Saturday, June 15, 2024

Medical, Mechanical, and a Bit Mournful, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


The week has been full as always and anyone who read yesterday's post knows i'm coming into Thankful Day with much on my heart.

We'll take it in order as always.  Last Saturday i was thankful i got to spend some extra time with Grandma because Grandpa had an errand to run and wasn't there to kick me out at 3pm.

When i did get home, i was thankful for a visit from #2 Son, although the news with  him is mixed.  He has tonsillitis.  Again.  This has been going on since February.

I reminded him Grandpa had his tonsils out at age 24, i was 24, #2 Son was 24, Bigger Girl was 25 (see a pattern of adult onset tonsillitis in this family?) and said his were overdue.

I was thankful to have the name of a good ENT to send him to so he can have those suckers yanked, and I'm thankful he has insurance.

Sunday i got a wonderful text from Grandma.  She sent me her good morning text very late and said, "I went to church and out to lunch!"

That's a huge thankful, she felt well enough to go out and be out that long.

Ms. JAI actually had one of her daughters with her on Monday this week, which is a big thankful for her, she sees her family so seldom.  She didn't have me come over but she and i did talk and i was thankful for our chat.

Monday evening i was thankful to have a ladies meeting at a friend's house several miles away in a more rural area.

On the way home on a very poorly lit road i hit a curb and popped a tire.  I was thankful i have AAA, thankful i didn't need them as i had a spare and a nice local police officer changed the tire for me, thankful there was a gas station near with a working air machine to air up the spare, and thankful there was a back road home so i didn't have to try to put that dinky spare on the highway.

We're also thankful Kevin and Lenny came through and found a rim and tire for Slow-Moe.

Since i'd had my visit with Dr. BowTie's assistant the week prior, this week was mammogram and eye exam week.  Yes, i took the girls in for their glamor shots and all is normal, thankfully.

The eyes, well, the eye doctor told me my prescription hasn't changed, my pressure is normal, my field of vision is perfect, but my cataracts are finally at the stage where getting them out would be a good idea.

I'm thankful for a good optometrist who was honest about what i need and what i don't (she wouldn't sell me glasses until the cataracts are gone), and i'm thankful for a good ophthalmologist and an appointment next month for a preliminary consult.

Ms. G is out of town again, so there's critter tending and i'm thankful for the extra money.

The cat shelter was packed out like crazy Wednesday and i was very late getting through, but i'm thankful Ms. G was out of town so i wasn't under a time constraint.

Cookie, Emmie and the oldest son kept us company on Thursday at Ms. SE's house.  We're both thankful the young man is old enough to tend to himself, cleaned his own room, and helped with the dogs while we got the rest of the house done.

That afternoon came the news the cat shelter is closed until at least this coming week due to panleukopenia, a feline illness that can be fatal.  Someone dropped off a sick cat in the parking lot and now there are several sick cats.

We're thankful almost all the cats in the shelter have been vaccinated against it (it's in the standard 4in1 vaccine they all get).

The Friday work was as usual and while i was not thankful to have to skip my usual Friday evening shift at the shelter, i am thankful we have a fabulous paid staff who are working relentlessly to bleach everything in the building but the cats themselves as this virus is easily wiped out with a bleach solution.

If you could spare a prayer or good thought for the shelter, we'd be thankful for that, too.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Day -- simply a good day to remember this, and thank a friend

Dia del Arbol -- Costa Rica (Tree Day/Arbor Day)

Dollars Against Diabetes Days -- always on Father's Day weekend, with information here   

Fly A Kite Day (on the anniversary of Ben Franklin's kite experiment)

Global Wind Day -- to celebrate wind energy    

Husband Caregiver Day -- to honor husbands who give health care to family members (wives, children, or extended family)

Magna Carta Day -- UK (King John set his seal on the document this day in 1215)

Mangaia Gospel Day -- Mangaia, Cook Islands

Native American Citizenship Day -- US (passage, in 1924, of the legislation recognizing citizenship of Native Americans in the US)

National Lobster Day

Nature Photography Day -- sponsored by the North American Nature Photography Association 

Salvation Day/National Day of Salvation -- Azerbaijan

Separation Day -- Delaware, US (date of declaration of separation from England and Pennsylvania)

Smile Power Day -- test out smile power today, it's free!

Sneak a Kiss Day -- usual litany of cautions with this internet generated holiday

St. Vitus' Day (Patron of actors, comedians, dancers, dogs, epilepsy sufferers; against animal attacks, dog bites, epilepsy, lightning, oversleeping, rheumatic chorea, Saint Vitus' Dance, snake bites, storms, wild beasts; Badia Calavena, Italy; Czech Republic; Forio, Italy; Prague, Czech Republic; Recanati, Italy; Vacha, Germany; Wetsens, Netherlands; Zeven, Germany)

Trooping the Colour -- UK (military celebration of the monarch's birthday, the King's official birthday parade, one of London's biggest and most colorful celebrations)

Valdemar's Day and Reunion Day -- Denmark (an official Flag Day)

Vestalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (main and final celebration, in which the Temple of Vesta was swept clean)

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day -- because our elders deserve to be protected and cared for properly

World Juggling Day 

Worldwide Day of Giving  

Anniversaries Today:

King Hussein of Jordan marries Lisa Halaby (Queen Noor), 1978

Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden marries Princess Margaret of Connaught, 1905

