Saturday, July 18, 2020

It All Works Out, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Anybody out there think this week has gone by smooth and easy for me?  Of course anyone who reads here regularly knows better.

It's okay, it makes getting to Thankful Day that much sweeter, so i can say i am thankful to have to much to be thankful about!

First, taxes.  They finally came in on Monday, and we had actually paid enough that we only owed a very small amount.  That is fabulous, it means more to put on next year's quarterly estimates.

Dr. D, as explained on Tuesday, had given me quite a workout Monday, so that evening i was very thankful to be climbing into bed when #1 Son called.

Right here i must interject that the Tuesday plan was that Bigger Girl and #1 Son would go transfer her car to his name, then they would come here to pick up my car and go to NOLA to see Grandma and Grandpa.  (Her car, Bessie Low-Key, is not fit for long trips, and i would take Lunceford the Land Yacht to work, Sweetie having agreed to stay carless for the day.)  It was going to be Bigger Girl's last time to see Grandma and Grandpa until she flies back to visit from California, and #1 Son was making it his birthday visit.

Just a moment before, #1 Son had been on the phone with his landlord.  The refrigerator at their apartment quit working about 3 weeks ago, and they were thankfully making do with the fact that the freezer portion still worked (go figure) and using ice in the fridge part to keep things cool.

The LL had called to say that the new fridge would come on Tuesday, so someone had to be there.  No excuses, if no one was home, no refrigerator would be provided, and no, there was no way to reschedule the delivery.  (Please note that this was at 9:30pm that the LL called, and #1 Son had plans, and Roommate Nate had to be at work all the next day.)

A quick conference and we settled on the plan that i would get to work as early as possible and Bigger Girl would leave extra early, alone, to go to NOLA.  While i would get done as fast as i could so i could get to #1 Son's house, Bigger Girl would come back, pick him up, and they would then transfer the car.  If the fridge arrived early enough, i wouldn't have to go over there and wait for it, but i was going to plan to go just in case.

We were both a bit disappointed in having to do it this way, but thankful we had a plan and the fridge could be delivered, and #1 Son hung up to call Bigger Girl and get her on board with it.

About 10 seconds later, my phone rang again.  It was #1 Son.  "Roommate Nate called a work friend to see if he could cover the shift until the fridge comes, and the guy can, and then he called his boss and got permission to stay at the apartment until the fridge arrives.  He was calling and making those plans at the same time we were talking.  So since his shift is covered until he can get there, I don't have to change any of my plans!"

Talk about thankful for his roommate, the friend who was willing to cover part of a shift, and the boss for agreeing!.  The transfer of title for the car took place (for which all the heavens be praised, Bigger Girl no longer has wheels!), a visit to NOLA took place, and i did not have to kill myself to get done early and get to #1 Son's apartment if i was needed.

Bonus thankful for Tuesday, i got done with work just in time to pull into the nearest gas station to our house with Lunceford as #1 Son and Bigger Girl were arriving back from NOLA and putting some in my tank.  They went on to the house, i met them there, and i got one last hug from Bigger Girl before her flight on Wednesday.

Speaking of Wednesday, it went off without a hitch, Bigger Girl's friend Tamara got her to the airport in plenty of time, all of her flights were close enough to on time that she didn't miss any connections, and she is now safely in Oakland, CA, doing job interviews and having a ball with her friends.  We are very thankful for that.

On Thursday, #1 Son came by for a birthday hug, and to exchange prisoners as we call it (he had accidentally kept the spare key to my car, GusGus, and had left his coffee cup in the car, so we jokingly arranged a trade).

Friday was relatively calm by comparison, as Ms. S is out of town staying with her son and daughter-in-law so i only had 3 jobs, not four.  Speaking of which, her house is going on the market, and the realtor needed a key ASAP, and i am thankful Ms. S gave me a key years ago and i was able to hand it to the realtor.  The faster the house sells, the better off Ms. S will be, it will give her some financial breathing room.

Today i am thankful that Sweetie and i are in NOLA cleaning for Grandma and Grandpa.  The Saturdays that he comes, we get to extra chores that don't always need doing every week.

How was your week?  Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  


Today is:

Anti-Bigot Day -- doesn't seem to be sponsored by any particular group, which is good on a day to practice respect and kindness to all

Canada's Parks Day -- Canada (showcasing Canada's beautiful parks and historic sites, it's worth traveling to a park near you!)

Constitution Day -- Uruguay

Lunch of the Forward Goblins -- Fairy Calendar (not surprisingly, attended by Fairies only)

Mandela Day -- UN

National Caviar Day -- no one knows how it started, but even The Russian Tea Room in New York has celebrated it for years and caviar importers know all about it; pair it with ice cold vodka or a Burgundian pinot or unoaked chardonnay, but never with champagne!

National Woodie Wagon Day -- paying homage today to this great American symbol of freedom and the casual lifestyle

St. Theneva's Day (Patron of Glasgow, Scotland)

Toss Away the "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" Day -- write down all the "could have" and "should have" things in your life, then toss them in the trash! Resolve from this day to live in the present, not the past.

