This morning I had to run to the cat shelter to pick up more formula for the kittens or risk running out and face mass rebellion from them in the form of crying and climbing up me as if I were a jungle gym.
I wanted to leave early, but every time I tried to step out of the door, I had to stop to do something, and the kittens delayed me twice wanting to eat again.
Because of the delay, I just happened to walk in as the Wednesday morning caretaker was about to give up in frustration on getting a medicine bottle open. It was a type of special closure I hadn't seen before, but I figured out how to line it up so the cap would pop off, and showed her how it worked.
Then, back at home, rather than wait for Bigger Girl to finish her breakfast, I went out to hang the laundry myself. I got out there just in time to see the 3 year old boy of the backyard neighbor hanging by his pajama top from the fence he had tried to climb. He was digging his toes in, trying to hold himself up and yelling for help, so I ducked through the gap in the back fence, lifted him and unhooked him from the fence, and brought him down. His mom stepped out a moment later, she has just run in to grab one quick thing. Kids can get into trouble in an eyeblink -- kind of like kittens.
Forrest is still not eating as much as she should, although she is eating small amounts more frequently. The others don't seem to have as bad symptoms as she does. They are sneezing, and you can tell their noses are stuffy, but they are still eating. I will keep her on the fluids, but I'm hoping they won't need that.
Today is:
Bunsen Burner Day
Freedom Day, Malta
Luna -- Ancient Roman Calendar (moon festival)
National Arts Advocacy Day
National Clams on the Half Shell Day
National "She's Funny That Way" Day
Oranges and Lemons Day
Sacred Drama Day -- Ancient Babylonian Calendar
St. Balbinus' Day
Tater Day
Birthdays Today:
Pavel Bure, 1971
Ewan McGregor, 1971
Angus Young, 1955
Al Gore, 1948
Rhea Perlman, 1948
Gabe Kaplan, 1945
Christopher Walken, 1943
Herb Alpert, 1935
Richard Chamberlain, 1935
Shirley Jones, 1934
Gordie Howe, 1928
Cesar Chavez, 1927
William Daniels, 1927
Leo Buscaglia, 1925
Henry Morgan, 1915
Andrew Lang, 1844
Joseph Haydn, 1732
Rene Descartes, 1596
Today in History:
Bernard of Clairvaux preaches his famous sermon in a field at Vézelay, urging the necessity of a Second Crusade; Louis VII is present, and joins the Crusade, 1146
Jews are expelled from Prague, 1745
Commodore Matthew Perry signs the Treaty of Kanagawa with the Japanese government, opening the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to American trade, 1854
Thomas P Mundy of Perth Amboy, NJ, becomes the first African American to cast a vote, 1870
The Eiffel Tower, commemorating the French Revolution, opens, 1889
Richard Pearse allegedly makes a powered flight in an early aircraft, 1903
Serbia accepts Austrian control over Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1909
Construction begins on the RMS Titanic, 1909
Construction of the RMS Titanic is completed, 1912
The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies after paying $25 million to Denmark, and renames the territory the United States Virgin Islands, 1917
Daylight saving time goes into effect in the United States for the first time, 1918
The Royal Australian Air Force is formed, 1921
Remington Rand delivers the first UNIVAC I computer to the United States Census Bureau, 1951
The Most Important Thing
1 hour ago
Seems like God put you in the right places at just the right times today. Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend.
ReplyDeleteWhew.. I'm glad you were there for the little guy. The poor wee thing must have been scared. I sure hope your kitties get well. You're wonderful to care for them as you do.