Little Girl has suggested we start a reality show called 21 Kittens and Counting.

Kittens 17 through 21
Someone who didn't realize how good our security cameras are sneaked up to the shelter and dropped a box with them in it. Abandoning animals is a crime around here, and they got the tag number. So in this case, justice may be served.
If, in fact, the person just found the kittens, and doesn't own the mother, the whole "try to secretly drop them off" stuff was actually unneeded. We don't turn down bottle feeds. All they had to do was knock on the door and ask.
A favorite entertainment of the kittens is "hitching a ride." Someone asked why they like our feet so much, and i pointed out that it's the only part of us they can reach unless we sit on the floor.
A preferred napping spot is right in front of the refrigerator, where the heat comes out from the bottom. Some of these bigger ones are drinking from a bowl instead of a bottle now, and are learning to chow down on kibble. So maybe we aren't that crazy. Guess the jury is still out.
Today is
Administrative Professionals' Day -- US
Adonia -- Greece (women's festival mourning the death of Adonis; date approximate)
ANZAC Day -- Australia; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Cook Islands; New Zealand; Niue; Norfolk Island; Tonga
DNA Day -- structure of DNA first published this day in 1953; human genome project ended today in 2003
Duck Appreciation Society -- The Duck Appreciation Society (some sites say May 10; either way, go feed the ducks if you like them, but not stale white bread, it's no better for them than it is for us)
East Meets West Day -- Allies from the East and West finally met up this day in 1945 about 75 miles from Berlin
Festival of Mazu -- Southern China and Taiwan (goddess of the sea; often worshiped in sea-faring areas surrounding China as well)
Festival of Robigalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (to protect against corn blight; festival of Robiga and Rogibus, the brother and sister fertility gods)
Flag Day -- Faroe Islands; Swaziland
Freedom Day -- Portugal
Hair Stylist Appreciation Day -- if you have a good one, let him/her know
La Frontera Tucson International Mariachi Conference -- Tuscon, AZ, US (through the 29th)
Liberation Day -- Italy
National Zucchini Bread Day -- they hold this at a time when you are not yet sick of all that zucchini you grew in the garden
Peppercorn Ceremony -- St. George, Bermuda (commemorates the renting what is now the Old State House by the Masonic Lodge to the governor of Bermuda for the cost of one peppercorn per annum)
Polk County Ramp Tramp Festival -- Polk County, Tennessee (through the 28th; come out and celebrate with the 4-H club the ramp, a local wild leek, and enjoy the Bluegrass music and games)
Red Hat Society Day -- first Red Hat Tea Party held this day in 1998
Roger Ebert's Film Festival (Ebertfest) -- Virginia Theatre, Champaign, Illinois (through the 29th; come see the 12 films he selected as a representative cross section of important cinematic works, and hear him discuss them with audience members)
Sinai Liberation Day -- Egypt
St. Mark the Evangelist's Day (Patron of captives, glaziers, imprisoned people, insect bites, lawyers, notaries, scrofulous diseases; Egypt; Venice, Italy; against impenitence)
Tag des Baumes -- Germany (Tree Day/Arbor Day)
World Malaria Day / Malaria Awareness Day -- WHO and the International Community
World Penguin Day
20-Something Service Day -- can't find who started this one, but it's a good idea, whomever it was
Birthdays Today:
Jacob Underwood, 1980
Jason, Lee, 1970
Renee, Zellweger, 1969
Hank Azaria, 1964
Talia Shire, 1946
Stu Cook, 1945
Bjorn Ulvaeus, 1945
Al Pacino, 1940
Meadowlark Lemon, 1932
Paul Mazursky, 1930
Albert King, 1923
Ella Fitzgerald, 1918
Edward R. Murrow, 1908
Guglielmo Marconi, 1874
Today in History:
Lysander's Spartan Armies defeated the Athenians and the Peloponnesian War ends, BC404
Highwayman Nicholas Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine, 1792
Charles Fremantle arrives in the HMS Challenger off the coast of modern-day Western Australia prior to declaring the Swan River Colony for the United Kingdom, 1829
The last survivors of the Donner Party arrive back in civilization, 1847
The Governor General of Canada, Lord Elgin, signs the Rebellion Losses Bill, outraging Montreal's English population and triggering the Montreal Riots, 1849
British and French engineers break ground for the Suez Canal, 1859
New York State becomes the first US state to require automobiles to be licensed, 1901
First DC Comic with Batman is published, 1939
Fifty nations gather in San Francisco, California to begin the United Nations Conference on International Organizations, 1945
Francis Crick and James D. Watson publish Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid describing the double helix structure of DNA, 1953
The St. Lawrence Seaway, linking the North American Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, officially opens to shipping, 1959
Robert Noyce is granted a patent for an integrated circuit, 1961
Israel completes its withdrawal from the Sinai peninsula per the Camp David Accords, 1982
American schoolgirl Samantha Smith is invited to visit the Soviet Union by its leader Yuri Andropov after he read her letter in which she expressed fears about nuclear war, 1983
Pioneer 10 travels beyond Pluto's orbit, 1983
The Hubble Telescope is deployed, 1990
The Human Genome Project comes to an end 2.5 years before first anticipated, 2003
The final piece of the Obelisk of Axum is returned to Ethiopia after being stolen by the invading Italian army in 1937, 2005
Bulgaria and Romania sign accession treaties to join the European Union, 2005
mine is going through what I HOPE is a phase.
ReplyDeletehers would be called "IM AFRAID OF 21 KITTENS!!!"
Miss MiMi, I believe one can make a reality show about any subject, as long as it is marketed the right way. So why not about rescue kittens.
ReplyDeleteOh, a ginger! I am in love! (Again...) I hope the guy who did the "midnight dump" gets a swift kick in the wallet... And you know, I have seen cats snuggle up to the fridge lots of times, but never thought about it being warm, I figured they just wanted to guard the food...
Little Girl has a great idea. Why not video these kittens and post the results on U-tube? You could get millions of hits, and maybe some of those viewers would adopt a kitten or donate money to the cause.
ReplyDeleteCarla, lots of kids are afraid of small animals. Some outgrow it, but don't try to force it.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you are right, but i'm not cut out for TV.
Cat, guarding the food is secondary.
Stephen, i'm not sure i want that much publicity, but it's worth a thought.
Little darlings, they are. As are you for giving them such loving care. Thank you for all you do for these wee sweeties.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Hilary, for your support.