Thursday, April 21, 2022

Right Day, Wrong Tree (Six Sentence Story), Rough Good Fences, Ruff (Sammy's Poetry Day) and Reading (Brian's Thankful Thursday), an A to Z Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.     


I guess it was the right day for us to see each other in a new and different way, even if  his dog was always barking up the wrong tree, and I was more of a cat person.

He walked his dog past my place every day, and since dogs are creatures of habit, and I guess so are squirrels, there was always a squirrel, it seemed to wait for the dog, then go running and by the time his dog got to my tree to bark at it, the squirrel had long since jumped into the canopy of the neighbor's tree and was gone.

If I happened to be outside sitting on the porch, we'd say hello or wave, or maybe exchange a pleasantry or two, but I didn't even know his name and didn't think I'd be interested.  After all, my first husband was enough in my book, a man who was kind and loving but always chasing the next dream that was going to make us rich that never quite worked and the only reason I had enough to live on was because I'd scrimped and hidden money in investments that were now keeping me out of poverty in my widowhood although not lavishly.

That day, for some reason, we got to chatting, and then really talking, and the next thing I knew I was actually letting both a dog and a man into my house for a light supper (Mr. Whippersnapper, the cat, was not impressed) and then we were spending time walking the dog together, among other things.

We've been together almost a decade now, our kids like it, the pets we have now grew up together, and I owe my present happiness to a dog that didn't quite know how to track a squirrel through a tree.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Tree.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!  Ms. G's fence, near the sinkhole, needs attention after she gets the shed moved.


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

Hey, big guy, I gotta say

We little dogs have it ruff in a way,

So tiny I have to sit in her purse!

Sometimes being small is really a curse.

I know small's ruff, but big ain't so hot,

From us bigger dogs they expect a lot.

Pulling sleds or herding till you sleep like a log,

There's a reason they call it working like a dog!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for books and reading.  The last few nights i've not been able to sleep well, and i am thankful to be able to read myself to sleep when this happens.


Today is:

Administrative Professionals Day (original date)

Aggie Muster -- Texas A&M University

Birthday of Rome -- Rome, Italy (753 BCE)

Feast of Wadjet (a/k/a Udjet or Buto) -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

First Day of Ridvan -- Baha'i (began sunset yesterday; through May 2)

Get to Know Your Customers Day (celebrated the 3rd Thursday quarterly)

Grounation Day -- Rastafari (one of the Rastafarian's most important festivals, in honor of Haile Selassie's 1966 visit to Jamaica)

Harpa Month Begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (Harp, dedicated to young women as last month was dedicated to young men)

     Sumardagurinn Fyrsti -- first day of summer, a legal holiday

Heroica Defensa de Veracruz -- Mexico (Heroic Defense of Veracruz)

Homecoming of the Elves -- Fairy Calendar (Singing Festival)

Iroquois Corn Planting Ceremony -- Iroquois Native Americans (three day celebration, always around this time of year)

John Muir Day -- US (American conservationist)

Kartini Day -- Indonesia (honoring a leader who helped emancipate women)

Kindergarten Day -- Germany; US (birth anniversary of Friedrich Froebel, in 1782, who began the first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837)

Mibu Dainembutsu Kyogen -- Mibu Temple, Kyoto, Japan (nine day festival of kyogen performances which dates back to 1299)

National Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day

National D.A.R.E Day -- US (by Presidential Proclamation)

National Tree Planting Day -- Kenya

Paralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (shepherd's festival of Pares, goddess of herders)

Queen's Birthday -- Falkland Islands; St. Helena(except Tristan da Cunha)

San Jacinto Day -- Texas, US

St. Anselm of Canturbury's Day

St. Bueno Gasulsych's Day (Patron of diseased cattle, sick animals, and sick children)

Tiradentes Day/Brasilia Day -- Brazil (honors Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, called "tooth puller", who fought for Brazilian independence)

     Inauguration of Brasilia, Distrito Federal -- Brazil (anniversary of the 1960 inauguration of the new federal capital)

World Creativity and Innovation Day -- final day of World Creativity and Innovation Week, which always begins on DaVinci's birth anniversary

Birthdays Today:

