Silly Sunday is the place to come each week for laughs. It's hosted by Sandee, of Comedy Plus, and it's easy to participate: Laugh and Link Up!
#2 Son's trouble at work from a night shift employee that got the employee fired reminds me of a joke.
Boudreaux got him a job down at de plant, as de night watchman. He was to watch and search all de employees when dey done lef' de plant, an' make sure none o' dem stole nuthin'. If dey was caught tryin' to steal, he was to fire dem.
So, de firs' night on de job, he watchin' close, an' he don' see nothin' until Fontenot come along wit' a wheelbarrow full o' newspapers.
"Hol' up dere!" say Boudreaux. "What you be doin?" he ax.
"Oh, I do dis ever' day," say Fontenot. "I pick up all de ol' newspapers when dey be done wit' dem, an' I sell dem at de recycle place."
"You t'ink you gone pull dat on me!" yell Boudreaux. "You be fired!"
"Mais, what for?" Fontenot ax.
"Mais, I know what you be tryin' to pull!" Boudreax say. "You be stealin' a wheelbarrow!"
Today is:
Arbor Day -- Brazil
Banned Books Week begins -- US (sponsored by the ALA ; Defend the Freedom to Read, It's Everybody's Job; celebrate your right to read what you want!)
Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper Celebration Day -- Fairy Calendar (Goblins)
Clypping the Church Ceremony -- Painswick, Gloucestershire, England (since 1321, surrounding the church hand in hand for the Clypping Hymn and an open air ceremony)
Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 11, Peace (to coincide with the International celebration; sponsored by We, the World)
Independence Day -- Armenia(1991); Belize(1981); Malta(1964)
International Day of Peace -- UN
Kharisteria -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; feast of Aremis Agrotera[the huntress] that became a thanksgiving for the victory of the battle of Marathon)
Kwama Nkrumah's Birthday/Founder's Day -- Ghana
Miniature Golf Day -- golf the fun way! (separate from National Miniature Golf Day in May)
National Back to Church Sunday -- US (encouraging every church goer to invite just one person to come along, as studies show many people say they would go, if they were invited)
National Neighborhood Day -- US (The Good Feeling That Lasts All Year)
National Pecan Cookie Day
Pause the World Day -- because we've all wanted to do this at one time or another
St. Matthew the Evangelist's Day (Patron of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, customs officers, financial officers, guards, money managers, security forces, security guards, stock brokers, tax collectors; Salerno, Italy; Trier, Germany; Villa d'Ogna, Italy)
Student's Day and Spring Day -- Argentina
Throw Away Something Day -- you have the internet's permission to get rid of that hideous gift; if you can't bring yourself to throw it out, donate it
Tolkien Week begins (always the Sun - Sat that includes Hobbit Day)
UCI Road World Championships -- Toscana, Italy (Union Cycliste International sponsors these races, through the 28th)
Wife Appreciation Day -- unofficially celebrated the 3rd Sunday in September
World Alzheimer's Day
World Gratitude Day
Birthdays Today:
Nicole Richie, 1981
Luke Wilson, 1971
Ricki Lake, 1968
Faith Hill, 1967
Darva Conger, 1965
Rob Morrow, 1962
Nancy Travis, 1961
David James Elliot, 1960
Dave Coulier, 1959
Ethan Boen, 1957
Bill Murray, 1950
Stephen King, 1947
Kay Ryan, 1945
Fannie Flagg, 1944
Bill Kurtis, 1940
Henry Gibson, 1935
Leonard Cohen, 1934
Larry Hagman, 1931
Chuck Jones, 1912
H.G. Wells, 1866
Maurice Barrymore, 1849 (family patriarch)
Francis Hopkinson, 1737
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"NYPD Blue"(TV), 1993
"Glengarry Glen Ross"(Play), 1983
"Monday Night Football"(TV), 1970*
"Perry Mason"(TV), 1957
"The Texaco Star Theater"(TV), 1948
My Weekly Reader(Magazine, first issue date), 1928
*Browns 31, Jets 21
Today in History:
Richard the Lionheart captured, 1192
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a badge, 1451
John and Nicolaas van der Heyden patent a fire extinguisher, 1677
Nathan Hale arrested for spying, 1776
The Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser becomes the first successful US daily newspaper, 1784
Joseph Smith, Jr. claims that the Angel Moroni gives him the gold plates from which he translates the Book of Mormon, 1827
The Duryea Motor Wagon Company becomes the first auto manufacturer, 1895
"Kit Carson", the first cowboy film, premiers in the US, 1903
Publication of Tolkien's "The Hobbit", 1937
Bahrain, Bhutan and Qatar join the United Nations, 1971
Sandra Day O'Connor is unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate as the first female US Supreme Court justice, 1981
Brunei joins the United Nations, 1984
Deep Space 1 flies within 2,200 km of Comet Borrelly, 2001
The Galileo mission is terminated by sending the probe into Jupiter's atmosphere, 2003
Wait And See, Or Fuck Around And Find Out?
1 hour ago
smarter than he seems! :)
ReplyDeleteBwahahahahahaha. He was way smarter than I gave him credit for.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous Silly Sunday. :)
Yep. You can't pull anything over on good ole' Boudreux. :) Thanks Mimi. Hope you have a great day! :)
ReplyDeleteThese are such a fun collection of jokes. Much like our "Newfie" jokes where we tease (with good nature) our Newfoundlanders.
ReplyDeleteI keep saying it but these jokes are terrific. If you're not getting them out of a book then you should publish one. They're gold.
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Great one! (You can never have enough wheelbarrows.)
ReplyDeleteHa -- he might not be wrong! that would be very clever indeed. LOL