Saturday, May 4, 2024

We’ve got a Ten Things of Thankful!


The week was busy, rEcess is a bit unusual tonight, but we’ve got thankful things!

Last Saturday, i had reason to be thankful there are helpful people at the grocery store willing to show you where the products you have always found on aisle 7 have moved to — aisle 12, all the way at the top!

I’m thankful for tall people who can reach the top shelf at the grocery for me.

Ms. Cal was thankful i was able to get that little sticker out of his paw when he started limping on our Sunday morning walk.

Ms. D and i were thankful we got her meds figured out (and she had a good doctor visit).  I’m thankful she’s not picky about how her tub was caulked, too.  It’s not as pretty as a professional would have done it, but it’s done.

Ms. JAI was thankful we figured out what the rings were in her toilets — the blue cleaner is leaving a mark at the water line so we’re changing her to a clear one instead.

Ms. G and i got the knobs off of the cabinets so she could install new ones and she finally got the place up for sale, and she’s thankful and relieved, and so am i.

Emmie the puppy didn’t have any accidents in the house, she and Cookie behaved and played, the cleaning went well and we got to see Mr. DE and talk to him a bit, we haven’t seen either of them in a couple of months.  Biggest thankful for their house, the dishwasher works if you put it on one hour wash and only use the bottom rack, and there’s time for me to run it twice and get all the dishes done without having to hand wash.

So far, we’re getting foster homes for almost all of the kittens we’re getting at the shelter.

Three rEcess families and several of the crew weren’t able to come, many of them calling in sick at the last minute.  The group that was there was small but mighty.  Peggy scooted across the whole gym as always, Kevin is trying to walk (he’s 4) and Trey ran like a madman the whole night but we had enough teen boys to run after him.  We had our pediatrician, a nurse, a resident, and plenty of the kids pitched in as well and it was good.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bird Day -- anniversary of the first Bird Day declared in 1894 by the Superintendent of Schools in Oil City, PA, Charles Babcock

Cassinga Day -- Namibia

Compliment Someone's Smile Day

Declaration of Independence Day -- Latvia

Dodenherdenking -- Netherlands (Remembrance of those in the armed forces who have died in war or peacekeeping missions.)

Frustrating the Fairies Day -- Ireland (a day to confuse the fairies so they may not cause any mischief, although i can't find any details about how to frustrate them)

Herb Day -- an international celebration of herbs and all the flavor they add to our lives; try a new herb to season a dish today    

International Firefighters' Day 

May Fourth Movement

     Literary Day -- Republic of China

     Youth Day -- People's Republic of China

Memorial Day -- Curacao (military ceremonies to honor victims of WWII, not a government holiday)

Midori no hi -- Japan (Greenery Day/Arbor Day)

National Candied Orange Peel Day

National Homebrew Day -- US (Home Brewers Association

National Kids Fitness Day -- this one doesn't seem to have any particular sponsor or organization behind it, but please get those kids outdoors to do something fun, any time you can!

National Orange Juice Day

National Scrapbooking Day -- begun by Creative Memories, now celebrated by scrapbookers everywhere, a good article about it here 

National Weather Observers Day -- another fun day that doesn't seem to be sponsored by anyone, but Family Crafts has suggestions for how to celebrate 

Petite and Proud Day -- i've never heard of this one until now, but it's the one for me!

Relationship Renewal Day -- because someone, somewhere, wants you to stop taking the ones you love for granted

Remembrance Day for Martyrs and the Disabled -- Afghanistan

Respect for Chickens Day -- International (United Poultry Concerns

Sagami Giant Kite Festival -- Sagami, Japan (through tomorrow; giant kite that requires a team of 100 people is flown on the banks of the Sagami River)

St. Florian's Day (Patron of brewers, chimney sweeps, coopers, drowning victims, fire prevention, firefighters, harvests, soap-boilers; Austria; Chur, Switzerland; Linz, Austria; Poland; against battle, drowning, fire, and flood)

     a recognized holiday in Austria

St. Venerius of Milan's Day (Patron of lighthouse keepers)

Star Wars Day -- greet others with "May the 4th be with you!"

World Naked Gardening Day -- scare the neighbors!  get rid of those pesky squirrels!  experience nature (and sunburn, and mosquito bites) with your whole body!

