaming at the guy. The Texan, remaining calm, politely goes to his trunk, and pulls out a tire tool. He bends over and draws a circle in the concrete on the shoulder of the Interstate and tells Boudreaux to get in the circle and DON'T get out.
Well, the Texan walks over to Boudreaux's pick-up truck and bashes in his tail lights. Looking at Boudreaux, the Texan sees him laughing hard. Getting even more frustated, the Texan bashes in the back glass. Looking over at Boudreaux again, he sees him lying on the ground, rolling from laughing so hard. This really gets the Texan upset, so he bashes in the front windshield, the headlights, and the mirrors. Walking over to where Boudreaux was at, in the circle, he still sees ole Boudreaux on the ground, laughing so hard that he's turning blue in the face. Not understanding why, the Texan says to Boudreaux , " Man, I bash in your windows, and you laugh; I bash in your tail lights, and you laugh; I bash in your windshield, mirrors and headlights, and you can barely breathe because you're laughing so hard. What the hell is wrong with you?" Finally catching his breath, Boudreaux says, "You fool; you Texans think you're so much better than us; you know what? When you wasn't looking, I got out that circle three times!
Today is
Anniversary of Something That Happened So Long Ago Everyone Has Forgotten Day -- Fairy Calendar
Astronomy Day
Festival of Fabulous Wild Women (since the men get their day in January, I guess it is only fair)
Lima Bean Respect Day
Look Alike Day
National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
Oiran Dochu -- Bunsui, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Radium Day
Ridvan -- Baha'i (begins at sunset)
Volunteer Recognition Day
Birthdays Today:
Joey Lawrence, 1976
Carmen Electra, 1972
Don Mattingly, 1961
Clint Howard, 1959
Luther Vandross, 1951
Jessica Lange, 1949
Ryan O'Neal, 1941
George Takei, 1937
Nina Foch, 1924
Lionel Hampton, 1908
Harold Lloyd, 1839
Joan Miro, 1893
Today in History:
The last naval battle in Byzantine history, 1453
Jews are expelled from Orange Burgundy, 1505
Jacques Cartier begins the voyage in which he will claim Canada and Labrador for France, 1534
Freedom of religion is granted to the Jews of New Amsterdam, 1657
Admiral Robert Blake destroys a Spanish silver fleet under heavy fire at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1657
Captain Cook arrives in New South Wales, 1770
René Caillié becomes the first non-Muslim to enter Timbouctou, 1828
Edgar Allan Poe's Murder in the Rue Morgue becomes the first detective story ever published, 1841
Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard complete their first pasteurization tests, 1862
Pierre and Marie Curie refine radium chloride, 1902
Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims marking his final victories before his death the next day, 1918
Western Electric and Warner Bros. announce Vitaphone, a process to add sound to film, 1926
Apollo 16, commanded by John Young, lands on the moon, 1972
Pianist Vladimir Horowitz performs in his native Russia for the first time in 61 years, 1986
Danica Patrick wins the Indy Japan 300 becoming the first female driver in history to win an Indy car race, 2008
The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion kills 11 and causes rig to sink, initiating a massive oil discharge in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
13 hours ago
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