Saturday, July 11, 2020

My Never Ending Thankful List, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Would i enjoy getting to Thankful Day after a boring week where nothing happened?  Am i ever going to get to find out?  At this rate, we all know the answer to that.

The saga of Brother-in-Law continues, with twists and turns, thrills and chills.

He got a friend to help, and between him, Sweetie, the friend, and a bit of extra muscle at the end from me, we are thankful to say he got moved.

His first night did not go as planned.

While he was thankful, he also wasn’t able to sleep, between the fact that his mattress has to be on the floor (we don’t have a queen size box to put it on) and the cats loving having a person in the library to “entertain.”  He barely slept and had to get to the chiropractor right away, turns out that, unlike both me and Sweetie, Brother-in-Law can no longer get down on the floor.

We are thankful for the chiropractor.

We are all thankful for a cheap, clean, local hotel, that he had enough to get there for a night, and that friends are putting up a bit here and there to keep him there for a couple of days.

After he posted about how he needed a place to stay until he could get an apartment he’s applying for, a friend called and said, “You can stay here, but why don’t you call our mutual friend Eric and see if he can put you up for a while.”

Brother-in-Law called Eric who said, “Sure I have a room, but I have to let you know we’ve been battling bedbugs over here.”


Thanks for letting him know, and now, moving on.  Ahem.

(We are thankful beyond measure that Eric was upfront about it.  The alternative is too awful to imagine.)

While all of this is going on, and the situation is fluid (meaning both that it changes daily and i am becoming so very thankful i am not an imbiber, i probably wouldn’t be sober until this was settled), Lenny called.

From Kevin and Lenny, the mechanics.

“Your daughter brought that car she bought from my daughter in here to check out her tire, and what has she been doing with it, using it as a bulldozer?”

That’s what any sane person would think, i told him drily.  She’s hard on cars, i am so thankful she leaves for California next Wednesday and will live where she won’t have to drive.

“Well, the reason that I’m calling is she has nails in three of her four tires, two of them in places where they can’t be fixed, and the fourth one is just plain worn out, and she isn’t answering her phone.  Do you want me to put some new tires on it?”

Yes, please, i answered, and i will start making payments by the end of the week.

Once again, i am thankful they accept payments, i just walk in with cash every Friday and they are happy with whatever i can manage.

“Oh, and she mentioned the front right turn signal is not working, but she’s going to have to have a whole new headlight assembly.  I’ll have to find one and order it, do you want me to go ahead and do that?”

Sure.  It’s just money.

Thank you, Kevin and Lenny, especially for your patience with my nutty family problems with cars.

That’s not the end, though.  Bigger Girl called me a day later to say the car wouldn’t start.  She was at work, and her boss had promised someone would get her home, but what should she do?

Jump it off, of course, i told her, it’s probably the battery.  After all, when tires go, doesn’t the battery follow a few days later in sympathy?

We are thankful it started later, it might just be corrosion on the battery cables, she will have Lenny look at it.

Have i gotten to ten yet?  Let’s hope so, i am not sure how much more i can say.  We are thankful to take it day by day and hope for the best.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Kristi and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.  


Today is:

Advice-to-the-Lovelorn-Day -- date, in 1896, the New Orleans Picayune first published the advice column of Dorothy Dix, Mother Confessor to Millions; it eventually ran in 300 papers for 55 years

Bald In - Bald Out Day -- sponsored by Bald Girls Do Lunch; if men can be bald and brazen, then women and children who cannot grow hair should bring bald INto their lives, and never feel on the OUTs!   

Bonfire Night -- Northern Ireland (precursor to The Twelfth a/k/a Orangemen's Day)

Bowdler's Day

Carver Day -- George Washington Carver National Monument, Diamond, MO, US

China National Maritime Day -- People's Republic of China

Convenience Store Day -- the first Seven Eleven opened on this day in 1927 in Dallas, TX; it was open 7am to 11pm,  thus the name

Day of the Flemish Community -- Flemish community of Belgium, commemorates the Battle of the Golden Spurs of 1302

Feast of Theano, Philosopher, Mathmatician, wife of Pythagoras, patron of vegetarianism (date approximate, supposedly when she was born)

Feast of Min -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Imamat Day -- Ismailism

Naadam Festival -- Mongolia (a/k/a Revolution Day/National Day)

National Blueberry Muffin Day

National Cheer Up The Lonely Day -- begun by Francis Pesek of Detroit, Michigan; he chose to spend his birthday as a day to promote kindness, especially the forgotten at nursing homes and shut ins who have no visitors

Reading Guilt Day -- the day you are supposed to start reading that book you only read the Cliff's Notes on in school