Vitulatio -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Vitula, goddess of exultation, joy, and life, is given the first fruits of the earth)

Wienermobile Day -- celebrating the creation, in 1936, of the now iconic vehicle by Oscar Mayer's nephew Carl

World Listening Day -- World Listening Project (this year's theme is "The Collective Field")   

Anniversary Today:

Timothy Verner Taylor marries The Lady Helen Windsor, 1992
Bobby Brown marries Whitney Houston, 1992

Birthdays Today

Chace Crawford, 1985
Priyanka Chopra, 1982
Kristin Bell, 1980
Vin Diesel, 1967
Elizabeth McGovern, 1961
Ricky Skaggs, 1954
Richard Branson, 1950
Steve Forbes, 1947
James Brolin, 1941
Martha Reeves, 1941
Joe Torre, 1940
Dion DiMucci, 1939
Paul Verhoeven, 1938
Hunter S. Thompson, 1937
Yevgeny Yevtushenko, 1932
Dick Button, 1929
Screamin' Jay Hawkins, 1929
John Glenn, 1921
Nelson Mandela, 1918
Harriet Nelson, 1914
Richard "Red" Skelton, 1913
Hume Cronyn, 1911
Clifford Odets, 1906
Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa, 1906
George "Machine Gun" Kelly, 1895
Charles E. "Chick" Evans, Jr., 1890
Vidkun Quisling, 1887
Margaret "Unsinkable Molly" Brown, 1867
William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811
Gilbert White, 1720
Robert Hooke, 1635

Today in History

A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome, BC390
The Great Fire of Rome begins in the merchant area of the city, 64
King Edward I of England issues the Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews (numbering about 16,000) from England; this was Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar, a day that commemorates many Jewish calamities, 1290
Matthew Flinders leaves England to circumnavigate and map Australia; it was he who gave the continent its name, 1801
The First Vatican Council decrees the dogma of papal infallibility, 1870
Britain introduced voting by secret ballot, 1872
Marie and Pierre Curie announce the discovery of a new element and propose to call it polonium, 1898
Adoph Hitler publishes Mein Kampf, 1925
The Intel Corporation is founded in Santa Clara, California, 1968
Nadia Comaneci became the first person in Olympic Games history to score a perfect 10 in gymnastics  at the 1976 Summer Olympics, 1976
Beverly Lynn Burns becomes first female Boeing 747 airline captain, 1984
On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the Soufriere Hills volcano erupts; over the course of several years, it devastates the island, destroying the capital and forcing most of the population to flee, 1995
Storms provoke severe flooding on the Saguenay River, beginning one of Quebec's costliest natural disasters ever, 1996
Phoenix, AZ, US, is hit by a dust storm of the kind known as a "haboob", 2011
King Jong-un, son of King Jong-il, is announced the official Supreme Leader of North Korea, 2012
The 'immediate and severe' fiscal emergency declared by the U.S. city San Bernardino, California, allows it to declare bankruptcy without negotiating with creditors, 2012
Investigators on the case of the October 2012 Kunsthal gallery theft of paintings by Picasso, Matisse and Monet, discover paint, canvas and nails in the oven of a woman whose son has been charged with the crime, 2013
Detroit, Michigan files the largest municipal bankruptcy in history, 2013
PayPal is spun off from eBay as a separate publicly traded company on the NASDAQ, 2015
Google is fined a record $5.1 billion by the EU for abusing its power in the mobile phone market, 2018
The Hawai'i National Guard confirms that the current eruption of Kilauea volcano has destroyed 700 homes and added 700 acres to the size of the Big Island, 2018 


  1. Was the Roman Army defeated by Asterix the Gaul?

    God bless.

  2. Between Edward I and Adolph, it's a good day to speak out against bigotry.

  3. That was sure some planning and replanning and original planning going on but how great it all worked out.

  4. My week was nowhere near as eventful a yours! Sunday nothing, Monday nothing, Tuesday went to the pub (thank goodness they're open again) Wednesday nothing, Thursday supermarket, Friday nothing, today nothing........

  5. Mimi,

    This week has been a low key one for which I'm very happy about since last week made up for the rest of the year. I'm happy everything worked out for the best in the end for you. It's always nice when things go smoother than you plan. Enjoy the weekend. Stay safe, be well, and keep cool!

  6. Life is never dull with you ~ glad you are able to schedule some sleep for yourself ~ ^_^

    Live the moment with love, Xox
    A ShutterBug Explores

  7. My week has been dull compared to your week. I'm always thankful that my life is so dull when I read your thankful post.

  8. Nice list of thankfuls. It must be hard saying goodbye to your daughter when she is moving so far away.

  9. Well you certainly had an eventful week, but in the end it all worked out. Wishing your daughter luck in California.
    And every day should be Anti-Bigot Day!

  10. You certainly live an exciting life! I'm glad things worked out. Good luck to your daughter with her move.

  11. Wow! Logistics are your wheelhouse! My nieces live in Oakland. Nice area.

  12. The stars really aligned for y'all on that refrigerator/title transfer/NOLA trip, didn't they? Good news that Bigger Girl no longer will be a member of the demolition derby :) Glad she is enjoying life in CA. Your cars all sound like our cars, only with names. We should name ours. When my son was little, he named them after all the engines in Thomas the Tank Engine

  13. (Wayne and Garth clip here: "We are not worthy!! We are not worthy,")
    I nod my head in respect to your skill in rightly relating to the world as it is encountered.

  14. The taxes are number one on my gratitude list too. I am glad it is over, for now. :)

  15. Whew! So much arranging of details in so little time. Glad it all worked out.
    I hope Bigger Girls finds the perfect job for her and is able to stay safe in her new area.
    National Woodie Wagon day brought back some memories of certain vehicles that were around when I was growing up.
    Here's to a great week ahead.


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