Coffee, nectar of the gods. How does anyone start a day without it?
With the exception of coffee and an occasional nibble of raw milk cheese, I eat a raw vegan diet.
I don't want to lose the coffee.
The potent smell, the lovely bitter taste of black as midnight, thick enough and strong enough to make a spoon stand straight up on end in the cup, it is morning magic.
A few of my favorite coffee quotes:
The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
I don't want anything better, I want coffee. Captain Janeway of Star Trek:Voyager
I like my coffee strong, not lethal! Col. Potter of M*A*S*H
If I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee. Nancy Astor to Winston Churchill
If I were your husband I would drink it. Winston Churchill to Nancy Astor
No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness. Sheik Abd-al-Kadir
Set a new course. There's coffee in that nebula. Captain Janeway of Voyager
The powers of a man's mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks. Sir James Mackintosh
Instant Human: Just Add Coffee
Picard always drank tea.
Kirk always drank coffee.
Any questions?
Just bring me my coffee, and s-l-o-w-l-y back away.
Hand over the coffee and no one gets hurt.
Amazing what caffeine and no sense of self preservation can do.
DISCLAIMER: This mail was answered before my first coffee.
And finally, my personal idea of the perfect invention -- a laptop computer that can also make coffee on command.
Today is:
Braham Pie Day
Emancipation Day, Turks and Caicos Islands
Feast of 'Aut-Yeb, Egypt (Personification of Female Joy)
Feast of the Holy Name
Independence Day, Ivory Coast
Lighthouse Day
National Raspberries and Cream Day
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day
Pea Festival
Professional Speaker's Day
Purple Heart Day
Sea Serpent Festival
Say "Cheese" Day (In my family, we do not say "Cheese". We say "Chicken Lips!" Try it some time when walking past tourists who are trying to get a good photo, and watch them smile genuine smiles and come up with a good picture.)
Smartest Leprechaun Eisteddford, Fairy Calendar
St. Albert of Trapani's Day
St. Cajetan's Day
Birthdays Today:
Charlize Theron, 1975
David Duchovny, 1960
Garrison Keillor, 1942
"The Amazing" James Randi, 1928
Carl "Alfalfa" Switser, 1927
Billie Burke, 1884
Mata Hari, 1876
Today in History:
Battle of Crannon between Athens and Macedon, following the death of Alexander the Great, BC322
Coup again the Tianshun Emperor by the Ming Dynasty Chinese military general Cao Qin, 1461
Francis Drake's fleet returns to Plymouth, 1573
Cherokee Indians take Ft. Loudon, Tennessee, 1760
George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart, 1782
Explorer 6 transmits the first TV photo of Earth from space, 1959
Feline Friday foto.
2 hours ago
What a wonderful salute to my favorite beverage! Love the quotes.