Saturday, September 23, 2023

It’s Always Something...Thankful (A Ten Things of Thankful Post)


It's Thankful Day, and i need it.

Last weekend, Ms. G texted while she was out of town christening her new RV.  She was having a wonderful time, for which i am thankful, and she stayed longer than she'd planned!

I'm also thankful for the extra pay, and that i managed to keep up and get everything done.

Saturday, i'm thankful Grandpa almost forgot to send me home so i was able to visit with Grandma a bit longer.  I'm also thankful i was able to adapt her bed warmer for the size of her new mattress, and i'll find out today if i was successful at attaching the blankets so they wouldn't slide off.

Our church small group studies have started again, and since our old group, led by Mr. L (Carl's dad) can no longer meet, i'm thankful to be in a different group now which meets by Zoom on Sunday evenings.

Monday was full of thankful things.  I'm thankful i got the toilet seat installed at Carl's, thankful i got his clothes sorted, thankful i was able to help Ms. D with lots of stuff (bedmaking, lamp repair, drain unclogging, and a few other things), and thankful for a wonderful ladies' circle meeting that evening.

That meeting was extra special as the hostess' refrigerator broke a line and spewed water all over her house that morning!  Others jumped in to bring food and we enjoyed her patio for the evening.  The pros had already been there and had the fans going to dry everything and it meant a lot to her to have the company that evening, too.

On the way home from that meeting Sweetie called me about a slow drain of our own.  Thankfully, it went down and we're going to get some drain unclogger.

Ms. G got safely back in town and we were able to get her shopping done and the RV unloaded, and i know her Angel cat is thankful to have her home.

The Big Boss was out of town this week, but came back early and had Sweetie drive him to Jackson, Mississippi to meet up with his wife.  We're thankful for their safety on the road and Sweetie's earning some extra both house-sitting and road-tripping.

I finally got the washcloths for Grandma i've been meaning to get, and i'm thankful and know she will be, too.

Friday, well, the traffic was crazy, then Sweetie's car went in the shop for replacement bulbs and ended up having to have a tire.  (Did you know you had a cut on your tire? Kevin asks.  Of course not, we responded, or we would have had you take care of it already!)

Anyway, when Sweetie left the shop, he got gas and suddenly the car, Slow-Moe, went bonkers.  He could barely get it back to the shop.  We're thankful he did.

Meanwhile, i'm thankful we have the rental place on speed dial, and i'm thankful we were able to rent a car on short notice.  I'm also thankful the insurance company was able to text me the current proof of insurance since i could not find it in GusGus!

We also got a sprinkle of rain in some parts of town, and are thankful for every drop right now.

There's always something to be thankful for, if you look, and i'm going to work hard to look and find it every time if i can.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Al-Yaom Al-Watany -- Saudi Arabia (National Day/Founding of the Kingdom)

Augustalia -- Roman Empire (birthday of Caesar Augustus, still the traditional New Year's Day in Constantinople and in the Eastern Orthodox Church)

Autumnal (Northern Hemisphere) / Spring (Southern Hemisphere) Equinox -- 6:50 UTC,(2:50am EDT); related observances  

     Mabon -- Wicca/Pagan Northern Hemisphere

     Ostara -- Wicca/Pagan Southern Hemisphere

     Alban Elfed -- Celtic Winter Finding

     Chuseok -- Korean harvest festival (high point of the festival)

     Feast of Carpo -- Greek Horae, goddess of autumn

     Kukulcan Snake God Celebration -- Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico (the snake appears at the equinox, a time to honor this Mayan god)

     Festival of the Sea Goddess -- Eskimo

     Higan -- Japan

     Mabon/Fallfest -- Asatru/Norse Pagan (harvest festival, time to make wine and mead for the next winter)

     Oenach Carman -- Ancient Celtic Calendar

     Sendai Great Tug-of-War -- Sendai, Japan (festival on the equinox that dates back over 400 years)    

     Svarog's Holiday -- Slavic Pagan Calendar/Asatru (day to drink mead in honor of Svarog, god of fire and the sky)

Checkers Day/Dogs in Politics Day -- thanks to Mr. Nixon; and i'm tempted to further comment, but this one is too easy

Citua -- Ancient Inca Empire (feast to the Moon, and to banish disease, in the month of Coyaraimi, date approximate)

El Grito de Lares -- Lares, Puerto Rico (anniversary of the first uprising against Spanish rule in 1868)

Fish Amnesty Day (same as National Hunting and Fishing Day in the US, because it hurts fish to be caught!)