St. Benedict's Day (Patron of agricultural workers, cavers/speliologists/spelunkers, civil engineers, coppersmiths, farm workers/farmers, Italian architects, monks, people in religious orders, people who are dying, school children, servants who have broken their masters belongings, students; Europe; Heerdt, Germany; Norcia, Italy; Subiaco, Italy; against erysipelas, fever, gall stones, inframmatory diseases, kidney disease, nettle rash, poison, temptations, and witchcraft)

World Population Day -- UN

Birthdays Today:

David Henrie, 1989
Marie Sernehold, 1983
Michael Rosenbaum, 1972
Justin Chambers, 1970
John Henson, 1967
Greg Grunberg, 1966
Rod Strickland, 1966
Al MacInnis, 1963
Lisa Rinna, 1963
Richie Sambora, 1960
Richie Sambora, 1959
Suzanne Vega, 1959
Mark Lester, 1958
Sela Ward, 1956
Leon Spinks, 1953
Stephen Lang, 1952
Bonnie Pointer, 1951
Beverly Todd, 1946
Giorgio Armani, 1934
Tab Hunter, 1931
Harold Bloom, 1930
Yul Brynner, 1920
E.B. White, 1899
John Quincy Adams, 1767

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Space Oddity"(Single release), 1969
"The Newlywed Game"(TV), 1966
To Kill A Mockingbird(Publication date), 1960

Today in History

Admiral Zheng He sets sail on his first exploratory expedition for the Ming Dynasty, 1405
Samuel de Champlain returns to Quebec, 1616
Jews are expelled from Little Russia, 1740
Halifax, Nova Scotia is almost completely destroyed by fire, 1750
Captain James Cook begins his third voyage, 1776
Jacques Necker is dismissed as France's Finance Minister sparking the Storming of the Bastille, 1789
French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons made his first comet discovery (he discovered 36 over the next 27 years, more than any other person), 1801
Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel, 1804
Waterloo railway station in London opens, 1848
Tijuana, Mexico, is formally founded, 1889
The Lumière brothers demonstrate film technology to scientists, 1895
Babe Ruth makes his Major League debut, 1914
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is first published, 1960
The first U.S. space station, Skylab, is destroyed as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere over the Indian Ocean, 1979
According to the UN, the Earth's population crosses the 5,000,000,000 mark, 1987
The United States announces it will reestablish full diplomatic relations with Vietnam, 1995
Colton Harris-Moore, the so-called "Barefoot Bandit", is caught in the Bahamas after a 2 year manhunt, 2010
Neptune completes its first orbit since its discovery on September 23, 1846, 2011
Pluto's fifth moon is discovered, 2012
The oldest stone tools outside of Africa are discovered in Lantian country, western China, estimated to be 2.12 million years old, 2018 
Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft lands on the Ryugu asteroid 300km (185 miles) from earth for a second time to collect samples, 2019


  1. Aaargh. Love your attitude and sadly yes, you are 'living in interesting times' (a curse I have always thought was particularly vicious).

  2. I'm feeling sorry for Bigger Girl's car, but so glad that friend was upfront about the bedbugs battles.

  3. There's always something to be thankful for. Praise the Lord.

    God bless.

  4. You are even beginning to sound a bit like "Soap" (That preamble). I am thankful for your take on your interesting life, and also thankful for my own more dull one.

  5. A wonderful thankful list. I hope your BIL gets a proper place to stay without any bed bugs to give him sleepless night. Hope all is well with the car and whatever needed repair or changing has been done. Take care and have a blessed weekend.

  6. That's sure a lot going on and it's great there's the thankfuls in there!

  7. Sometimes it's harder to be thankful than other times. I am glad your BIL has somewhere now. Other peoples problems can be almost more worrying than your own, or at least I find that so. And the cars....and the money..... so it's good to read that there are thankfuls too! Hope next week is easier.

  8. Oh, your life isn't dull, is it? I'm ever the optimist, and hope that this upcoming week will be very boring for you. Hang in there!

  9. Wonderful thankfuls. How does one get nails in so many tires?

  10. Way too many car problems. I love your "it's just money" attitude.

  11. But not a single Cat Five hurricane this week, right? easy peasy
    I benefit from reading your TToT posts.

  12. I am speechless ~ the challenges you have in life and how you cope is amazing to me ~ many blessings to you ~ Xox

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Mimi, you have a cheering squad in the blogosphere! You made it through one more week. Hope this coming week will be much better for you and your family.

  14. The good thing about older cars is there is no car payment. The bad thing about older cars is everything starts falling apart.
    My son had bed bugs when he first moved to a duplex three years ago. Thought they were already in the apartment when he moved in, because everything he took with him came out of our house, but he finally figured out the bed bugs were in a bedside table with drawers that my husband had bought at Goodwill. It was a really nice piece of furniture, and who would have thought there were bedbugs hiding inside?! Fortunately, there weren't very many, and the landlord paid half to have the place exterminated.

  15. You should write a book about car experiences and add some other things such as the night brother in law was invited for a bedbug sleepover. Love your attitude!


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