At least, that's what i told Sweetie after these last few conversations with Bigger Girl.
Bigger Girl enters the kitchen, "I'm planning on moving to Albuquerque and setting up an alternative family with a cabbage patch. Don't ask." Believe me, i didn't.
One morning, on arising, "I've decided if i ever move out of this house, I'm going to become a nudist." Better her than me, she's still young enough.
About an hour later, "I have not had enough coffee. I haven't had enough coffee until my colors start changing!"
While studying history, "Isn't it rather, well, stuck up of the US to believe we are the first nation founded on an ideology? After all, believing in racial superiority or the divine right of kinds is an ideology, too." At the time, i was rather, well, busy giving a sick kitten meds and didn't quite have the presence of mind to give that the attention it deserved.
Walking into the kitchen with Miss Lizzie, "Okay, I'll do something to convince you to stay home tonight and not spend any money. I'll duct tape you to the chair in my room. Mom, if you hear muffled screams coming from my room, ignore them!" They ended up watching a movie instead, Kung Fu Panda.
After that movie, "Mom, that is an 'interesting' movie. It looks like something someone came up with while on an acid trip in the Asian section of the zoo!"
When asked by her brother if she was calling her friend Teresa, "No, I'm calling the mother ship. Want a ride?"
And finally, in a conversation about Marie Antoinette, "Did you know they used her breasts as the models for the champagne coupe? Something about her being the mother to the nation or an idea like that." She then looked down at herself and said, "They could model a plate after me! Well, that might not turn out to be such a bad thing when I get older."
That last one needs no comment from me.
Today is
Bonza Bottler Day
Children's Day -- Hong Kong; Taiwan
Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day -- we know your decision
Independence Day -- Senegal
International Day for Mine Awareness & Assistance in Mine Action
Matsuyama Haru Matsuri -- Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan (Spring celebrations incorporating the Matsuyama Castle festival and the Dogo Hot Springs festival)
Megalesia, a/k/a Festival of Magna Mater -- Ancient Roman Calendar (great mother festival for Cybele; through the 9th)
National Cordon Bleu Day
National Day of Hope -- recognizing victims of child abuse and neglect
National Reading a Roadmap Day -- another internet holiday, but a good one to observe
Ose Matsuri -- Ose Shrine, ShizouKa Prefecture, Japan (Unique festival in which men dressed in women's clothes dance a lively jig on board a boat afloat in the harbour which is festooned with flags and streamers)
Peace Day -- Angola
Quing Ming Jie -- China; Hong Kong; Macau; Taiwan (Tomb Sweeping Day, last day of the Quingming Festival)
St. Benedict the African's Day (Patron of African missions; African-Americans; Palermo, Sicily, Italy)
St. Isidore of Seville's Day (Patron of computer technicians, computer users, computers, the Internet, schoolchildren, students)
Swedish-American Friendship Day
Tell a Lie Day -- the only day it is acceptable! make sure, after today, to clear it up, trust me
Victims of Violence Day -- anniversary of the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Walk Around Things Day -- fun to do, it makes people look at you funny
World Rat Day -- pet rat lovers everywhere, unite and introduce your friends to your pet rats
Birthdays Today:
David Blaine, 1973
Nancy McKeon, 1966
Robert Downey, Jr., 1965
David Gavurin, 1963
Gary Moore, 1952
Christine Lahti, 1950
Craig T. Nelson, 1946
Anthony Perkins, 1932
Maya Angelou, 1928
Muddy Waters, 1915
Frances Langford, 1914
Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, 1908
John Cameron Swayze, 1906
Arthur Murray, 1895
Dorothea Dix, 1802
Today in History:
Francis Drake is knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world, 1581
Sir Robert Walpole becomes First Lord of the Treasury of England, and is so influential in the Cabinet that he is considered the de facto first Prime Minister of England, 1721
Napoleon abdicates for the first time, 1814
Casparus van Wooden of Amsterdam patents chocolate milk powder, 1828
William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and the one with the shortest term served, 1841
Bryant's Minstrels debut the song "Dixie" in a blackface minstrel show, 1859
Susanna Medora Salter is elected the first US woman mayor, in Argonia, KS, 1887
Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund is established, 1902
An earthquake in India's Kangra Valley kills 20,000, destroys most of three cities, 1905
Vitamin C was first isolated by C.C. King at the University of Pittsburgh, 1932
Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty, creating NATO, 1949
Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated, 1968
Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart (the patient survived for 65 hours), 1969
The World Trade Center in NYC is dedicated, 1973
Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft, 1975
Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space, 1983
Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications Corporation under the name "Mosaic Communications Corporation", 1994
Comet Hyakutake is imaged by the USA Asteroid Orbiter Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, 1996
The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign a peace treaty ending the Angolan Civil War, 2002
15 British Royal Navy personnel held in Iran are released, 2007
Feline Friday foto.
10 hours ago
Tell a Lie Day? Really?
ReplyDeleteI was giggling through the whole thing, (I can relate to the Mother Ship one...), but that plate comment made me burst out laughing! Too funny!!!
Really, Stephen. Believe me, i don't think of them, i only report them, and it's up to you to celebrate or not.
ReplyDeleteCat, thank you!
I don't think in the history of the Internet the phrases "moving to Albuquerque" and "acid trip at the zoo" have ever been combined in one page. Congrats.\
ReplyDeleteNow to go celebrate Rat Day.