This weeks shelter visit was less, shall we say, eventful, than the last.
First thing i noticed, pulling up, was that i could see all the lines in the parking lot. Meant i didn't have to guess if i was parking straight. What an improvement.
Clint was not sitting in the window, probably because the big room has been cleaned and organized! He was exhaustedly sleeping in a cat hidey bed, and didn't even have the energy to look at me and hiss when i found him.
At this point i asked an office volunteer what had gotten into everyone that the place was changing so much. Turns out, this past weekend, a local church decided to put faith in action, skipped the usual services, and sent out teams to do work with local charities and for individuals who were in need. Our rescue got a team assigned, and they did a great job.
Grady was out in the main part of the shelter, chasing a laser light held by one of the office volunteers. Apparently, this volunteer loves to spend lots of time making the cats run after the laser light, and Grady is his favorite. It was good, too, as it made Grady amenable to being put back in the big room when we left.
So the big room is clean, organized, and is down to five cats, fewest it's ever had. Sophia, PittyPat, and Prissy are the girls in there now.
Candy has been moved to a room by herself. When Candy is alone, she is the nicest cat ever. Very loving and affectionate. Put another cat with her, or put her in the big room, and she turns into a completely different animal, clawing at everyone who passes, playing very rough and not being loving at all. Whoever adopts her will have to be a one cat house.
Cali is back in with Baby, and back to hiding. It's sad to see sweet Cali hide out like that. She came out for me, and for the first time in ever Baby didn't hiss at me when i went in, or when i petted Cali. Maybe Baby is getting mellow?
Angel and Dustie are still the usual loves. Don't know what is wrong that neither of them has been adopted yet.
Sergio still hates his feline acne treatment, but he and Jeremiah are doing well.
Joey has a bald spot starting on his back and tail. There was no notation that anyone has seen it, so the office volunteer used his phone to take a picture and email it to Miss W. Wow, what they can't do these days. While i was trying to figure out how to leave her a note, he was finished. Jimmy, Georgie, and DeeDee, his roomies, are showing no signs of whatever this is.
JuJu wouldn't take her med with the treat, so we had to go through the same rigmarole as last time. Three people, Grady gloves, towels, pry the jaws apart, watch her mess all over, and this time, in addition, she got away and had to be dragged out from under a shelf to be put back in her cage. #2 Son got a nasty scratch in the scuffle, too. When an animal is that resistant to being medicated, they need to use long acting injections.
Frieda was so exhausted. i guess because of the work being done around there in cleaning and organizing, that she didn't look up from her cat nap at all.
Buttercup bit again, and Baby Girl, a new arrival, is another escapee, like Grady.
All the rest, Banshee (nice cat, terrible name when trying to get him adopted), Sphinx, Henry, Caliente, Emily, Emmie, Rosie, Neko, and Dixie, are doing well.
The back bathroom is off limits now because of the cats i stumbled upon last week -- by the bottle of disinfectant outside of the room, i'm figuring ringworm.
Adoptions so far this month have been Cami, Tom, Cayenne, Clare, and Teddy Bear.
In honor of National Humor Month:
How can you get four suits for a dollar?
Buy a deck of cards.
This Louisiana game warden had been keeping an eye on the fishing docks, when after about a week he noticed that Boudreaux had been coming back every day with a boat full of fish. One day he starts to talk to Boudreaux as he's pulling his boat in. The warden says,'Boudreaux, I been watchin you. I notice every day dat you been comin' in wid a full load of fish. You must be havin some good luck? Eh?" Boudreaux answers, "May yah, dem fish is easy to catch." The game warden replies, "Well listen. I got me a day off comin next Saturday. I was wondring, maybe I could go an fish wid you?" Boudreaux replies, "May dat be no problem. Jus make shore you be here at dat 6 a.m. sharp. Cause I gonna leave dis dock wid or widout you." "May I'll be here, don't chu worry none about dat" answers the warden.
