Sunday, September 10, 2023

No Snow Needed (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma is bored, and i don't blame her a bit.  She isn't totally housebound, but she is limited in how far she can ride sitting in a car before it becomes uncomfortable, so all trips have to be nearby -- church, close restaurants, hairdresser (although now the hairdresser, a good friend, comes to her).

Boudreaux done be retire an' he tell Thibodeaux, "I be's bored.  We oughts to do ourse'ves some'pin.  What you t'ink we should do?"

An' Thibodeaux say, "We should go on a SKI vacation!"

An' Boudreaux say, "Skiin'!  As much as it be you'n I hate de cold, you wants us go skiin'?"

An' Thibodeaux say, "Mais, non!  Not skiin', a SKI vacation -- Spendin' Kids' Inheritance!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

Ms. JoAnn got her handyman to hang up the curtains i had ironed and now the pretty side panels show just as she wants them to.

Everybody is trying to hurry the fall along.

A couple of nice garden finds.

Charlotte/Mother Owl's color/colour of the month is antique pink, and i've been looking for pinks and photographing them.  Some of them are closer to what she's looking for than others.

There haven't been many days of interesting skies.  The constant blue is beautiful, but we've needed the bit of rain we got and hope for more.  Meanwhile, i was able to get these shots.


Today is:

Dia del Nino -- Honduras (Children's Day)

Grandparents' Day -- US (but if you have fabulous grands in your family, feel free to observe anywhere)

Harvest Home Nibbling Contest  -- Fairy Calendar (Gremlins)

Hug Your Hound Day -- to increase awareness of human- and dog-friendly urban spaces

National Day -- Gibraltar

Pet Memorial Day -- US, but everyone who has ever lost a pet, feel free to observe

Saint George's Caye Day -- Belize (National Day)

Sewing Machine Day -- date of issuance of an early sewing machine patent, to Elias Howe; some sites call this "Sew Be It! Day"

Swap Ideas Day -- Robert L. Birch of Puns Corp wants people to explore ways in which their ideas can be put to work to benefit all humanity and develop incentives to encourage using our creative imaginations

St. Finian's Day (Patron of Ulster, Irland)

St. Nicholas of Tolentino's Day (Patron of animals, baby, dying people, mariners/sailors, sick animals; Albi, Italy; Cabanatuan, Philippines; Guimbai, Philippines; Lambuna, Philippines; Mati, Philippines; Tandag, Philippines; Toentino, Italy)

Teacher's Day -- China

TV Dinner Day

Wakes Sunday -- Abbots Bromley, England (Complete with the traditional celebration of the Horn Dance tomorrow)

World Suicide Prevention Day -- a great resource is here 

Birthdays Today:

Clark Johnson, 1964

Randy Johnson, 1963

Colin Firth, 1960

Amy Irving, 1953

Joe Perry, 1950

Judy Geeson, 1948

Jose Feliciano, 1945

Stephen Jay Gould, 1941

Karl Lagerfeld, 1938

Charles Kuralt, 1934

Roger Maris, 1934

Arnold Palmer, 1929

Rin Tin Tin, 1918

Fay Wray, 1907

Adele Astaire, 1896

Elsa Schiaparelli, 1890

Franz Werfel, 1890

Ian Fleming, 1888

Isaac Kauffman Funk, 1839

Marie Laveau, 1801

Carter Braxton, 1736

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The X Files"(TV), 1993

"Gentle Ben"(TV), 1967

"The Road Runner Show"(TV), 1966

"Gunsmoke"(TV), 1955

"Benvenuto Cellini(Berlioz opera), 1838

Today in History:

The Battle of Marathon takes places between the forces of the Persian Empire and those of Athens, BC490*

An earthquake known as "The Lesser Judgment Day" hits Istanbul, 1509

John Smith is elected president of Jamestown, Va., Colony Council, 1608

Nathan Hale answers the call of George Washington for a volunteer spy, 1776

Simón Bolívar is named President of Peru, 1823

Elias Howe is granted a patent for the sewing machine, 1846

George Mary Searle discovers the asteroid 55 Pandora, 1858

Lincoln Highway, the first paved coast-to-coast road in the US, opens, 1913

Austria and the Allies sign the Treaty of Saint-Germain recognizing the independence of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, 1919

20 African-American students enter public schools in Alabama, 1963

Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by guillotine in France, 1977

Switzerland, traditionally a neutral country, joins the United Nations, 2002

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in history is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland, 2008

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres makes an urgent call for a climate change conference saying "climate change is moving faster than we are," 2018

Researcher Martin Hairer wins Breakthrough prize for mathematics for work on stochastic analysis, 2020

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visits and calls for global support for flood-ravaged Pakistan, where 33 million people are displaced, 2022

*actual date disputed, but it was the 9th day of the 9th moon on their calendar


  1. Love your sky shots - and the collection of pinks.

  2. I see the farmers are putting out their pumpkins in the front yard for sale now. I don't remember them doing it before October 1st. Even though they're fun to see then, I much prefer to see the pink flowers that are in your photographs today. I'm not ready to hurry the season off and out of here.

  3. I guess scooters are out of the question for grandma?

  4. Grandpa is always fun ~ Great floral shots and sky shots ~ and fun pumpkins ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. That was funny. Nice photos. I love fall. XO

  6. Yes, that would be some SKI trip! Those are all lovely photos!

  7. That's a LOT of pumpkins! I love all the carnations, they were my dad's favourite and I put some in his hands in the coffin so he had carnations in heaven.

  8. Such beautiful sky shots! Love those Cajuns making me smile. Have a wonderful new week.

  9. Don't know what's happening to my comments for the moment - they're all disappearing Here as on other peoples' blogs. I repeat. I love the flowers you found, and I am sure my tough pink colour is in there somewere -or in more places, and surely much more and better than in my flower-photos.
    Fall needs not hurry for me. And as usual I love your skyscapes - do I detect some pink thereas well? All couples shuld go having at least one SKI holiday :D

  10. I LOVE Fall! It always shows up early. But getting it to stay is a real problem!
    I love the curtains. Those side panels are gorgeous!
    Beautiful pictures!


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