Robert Smith, 1959

Andie MacDowell, 1958

James Morrison, 1954

Tony Danza, 1951

Patti LuPone, 1949

Iggy Pop, 1947

Charles Grodin, 1935

Elaine May, 1932

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 1926

Anthony Quinn, 1915

John Muir, 1838

Charlotte Bronte, 1816

Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel, 1782

Catherine the Great, 1729

Jan van Riebeeck, 1619

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Annie"(Musical), 1977

"Inherit the Wind"(Play), 1955

"Arms and the Man"(Play), 1894

Today in History:

Traditional date for the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus, BC753

Marc Antony continues to battle the senators who assasinated Julius Caesar in the Battle of Mutina, which he loses, BC43

Henry VIII ascends the throne of England, 1509

Hernan Cortez lands in Veracruz, 1519

The Maryland Toleration Act is passed, granting religious freedom to all in that colony, 1649

Catherine the Great ends noble privileges in Russia, 1785

Tiradentes, leader of the independence movement in Brazil, is executed, 1792

Republic of Texas forces under Sam Houston defeat Mexican troops under Santa Ana, winning the Battle of San Jacinto and the independence of Texas, 1836

The first train crosses the first bridge over the Mississippi River, crossing from Rock Island, Illinois to Davenport, Iowa, 1855

Alexander Douglas patents the bustle, 1857

Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i' faith, declares his mission, 1863

The first firehouse pole is installed in a firehouse in NYC, 1878

The Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen)is shot down, 1918

The first Aggie Muster is held, a remembrance of fellow Texas A&M graduates who had died in the previous year, 1922

Brasilia is officially inaugurated as the capital of Brazil, 1960

In Beijing, around 100,000 students gather in Tiananmen Square to commemorate Chinese reform leader Hu Yaobang, 1989

Alexander Wolszczan announces his the discovery of extrasolar planets, 1994

The ashes of Timothy Leary and Gene Roddenberry are launched into orbit, 1997

By order of an Egyptian court, the name of Egypt's former President, Hosni Mubarak, is stripped from public spaces, schools and streets, 2011

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks at the Extinction Rebellion protest in London, 2019


  1. Nice photo and poem. I guess the ideal would be a middle sized dog.

  2. That is a truly lovely six sentence story - which I assume is true - which makes it even better.

  3. Broken fence broken heart. There's a title for a song!

    God bless.

  4. What a beautiful story, Mimi. It has the ring of happy truth.

  5. It was a tough winter for many fences around here. There are a lot of them that need big repairs now.

  6. That story was great. Perfect romance with a bit of humor.

  7. Damn!*

    *compliment on an engaging and pleasant-ending Six**

    ** and had a dog in it... win-win

  8. Nice story with a happy ending. Whenever I couldn't get back to sleep, I make myself a hot cup of milo or milk and after some reading, I am ready to go back to sleep.

  9. Love your Six. It happens and it's wonderful when it does.

    Love the poem. They each have made their point.

    I'm thankful for books too and I hope you can get a good nights sleep soon.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  10. I just love reading your posts - have a wonderful day!

  11. I really love your poems Mimi. They seem to have idea to explain.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Splendid Six, Mimi. Squirrels are invisible to Luna (my cat)!

  13. Sweet story, darling poem and I sure agree about books- after my sweetie books are my best friend! Have a lovely and happy day!

  14. Books are a real treasure and you always have a friend to keep you company ~ grateful too ~

    Lovely poem and sweet story and that is quite the fence photo ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. You write beautifully, I like your story and your powm. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. These days by so quickly.

  16. That was a really good story and a cute poem too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. Who said Cupid can't appear in the guise of a squirrel? 😊

    I bet we'd be surprised what dogs say to each other. Or... maybe not, lol Cute poem, Mimi.

    May you resolve your sleep issues soon but until then, enjoy the extra reading time.

  18. Sweet story and great poem. I am thankful for books too. I hope you can sleep better soon. XO

  19. I love your six-sentence story with a happy ending, and your poem too. And, like you, I am so thankful for books, for so many reasons. I hope your sleep improves soon.

  20. Chocolate covered cashew day 🤣🤣🤣 who came up with that one? 😋

  21. A lovely story Mimi, and as for the photo and poem, delightful!


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