Friday, September 1, 2023

Mr. Bob (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Mr. Bob was found foraging in a dumpster.  He was skinny as a stick, declawed and quite friendly.  Vet care determined he is over 8\ years old and has hyperthyroid.  He's on a special food to control his thyroid condition, but he's always going to be very thin.

His name originally stood for Bag-of-bones, which he was, but he's been adopted and he's now Blessed-ole-boy.

The only time i was able to get a picture of him was when he was doing his favorite thing -- eating!


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is _________.

2. If I won tickets to _________, I would give them away.

3. I think that those who _________ should _________.

4. When it comes to telling stories, I _________.

1. A non-monetary prize I would like to win is   an e-reader, even a cheap one, so i could read more away from home and not have to risk my books getting damaged or lost.

2. If I won tickets to   almost anything these days,   I would give them away.   It's sad, but the older i get, the less i want tickets to anything because the less i want to do crowds.

3. I think that those who   cook   should   let those who ate wash the dishes.

4. When it comes to telling stories, I   much prefer to tell funny ones.


Today is:

Bahti Meskerem -- Eritrea (Revolution Day)

Blackpool Illuminations -- The Promenade, Blackpool, Lancashire, England (five miles of spectacular lighting; through Jan. 1, 2024)

Bonnat Pig Fair -- Bonnat, France

Bring Your Manners To Work Day -- sad that we even have to have this one, isn't it?

Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

Chicken Boy's Day -- the mascot of the now defunct restaurant by that name, the 22-foot statue of a boy with a chicken's head was saved from destruction and is now a pop icon in L.A. on Route 66

Constitution Day/National Day -- Slovakia

Day of Knowledge -- Estonia (an official Flag Day); Russia

Disaster Prevention Day/Kanto Earthquake Memorial Day -- Japan

Dri-jerbal -- Marshall Islands (Labor Day)

Ecclesiastical Year begins -- Orthodox Christian

Festival of Juno Regina and Jupiter Liber -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Gai Jatra -- Kathmandu Valley, Nepal (cow festival, celebrated in remembrance of all people who have died in the previous year; one of Nepal's most popular festivals with tourists)

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day -- begun by Chris Roy, whose saving of a ginger kitten on this date in 1997 led to a life of animal welfare volunteer work

Hassaku Oshi-tsuki -- Tsuma, Oki Island, Japan (bull sumo, with bulls pushing each other out of the ring)

International Day of Awareness of the Dolphins of Taiji/Save Japan's Dolphins Day 

Lazy Moms Day -- a day for mom to be lazy, and let the kids do the housework!

Mustaqillik Kuni -- Uzbekistan (Independence Day, 1991) 

National Cherry Popover Day

National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day -- the day to celebrate the amazing words in the English language that do not rhyme with any other words

Nutt Day -- for Emma M. Nutt, the first female telephone operator

Oyster Season begins

Partridge's Day -- partridge hunting season begins in UK

Presidential Message Day -- Mexico

Random Acts of Kindness Day -- New Zealand

Save the Koala Month -- anyone can help by "adopting" one    

St. Fiacre's Day -- Ireland and France (the rest of the church celebrates this Patron of gardeners on August 30)

St. Gideon the Judge's Day (Patron of Saint-Gedeon-de-Beauce, Canada)

St. Giles' Day (Patron of the beggars, blacksmiths, breast feeding, cancer patients, disabled/handicapped people, epileptics, forests, hermits, horses, lepers, mentally ill people, noctiphobics, paupers and the poor, rams, spur makers, woods; Edinburgh, Scotland; Toifa, Italy; against breast cancer, epilepsy, fear of the night, insanity, leprosy, mental illness, noctiphobia, sterility)

St. Simeon Stylites' Day -- Eastern Orthodox Christian

Teacher's Day -- Singapore

Wattle Day -- Australia

Anniversary Today:

Benjamin Franklin marries Deborah Read, 1730

Birthdays Today:

Timothy Duane "Tim" Hardaway, 1966

Gloria Estefan, 1957

Dr. Phil McGraw, 1950

Barry Gibb, 1946

Lily Tomlin, 1939

Alan Dershowitz, 1938

Don Stroud, 1937

Seiji Ozawa, 1935

Conway Twitty, 1933

"Boxcar" Willie, 1931

Rocky Marciano, 1923

Yvonne DeCarlo, 1922

Vittorio Gassman, 1922

Walter Philip Reuther, 1907

Edgar Rice Burroughts, 1875

Englebert Humperdinck. 1854 (composer, esp of opera Hansel and Gretel)

Johann Pachelbel, 1653

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Art Linkletter's House Party"(TV), 1952

"Androcles and the Lion"(Play), 1913

Today in History:

Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman establishes a Jewish community in Jerusalem, 1267

Adi Granth, now known as Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhs, was first installed at Harmandir Sahib, 1601

The first yacht race is held, between England's King Charles I and his brother James, 1661

Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa forms in California, 1772

Juno, one of the largest main belt asteroids, is discovered by German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding, 1804

Narcissa Whitman, one of the first white women to settle west of the 

Rocky Mountains, arrives at Walla Walla, Washington, 1836

The first Pullman sleeping car is put into service, 1859

The Solar Superstorm/Carrington Event: a huge solar sunspot and solar flare storm that disrupted telegraphy and allowed the Aurora Borealis to be seen as far south as the Caribbean occurs, 1859

Joseph Lister performs the first antiseptic surgery, 1865

Robert T. Freeman becomes the first African American to graduate from the Harvard Dental School, 1867

The first underground rapid transit system in North America, the Boston Subway, opens, 1897

One of the first science fiction films ever, A Trip To The Moon, opens in France, 1902

Alberta and Saskatchewan become the 8th and 9th Canadian provinces, 1905

Martha, the last passenger pigeon, dies at the Cincinnati Zoo, 1914

The United States, Australia and New Zealand sign a mutual defense pact, called the ANZUS Treaty, 1951

In Reykjavík, Iceland, American Bobby Fischer beats Russian Boris Spassky and becomes the world chess champion, 1972

Canada adopts the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of its Constitution, 1982

A joint French-American expedition locates the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, 1985

Luxembourg becomes the first nation to complete the transition to all digital tv broadcasting, 2006

After four Israeli settlers are shot at the Israeli settlement Beit Hagai, the Palestinian Authority arrested 250 members of Hamas, 2010

To avoid further fighting, Libya's Transitional Council extends the deadline to surrender for tribal leaders in Sirte, 2011

U.S. National Park officials notify 3,100 recent visitors of an outbreak of Hantavirus sourced to tent cabins in Yosemite National Park, 2012

In southwestern China, at least four people are killed by a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, 2013

Stock markets around the world fall after China reports a low value for its purchasing managers' index, suggesting that the nation's economy is slowing, 2015

Hurricane Dorian makes landfall on Elbow Cay in the Abaco Islands, northern Bahamas, as a category five storm with winds of 180mph (285km/h), 2019

Mongolians protest against moves to teach school subjects in Mandarin instead of Mongolian in their schools, 2020

South America's second-longest river, the Paraná, hits its lowest levels in 77 years due to drought, 2021

Record rain is recorded in Central Park, New York (7.13 inches) and Newark, New Jersey (8.41 inches) from remnants of Hurricane Ida, 2021


  1. Hooray for Mr Bob finding home and comfort.
    The cook doesn't wash up was the rule when we were growing up. Which sounds fair to me.

  2. LOL best trick ever heheh! :-)

    Have a funtastic week and thanks for hosting 👍

  3. Make those who eat wash up - I wish I'd thought of that when I ran my restaurant, it would have saved me money in wages!

  4. We love funny stories the most too. That kitty is a lucky guy to have been saved and then adopted.

  5. Sweet Bob, I'm so glad he is getting the attention, care and food that he needs. THose were good fill-in answers too.

  6. Yes, it's lovely seeing Bob chow down and get some much-needed attention. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday.

  7. I'm so glad to hear that Mr. Bob has been adopted. He's a cutie. Great fill ins. I love my e-reader. I feel the same way about tickets and crowds. I used to love concerts and baseball games. Now, I'd much rather stay home. Have a great weekend!

  8. How sad that Mr. Bob was declawed and abandoned. Such a cute kitty. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree about the dishes and I feel the same about tickets. XO

  9. How sad it always is to know again that there are suffering animals. Thank goodness that Bob was rescued. The person who put him out deserves the same fate Bob was having.

  10. We're so happy Bob has a good home now. Great Fill-ins especially the one about the dishes.

  11. I love my e-reader. I don't know how the library system works where you are, but I can take out e-books from mine and read them anywhere, including on my cell.

  12. The kitty's name made me think of the movie "What About Bob?" I just love that film! I don't have any use for tickets to anything, either. Tickets imply either concerts or travel and while I do like going places, I don't want to board a plane or boat to get there. Have a funtastic weekend, my friend!

  13. Mr. Bob what a lucky fella to have been found and are now safe...I like you bandana
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Oh, Mr. Bob! So glad for his happy ending! Yeah, I'm not keen on crowds anymore, either. Maybe because I live in one!
    Funny stories are definitely the best!

  15. Awww, I love the new name and I'm so glad he was adopted. Have a great weekend. :-)

  16. I'm so glad Bob was found and adopted.
    I'm the only one here so when I cook I do have to wash up as well, but when I had all the kids at home they all helped once they were old enough.

  17. I am glad Mr. Bob is now happy and cared for.

  18. Adorable kitty photos and being taken care of with love ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. What a wonderfully happy ever after for Mr. Bob! XO

  20. Mr. Bob looks an epic dude for sure, and he's in the best place a cat could be, and that's with mew!


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