Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A/C Woes, Toilet Seats and Closet Conniptions, a Random and Happy Word Counters Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 50. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 27

It was submitted by:  Karen at Baking in a Tornado


Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                  

Things have simply been wild at Carl's house.  Last week it was a leaky shower which forced them to shut off the water to the main house.

He has been trying to go through clothes he's been given to see what fits, as his size has changed.  This, naturally, has created quite some chaos.

Never wonder what can happen this next, The Almighty will answer with something designed to make you lean on Him.  Yesterday, i walked in to see this:

The light is so no one will run into the fan in the dark.

Yes, the main A/C was out, so Carl's was running fast and furious and fans were being used to direct some of the cold air that way.

By the grace of The Almighty, we had our first night down in the 60's temp wise, so they weren't suffering too badly, the house wasn't bad.

Time to hit the ground running.  In a tearing hurry, i readied one of Carl's many ice vests (he packs only the ice packs the night before).

Then it was time to put it in the car, along with his lunch/snack.  He gave me his keys and i found another unexpected surprise waiting.

The passenger side door of his car no longer opens from the outside; put the vest in the trunk, slide the lunch in from the driver's side.

Now it's time to tell him where his vest is, so make him stop and repeat it.  Tell him he has a snack as he grabs another.

Tell him to go ahead and take that snack, too.  Then he asks, "Wait, you didn't pack a snack?"  Answer, yes, but you will always eat more.

He left, or so i thought.  Next thing, he's back saying, "We're having a movie party at David's this week!"  Great, i say, now go to work!

Once he was gone i tried to get on top of the laundry we'd missed out on the week before with no water.  This gets rather complicated.

He'd taken all the clothes that don't fit him any m, longerhich i'd pulled from the closet, and put most of them back, and they were everywhere.

He'd also tried to integrate more of the stuff his friend gave him, although the pants are too long, the shirts fit and he really needs some.

The key being, "some."  He had stuffed clothes, clean, dirty, and i don't remember piles all over, dresser, closet top to bottom, floor, bathroom, you name it.

I got a load of linens going and headed to Ms. G's house to tend her critters, she's out of town.  Oh, yeah, i had that, too.

She doesn't live very far from there, so i was back quickly and had decided i was going to do the clothes project myself or die trying.

There was also the matter of the toilet seat.  Carl's old one was atrocious, ugly, stained and nasty no matter how much i cleaned and disinfected it.

Silly me thought it was going to be done last week while the whole family was using Carl's restroom during the no water crisis.  Not quite, no.

They'd loosened the old one, it was no longer attached.  The new one was still in the box.  The hardware was out and Carl had gotten it.

I finally located all the hardware (some rolled off under the counter) and went for the tool box to get what i needed and read the directions.

I got the hardware in proper order, loosely attached the seat, and then it was time to get eyeball to eyeball, so to speak, with the toilet.

Rather a tight workspace back there.

Once i'm down here on the floor looking up, is there anything else i can do?

Once you are down there tightening everything up, you have to stop and ask yourself, while i'm on the floor, is there anything else i can do?

After the toilet was clean and had a functional seat, i continued to flip laundry (washer to dryer, start a new load), clean, and tidy that closet.

All the clothes that don't fit him any longer or that are old and worn or stained are now in a give-away box in another room.

All the clothes the friend gave him which are more than he needs are packed back into the boxes to give them back to the friend's nephew.

Ms. V has been meaning to help Carl do all that, but she's been putting out home fires for two weeks and is on her last nerve.

By the time i left, the A/C guy had come and gone and fixed a crack somewhere and they had A/C again.  Just another crazy day there.

In honor of floors and International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a few funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Chile

Cosmetic Bridge Day -- seems internet generated, but i'm sure your dentist will approve

Day of the First Appearance of the Slovak National Council -- Slovakia

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 9, Freedom (sponsored by We, the World

Get Ready Day -- US (help your community, workplace, or school to get ready for disasters or emergencies)   

Independence Day -- St. Kitts and Nevis(1983)

International Talk Like a Pirate Day  

Jubilee of the Moth Moons -- Fairy Calendar

National Butterscotch Pudding Day

Opening of Parliament -- Netherlands (holiday in The Hague) related observance

     Prinsjesdag -- Netherlands (technically translates "Prince's Day;" the day Parliament opens and the reigning sovereign, now King William-Alexander, gives the Speech from the Throne and the Minister of Finance proposes next year's budget)

Rhishi Panchami -- Nepal (continuation of the women's festival, a holiday for Female Employees Only)

St. Januarius of Naples' Day (a/k/a Gennaro of Naples; Patron of blood banks; Naples, Italy; against volcanic eruption) related observance