International Rabbit Day -- learn to care for these wonderful pets and promote responsible rabbit ownership    

International Restless Legs Syndrome Awareness Day -- on the birth anniversary of Professor Karl-Axel Ekborn, the neurologist who first described it

Kiwanis Kids' Day -- local clubs sponsor events for kids on the fourth Saturday of September

National Great American Pot Pie Day

National Hunting and Fishing Day -- US   

National Public Lands Day -- US (Helping Hands for America's Lands -- a day to volunteer on America's Public Lands; note that entrance fees are waived for this event!) 

National Seat Check Saturday -- US (make sure your child's car seats are secured properly)   

Neptune Day -- planet discovered this day in 1846 by Johann Galle of Germany

St. Adamnan's Day (Patron of Donegal, Ireland; Raphoe, Ireland)

St. Padre Pio's Day

Anniversaries Today:

The University of Alberta in Alberta, Canada, is founded, 1908

Birthdays Today:

Anthony Mackie, 1979

Ani DiFranco, 1970

Elizabeth Pena, 1961

Jason Alexander, 1959

Bruce Springsteen, 1949

Mary Kay Place, 1947

Paul Petersen, 1945

Julio Iglesias, 1943

Tom Lester, 1938

Ray Charles, 1930

John Coltrane, 1926

Mickey Rooney, 1920

Walter Pidgeon, 1897

Friedrich Paulus, 1890

Walter Lippman, 1889

Victoria Woodhull, 1838

William H. McGuffey, 1800

Kublai Khan, 1215

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, BC63

Euripides, BC480

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Marcus Welby, M.D."(TV), 1969

"The Jetsons"(TV), 1962

"Threni: id est Lamentatines Jeremiae Prophetae"(Stravinsky dodecaphonic work), 1958

Today in History:

Concord of Worms, 1122

The first major battle of the Wars of the Roses, at Blore Heath in Staffordshire, 1459

First commencement exercises of Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass., 1642

Liechtenstein declares its independence from the German Empire, 1719

John Paul Jones' "Bon Homme Richard" defeats the HMS Serepis, 1779

Lewis and Clark arrive back in St. Louis from their explorations, 1806

The Knickerbockers Baseball Club, the first baseball team to play under the modern rules, is founded in New York, 1845

Neptune is discovered by French astronomer Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier and British astronomer John Couch Adams, 1846

Nintendo Koppai, later known as Nintendo Company, Limited, is founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi; it produces and markets the playing card game Hanafuda, 1889

The Phantom of the Opera (original title: Le Fantome de l'Opera), a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux, was first published, 1909

The MS Princess of Tasmania, Australia’s first passenger roll-on/roll-off diesel ferry, makes her maiden voyage across Bass Strait, 1959

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos announces over television and radio the implementation of martial law, 1972

Juan Perón returns to power in Argentina, 1973

Saint Kitts and Nevis joins the United Nations, 1983

Qantas Flight 1 overruns the runway in Bangkok during a storm; some passengers only receive minor injuries, it is still the worst crash in Qantas's history, 1991

The first public version of the web browser Mozilla Firefox ("Phoenix 0.1") is released, 2002

Hurricane Jeanne strikes Haiti and leaves at least 1,070 dead, 2004

Researchers announce the identification of four genetically different types of breast cancer, 2012

Japan's space agency becomes the first to place two robotic explorers on an asteroid, Ryugu, from its Hayabusa-2 spacecraft, 2018

The 178-year-old British travel company Thomas Cook goes into liquidation, stranding 600,000 travelers worldwide, prompting largest postwar repatriation effort by UK government, 2019

Fossilized footprints 23,000-21,000 years old from White Sands, New Mexico indicate settlement by humans of North and South America earlier than previously though, 2021


  1. Yet another hugely busy week. I am so glad that you had a lot of things to be thankful for.

  2. A very full list of thankfuls. I always keep drain unclogger on hand. People in these flats put all kinds of wrong stuff down the drains.

  3. Thankfully you did not get stranded on the road with the car acting up! It must have wanted more of a visit at the garage with the other cars, lol. And I am sure kitty Angel was glad to see her mom.

  4. Glad you are okay and grateful ~ You always are so busy ~ amazing what you do ~ You are an angel ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I always enjoy your list of thankfuls. You find the silver lining in everything. XO

    1. I agree wholeheartedly, those were my thoughts exactly.

  6. That was an amazing ten things, what a week!

  7. You do a great job of finding the silver linings!

  8. Hey! I've been to Jackson MS!*
    Back in the day one of my trips allowed me to stop there to rent a car and visit the famous Crossroads (that so many blues songs reference).

    * even in the virtual world, it seems that any common experience in geography somehow carries more weight than it should or somethin


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