Saturday comes and the game warden is waiting at the dock when Boudreaux pulls up and puts his boat in the water. The game warden gets in and Boudreaux proceeds to drive the boat out to the middle of the lake. At this point, Boudreaux shuts off the engine and lets the boat glide to a stop. The game warden, who'd been curious anyway, says to Boudreaux, "May Boudreaux, I been lookin aroun dis boat, and I notice dat all you don brought was dis here ice-chest and dat little brown paper bag under your seat. May, you don't even got no fishin pole." Boudreaux answers, "May, dat be because dats all I need" And he proceeds to pull a stick of dynamite out of the brown paper bag, lights it, thows it in the water and watches it go boooom! All the fish in the area, being stunned, float to the top of the water.
The warden, by this time, can't believe his eyes. Half yelling, he says to Boudreaux, "May Boudreaux, I know we been knowin each udder for a long time, but man, you can't be doing dat, especially wid me being a game warden n all. May, dat's agin de law in a big way dat is."
Boudreaux, without say a word, calmly reaches down into the bag (with the warden still rattling off), pulls out a stick, lights it, hands it to the warden and says, "You gonna talk, or you gonna fish?"
Today is
All is Ours Day -- an internet holiday to remind us of what we do have
Buddah's Birthday -- Mahayana Buddhism in Japan (based on Gregorian Calendar, other Buddhists use a different dating system)
DAB(Draw a Bird) Day
Fast and Prayer Day -- Liberia
Feast of the Hummingbird -- Ancient Aztec Calendar (date approximate)
French Quarter Festival -- New Orleans, Louisiana, US (celebrate all that makes the Vieux Carre special, through the 10th)
Hana Matsuri Flower Festival -- Japan
Holiday in Dixie -- Shreveport and Bossier City, Louisiana, US (ten days celebrating the Louisiana Purchase and what it meant to the US)
International Bird Day
International Day of the Roma -- a celebration of Romani culture
Mennonite Relief Sale -- Hutchinson, Kansas, US (Mennonite, Bretheren in Christ, and Amish congregations from all across the area auction quilts, grandfather clocks, furniture, tools and crafts to raise money for hunger relief worldwide, through tomorrow)
National Empanada Day
National Pie Championships -- Celebration, Florida, US (through the 10th, sponsored by the American Pie Council)
Ozark UFO Conference -- Eureka Springs, Arkansas, US (experts -?- from around the world meet to exchange the latest info on UFOs)
Sealing the Frost -- Guatemala (Cuchumatan Indians ritual to protect their corn from frost)
St. Dionysius of Corinth's Day
Birthdays Today:
Kirsten Storms, 1984
Patricia Arquette, 1968
Julian Lennon, 1963
Kofi Annan, 1938
Shecky Greene, 1926
Betty Ford, 1918
Sonja Henie, 1912
Mary Pickford, 1893
Today in History:
Sultan Baybars conquers the Krak des Chevaliers in Syria, 1271
The first Jewish congregation in the US forms the Shearith Israel synagogue in NYC, 1730
The first fire escape, a wicker basket on a rope and pulley system, is patented, 1766
The statue Aphrodite of Milos (Venus de Milo) is discovered on the Aegean island of Melos, 1820
John D. Lynde patents the aerosol dispenser, 1862
William Ewart Gladstone introduces the first Irish Home Rule Bill into the British House of Commons, 1886
The first recorded college basketball game occurs in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, 1893
Longacre Square in Midtown Manhattan is renamed Times Square after The New York Times, 1904
Auguste Deter, the first person officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, dies, 1906
The last meeting of the League of Nations is held, 1946
Hammerin' Hank Aaron hits his 715th home run, beating Babe Ruth's record, 1974
Retired tennis great Arthur Ashe announces that he has AIDS, acquired from blood transfusions during one of his two heart surgeries, 1992
The Republic of Macedonia joins the United Nations, 1993
The construction of the world's first building to integrate wind turbines is completed in Bahrain, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
13 hours ago
You think Boudreaux and Bubba took fishin' lessons from the same place. The story telling was much better with Boudreaux, however.
ReplyDeleteI hope that ringworm outbreak goes away soon, that stuff can be nasty (from someone who has worked with getting off kitty, then had to get it off SELF... No fun what so ever.)
Cat, we have had ringwormy kittens more often than i care to think about. It's not often that i am reduced to a mass of hysterical crying, but it did happen once when the 11 kittens kept reinfecting each other with ringworm, it was taking me a couple of hours a day to treat each of them, and i ended up in the ER with pneumonia to boot. That stuff is a mean monster, and a cuss word around here.