     Feast of San Gennaro -- NYC, NY, US (began on the 13th, continues to the 23rd; one of the highlights of the festival is this, the actual Saint's day)

Women's Suffrage Day -- New Zealand

Birthdays Today:

Alison Sweeney, 1976

Jimmy Fallon, 1974

Jim Abbot, 1967

Soledad 'Brien, 1966

Trisha Yearwood, 1964

Kevin Hooks, 1958

Joan Lunden, 1950

Leslie "Twiggy" Lawson, 1949

Jeremy Irons, 1948

Randolph Mantooth, 1945

Joe Morgan, 1943

"Mama" Cass Elliot, 1941

Bill Medley, 1940

Paul Williams, 1940

David McCallum, 1933

Mike Royko, 1932

Adam West, 1928

Duke Snider, 1926

Sir William Gilding, 1911

Lewis F. Powell, Jr., 1907

Joseph Pasternak, 1901

Henry Peter Brougham, 1778

Charles Carroll, 1737

Jan Luyts, 1655

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Skylight"(Play), 1996

"ER"(TV), 1994

"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"(TV), 1970

Funny Girl(Film), 1968

"Flipper"(TV), 1964

"The Virginian"(TV), 1962

Today in History:

Edward, the Black Prince, commands the forces which defeat the French army and capture France's King John II, 1356

Giles Corey is pressed to death after refusing to plead in the Salem Witch Trials, 1692

The Continental Congress passes the first budget of the US, 1778

Ephraim Morris patents the railroad brake, 1838

Bond and Lassell discover Hyperion, moon of Saturn, 1848

New Zealand becomes the first country to grant all of its women the right to vote, 1893

Funeral of assassinated President William McKinley, 1901

Mickey Mouse makes his screen debut as Steamboat Willie, at the Colony Theater in NYC, 1928

The Council of Europe is founded following a speech by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich, 1946

Nikita Khrushchev is barred from visiting Disneyland, 1959

Betty and Barney Hill claim that they saw a mysterious craft in the sky and that it tried to abduct them, 1961

The Solomon Islands join the United Nations, 1978

Scott Fahlman posts the first documented emoticons :-) and :-( on the Carnegie Mellon University Bulletin Board System, 1982

Ötzi the Iceman is discovered by German tourists, 1991

The BP oil well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico was declared “effectively dead” by retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the government’s point man on the blowout disaster, 2010

A joint summit between North and South Korea ends with an agreement from North Korea to limit its nuclear program and South Korea to cooperate economically, 2018

According to a study published in the journal "Science," since 1970 the number of birds in North America has declined by 30%, 2019

British monarch Queen Elizabeth II is interned at Windsor Castle, 2022

Scientists announce the discovery of the site of the Amazon's tallest tree, an angelim vermelho at 88.5 meters (290 feet) tall and 9.9 meters (32 feet) wide, at the Iratapuru River Nature Reserve in northern Brazil, 2022


  1. That floor in the funnies would have me walking very, very carefully. And probably hugging the wall.

  2. The floor to keep kids from running is the absolute best! Our AC went out 2 years ago on a day where it was in the 90's and humid, not fun at all! Glad it was fixed for Carls place quickly and you were able to get your work done there.

  3. Totally had me laughing out loud at "had decided i was going to do the clothes project myself or die trying."

  4. Carl is most entertaining and you handle everything so very well.

    Oh that floor in the hallway. Made me a bit queasy. Loved all the funnies.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Hugs, my friend. ♥

  5. Oh Boy ~ Carl keeps you busy for sure ~ what a fun post with Pirates ~ great funnies ~ thanks, Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Carl sure can make life interesting. Happy Pirates Day

  7. Yarrr! Fought like a true pirate, matey. You deserve your rhum and hardtack
    (I just found out that the world's oldest hardtack is at an exhibition in Elsinore. It was baked in 1852!).

  8. MOL MOL the floor needed a hug. I loved the bird's eye view of the toilet tank. Bet your floor got a hug then too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Great funnies! I always love seeing these.

  10. Great job on the story. I think Carl could have provided material for 50 paragraphs. :)

  11. Dang, Carl sure makes your life interesting. Those funnies had me laughing out loud!

  12. You certainly put in more than 100% for Carl. I've changed toilet seats in the past and it is a bit tricky but manageable. Love the "swear like a pirate" chart, mine is "Yo ho ho, ye bug brained son of a biscuit eater"

  13. oh my goodness! just as well you had some funnies to pick! lol a good lot this week!

  14. Unbelievable! Mimi. you must have an interesting life with Carl. I have a question about Carl. Why must he wear that ice vest?

    Cruisin Paul

  15. You could write a book about your experiences with Carl!
    Great funnies - except the floor which made me dizzy!!!


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