Youth Day -- China

Birthdays Today:

Erin Andrews, 1978

Dawn Stanley, 1970

Randy Travis, 1959

Pia Zadora, 1956

David Guttersn, 1956

Jackie Jackson, 1951

Richard Jenkins, 1947

Nicholas Ashford, 1942

George F. Will, 1941

Roberta Peters, 1930

Audrey Hepburn, 1929

Heloise Bowles Cruse, 1919

Horace Mann, 1796

Bartolomeo Cristofori, 1655

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Beatles at Hollywood Bowl"(Album), 1977

"Another World"(TV), 1964

"New Girl in Town"(Musical), 1957

Today in History:

Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance, 1415

Peter Minuit becomes director-general of New Netherlands, 1626

A French manufacturer debuts the first folding umbrella, 1715

Rhode Island becomes the first American colony to renounce allegiance to King George III, 1776

Mary Dixon Kies becomes the first woman in the US to obtain a patent, for a method of weaving hats with straw, silk, and thread, 1809

Napoleon arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile, 1814

The Haymarket Square Riot takes place in Chicago, 1886

The United States begins construction of the Panama Canal, 1904

The Royal Canadian Navy is created, 1910

May Fourth Movement: Student demonstrations take place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, protesting the Treaty of Versailles, 1919

Al Capone begins serving an eleven-year prison sentence for tax evasion, 1932

Ernest Hemingway is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea, 1953

The "Freedom Riders" begin a bus trip through the South, 1961

The Don't Make A Wave Committee, a fledgling environmental organization founded in Canada in 1971, officially changes its name to "Greenpeace Foundation", 1972

An all-female Japanese team reaches the summit of Manaslu, becoming the first women to climb an 8,000-meter peak, 1974

Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1979

Latvia proclaims the renewal of its independence after the Soviet occupation, 1990

The Scottish National Party wins the Scottish general election and becomes the largest party in the Scottish Parliament for the first time ever, 2007

The last nuclear reactor in Japan is shut down, leaving the country without nuclear power for the first time since 1970, 2012

California overtakes Great Britain to become the worlds fifth largest economy, 2018

Halima Cisse of Mali gives birth to nonuplets (nine babies) in Morocco, in only the third known case worldwide, 2021

The WHO declares Covid-19 over as a global health emergency, although it continues to be a concern, 2023


  1. A wonderful list of things to be thankful for.

  2. Hooray for Kevin trying to walk, I hope he makes good progress. A nice list of thankfuls for you. I'm always thankful to find tall people to help me at the shops too.

  3. I'm 5' 4" tall and when they run out of my product on the normal shelf and I see the "extras" stored on the highest one, I always have to find a tall person for help. Glad there are people to foster the kittens. I know our humane society does this too. I am grateful to have hummingbirds and migratory warblers here yesterday and green leaves on the trees finally.

  4. That was really a nice list of thankfuls and hooray for kitty fosters!

  5. "I’m thankful for tall people who can reach the top shelf at the grocery for me." ... This made me smile - I am one of those tall ones, 176 cm, always asked to reach things on the top shelf ;) which I gladly do - I still remember being small and not able to reach that dang shelf.
    Herb day! I planted herbs, and dinner is meat patties with herbs, wery fitting.
    Thank you for "this day ..-."

  6. Wow, that's a whole lot of thankfuls. Mom is thankful she is tall so she can help reach things for others. She needs the younger ones to help get the things on the bottom shelf that are tucked way back in because her knees aren't what they used to be.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. I do love when I can find tall people to help me reach for stuff on the shelves :) Hope you have a great Saturday!

  8. Nice bunch of thankfuls. I am 5 ft 10 inches so I always offer to get stuff off high shelves for people.

  9. Wonderful list! Glad to hear you were able to get the knobs, and house ready. Also happy to hear you were able to find fosters for all the kittens. A job I could not do, as I would want to adopt every last one of them. Husband thinks I am animal crazy as it is!

  10. We love those skyscapes! Our Human also takes a lot of that kind of picture.

  11. Your pictures are outstanding! And Abigail is super cute and inviting too😺😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  12. always catch my breath when your TToT opens with, "The week was busy.
    vicarious exercise and, in a way, encouragement that much more of 'getting things accomplished is in the mind as it is the body
    have a good week

  13. A dishwasher that works with half a load is definitely better than no dishwasher at all. :-)
    You know I love reading your rEcess posts. Even when you have small numbers, you provide a huge service for the families!

  14. Lulu: "Our Dada says he thinks they move stuff around at the grocery store just to confuse everyone and make them wander past things they might impulsively throw in the cart! Just like he did last week with the bottles of white chocolate and pumpkin pie coffee syrup ..."


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