Arkansas becomes the 25th US State, 1836

Birthdays Today:

William Dean Martin, 1981

Neil Patrick Harris, 1973

Leah Remini, 1970

Ice Cube, 1969

Lisa McCall, 1969

Dina Meyer, 1969

Courtneney Cox Arquette, 1964

Helen Hunt, 1963

Julie Hagerty, 1955

Jim Belushi, 1954

Simon Callow, 1949

Nicola Pagett, 1945

Waylon Jennings, 1937

Mario Cuomo, 1932

Erroll Garner, 1921

Muzaffer Tema, 1919

Bob Wian, 1914

Edvard Grieg, 1843

Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson, 1767

Henry FitzRoy, illegitimate son of Henry VIII, 1519

Edward the Black Prince, 1330

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Lion King(Animated film), 1994

Dick Tracy(Film), 1990

"Hee Haw"(TV), 1969

"My Little Margie"(TV), 1952

Today in History:

The Assyrians record a solar eclipse that is later used to fix the chronology of Mesopotamian history, BC763

King John of England puts his seal to the Magna Carta, 1215

The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys, 1667

Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity, 1752

Delaware votes to suspend government under the British Crown and separate officially from Pennsylvania, 1776

Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, co-pilot of the first-ever manned flight (1783), and his companion, Pierre Romain, become the first-ever casualties of an air crash when their hot air balloon explodes during their attempt to cross the English Channel, 1785

Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber, 1844

The Oregon Treaty establishes the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 1846

Crown Prince Wilhelm becomes Kaiser Wilhelm II and is the last emperor of the German Empire, 1888

The most destructive tsunami in Japan's history kills more than 22,000 people, 1896

A fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River kills 1000, 1904

Tabulating Computing Recording Corporation (IBM) is incorporated, 1911

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America, making them the only American youth organization with a federal charter, 1916

A German expedition led by Karl Wien lost sixteen members in an avalanche on Nanga Parbat (9th highest mountain), the largest single day loss of life on an 8,000m peak, 1937

In the Saskatchewan general election, the CCF, led by Tommy Douglas, is elected and forms the first socialist government of North America, 1944

Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations, 1994

Near earth asteroid 2002 MN misses the Earth by 75,000 miles (121,000 km), about one-third of the distance between the Earth and the Moon, 2002

In Bulgaria, remains that some believe to be the bones of John the Baptist, are scientifically proven to be from a Middle Eastern man and dated to be from the first century AD, 2012

Scotland Yard launches criminal inquiry and British Prime Minister Theresa May announces a public inquiry a day after the Grenfell Tower fire, 2017

A baseball jersey belonging to Babe Ruth becomes the most expensive item of sports memorabilia ever when it sells for $5.64 million at auction, 2019

In a landmark decision, the US Supreme Court rules 6-3 that gay and transgender workers cannot be discriminated against in the workplace, 2020

According to new DNA research taken from burials at Lake Issyk Kul, the 14th century plague the Black Death originated in Kyrgyzstan,  2022

Scientists report water being pumped from underground reservoirs is shifting the Earth's axis at the North Pole by 4.36 cm a year, 2023


  1. I had my tonsils out at 19. I think my cataracts are about ready too, I'm noticing the vision change. I'll visit the optometrist soon.

  2. Purrayers and Power of the Paw to your special shelter.

  3. Hooray for thankfulness. I still have my tonsils and hope you can have your cataracts done soon. I also continue to hope the shelter is cleared of that vile virus quickly.

  4. I certainly am praying that the the sickness does not spread to any more cats. Wonderful news about getting your tire fixed after having a blowout. And I certainly hope your son gets his tonsils taken care of and maybe you can figure out your cataracts.

  5. Much to be thankful for, always good of a police officer to be so kind. Cataracts, imagine I'll have to face that fear, I'm a baby. But hear you gain a renewed vision so gladly entertain that. They can do miracles can't they, wish my husband would get his miracle. Poor kitties, glad all vaccinated. Kite day, I see them often on the coast, thinking ofmy last time I did that. It's be fun to pull on one. Thankful for all your share. Best wishes.

  6. Such a busy week with lots of nice thankfuls. I pray the shelter gets clear of that virus super soon.

  7. Wonderful thankfuls, especially your exams going well and Grandma going to church. XO

  8. Lots of good reasons to be thankful. Good on the health reports too. Our Mom has just had one cataract removed and the second one is next Wednesday. Everything couldn't have gone more smoothly. She wishes she had done it sooner. Her advice to you is to do your research and find a doctor, preferably an ophthalmologist with lots of experience doing cataract surgery. You want the best working on your eyes.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Prayers ongoing for shelter ~ great list of thankfuls and so glad most worked out and others are a work in progress ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Charlee: "Oh, the poor sick kitties at the shelter! We send lots of purrs their way!"
    Lulu: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"

  11. I hope your son's tonsillectomy goes well. I'm glad you were able to get the tire taken care of, and also glad that bleach takes care of the illness at the shelter. Prayers that the cats get well/stay well.

  12. I hope all goes well for your son and his tonsils. I, also, hope all goes well for the shelter and the kitties. Prayers for all.

  13. damn. at least the cause (of the sickness at the shelter) has been identified and can be addressed.
    'Watch out for that curb!'
    (Theme song lyric 'George of the Jungle')


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