It was a wild and crazy night at the shelter.
Some people coming out of the building let the kids in before i could get to the door. By the time i got in, Little Girl and #2 Son were taking turns carrying around a black half grown cat named Emily and yelling that they want to keep her.
Clint has knots in his fur, and won't let anyone come near him.
Baby hissed as usual, but rubbed up against me and sniffed me several times.
Frieda got mad because i tried to pet her when she was still paying attention to Bigger Girl.
Grady had already escaped twice during the day, and pounced as soon as i tried to get in. He goes straight into the office with Frieda, who lets him have it. He still goes in there.
JuJu has a UTI and needed meds. It took three of us to hold her down and get it down her throat, and she managed to "mess" on me in the process.
Sergio struggled through his acne treatment, he does not like that cream on his chin.
Lucky has decided that the new treats, the ones that don't quite cover his pills, are the only things in the world he loves. It took a lot of manipulating to get him to take the med, as these treats crumble and i had to gather the crumbs up and remash them around the rest of the pill to get it all in him.
There is a new procedure for the forms we fill out, and we found ourselves getting in each others way through the evening.
When i noticed a light on in the back bathroom, i opened the door to turn off the unneeded light. It was needed. They have four half grown ginger toms in there, looking like identical quadruplets, an open cage, lots of food and water, and not one of them moved when i peeked in except to just look at me. They were snuggled up together, and seemed totally happy for the moment. No paperwork to be seen, so i just shut the door and stole away.
The rest of the current resident cats, Angel, Dustie, Captain, Cayenne, Tom, Jeremiah, Jimmy, DeeDee, Georgie, Banshee (who is a sweet heart), Henry, Sphinx, Gulliver, Clare, Ringo, Buttercup, Caliente, Prissy, Candy, Sophia, and PittyPat are doing well.
Oh, and by the way, the first week of April is National Pooper Scooper Week. Seriously.
For National Humor Month:
Boudreaux was sitting in the City Bar in Maurice, La. one Saturday night, and had several beers under his belt. After a while, he looks at the guy sitting next to him, and asks him, "Hey, you wanna hear a good Aggie joke, you?"
The big guy replies, "Let me tell you something. I'm an oilfield roughneck, I weigh 270 pounds, and I don't like Cajuns. My buddy here is a pro football player, weighs 300 pounds, and he doesn't like Cajuns either. His friend on his other side, is a professional wrestler, weighs 320 pounds, always has a chip on his shoulder, and he likes Cajuns even less than we do, and we are all Aggies. Do you really want to tell us an Aggie joke ?"
Boudreaux, all 150 pounds of Cajun attitude, tells him, "Well, I guess not. After all I don't want to have to explain it three times !"
Today is
April Fool's Day a/k/a Huntingowk Day or Gowkie Day in Scotland, because an April Fool is called a gowk; in England it is All Fools Day or April Noddy Day, as an April fool is a "noddy"
Capture of Brielle Remembrance -- Brielle, Netherlands
Civil Service Day -- Thailand
Day of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar
Edible Book Day -- Sponsored by the Edible Book Festival, Austin, TX, US
Fortuna Virilis/Veneralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (women's festival to Venus, seeking good relationships with men)
Fossil Fools Day -- part of the conservationist movement of many organizations
Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
International Fun at Work Day -- this year's theme: Work Like Your Dog!
International Tatting Day
Investiture of the New Captains Regent -- San Marino (sometimes listed as National Day)
Islamic Republic Day -- Iran
Kha b-Nisan -- Assyrians (traditional New Year celebration)
Loki's Day -- by some calculations, but more likely it was moved to this date to celebrate the trickster of all time on the trickiest day of the year
Miyako Odori -- Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, Kyoto, Japan, highly anticipated geisha dance and music festival, through the 30th
Mule Day celebrations -- Colombia, Tennessee, US, through the weekend
National Sourdough Bread Day
National Walk to Work Day
Odisha Day -- Orissa, India
One Cent Day
Pigasus Award Announcement Day -- by James Randi, awarded to parapsychological, paranormal or psychic frauds
School Year Begins -- Japan, most schools and universities
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, between Seattle and Vancouver, Washington; through the 30th
St. Melito's Day
St. Stupid Day (First Church of the Last Laugh)
Uzupis Day -- Uzupis District, Vilnius, Lithuania
Birthdays Today:
Randy Orton, 1980
Susan Boyle, 1961
Ali MacGraw, 1938
Gordon Jump, 1932
Debbie Reynolds, 1932
Anne McCaffrey, 1926
Toshiro Mifune, 1920
Abraham Maslow, 1908
Clara "Mother" Hale, 1905
Lon Chaney, 1883
Sergei Rachmaninoff, 1873
Otto von Bismarck, 1815
William Harvey, 1578
Emperor Go-Saga of Japan, 1220
Today in History:
The ruins of the city of Pompeii are found, 1748
Japan's volcano Unsen erupts, killing about 53,000, 1793
Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine, 1826
Cincinnati becomes the first US city to pay firefighters, 1853
Singapore, Penang & Malakka become British crown colonies, 1867
The London-Paris telephone connection is opened, 1891
The Wrigley Company is founded in Chicago, Illinois, 1891
The Royal Air Force is created by the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service, 1918
The Royal Canadian Air Force is formed, 1924
Generalisimo Frederico Franco announces the end of the Spanish Civil War, 1939
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake near the Aleutian Islands creates a tsunami that strikes Hawai'i, killing 159, 1946
The twenty-six counties of the Irish Free State become the Republic of Ireland, 1949
The Canadian government repeals Japanese Canadian internment after seven years, 1949
The BBC broadcasts the spaghetti tree hoax on its current affairs programme Panorama, 1957
Project Tiger, a tiger conservation project, is launched in the Corbett National Park, India, 1973
Apple Inc. is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, 1976
The Halifax Regional Municipality in Nova Scotia is created, 1996
Comet Hale-Bopp is seen passing over perihelion, 1997
Nunavut is established as a Canadian territory carved out of the eastern part of the Northwest Territories, 1999
Croatia and Albania join NATO, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
13 hours ago
Sounds as if most "residents" were in "full-moon" mode. ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhew is right!
They were in rare form, PonyGirl.