Monday, September 20, 2021

Growing (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Not So Hot (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

The kittens are getting bigger, as kittens do.



 Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog break and is sorely missed.   Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Spike's Best Mate 

This week the theme is Remembering 8-Track Tapes.                         

They came up out of nowhere,

But suddenly they were hot,

Everybody wanted 8-tracks,

A player in the former cassette spot.

They put them in the stereos,

The latest in the car dash,

There were 8-tracks everywhere

They really made a splash.

Then we all did notice,

A drawback or maybe two,

If you want to fast forward or rewind,

There’s nothing you can do!

You have to play the whole thing,

To get back to the song you like best,

And if the other songs weren’t that great,

It was a stamina test!

So they fell out of favor,

Up like a rocket, down like a stick,

Let’s pause for a moment of silence,

The 8-tracks are no longer so slick.


Today is:

Birthday of the Sun -- Inca (date approximate; a few days before the Autumn Equinox, all fires, including that at the Temple of the Sun, were extinguished and 3 days later ceremonially relighted using only glass to concentrate the sunlight on cotton; followed by 8 days of feasting)

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 10, Disarmament (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of Orlog -- Scandinavian Deity of Destiny (date approximate)

Feast of Zywie -- Poland (goddess of longevity and health; date approximate)

Full Harvest Moon a/k/a Full Corn Moon/Indigo Moon/Wise-Crone Moon (with so much food ripe for gathering, harvesting can go on well into the night by the light of the hugely full Harvest Moon)

     Binara Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka (began yesterday evening)

     Chusok -- South Korea (Harvest Moon Festival; began yesterday, through the 20th; a harvest festival and day to give homage to the ancestors and celebrate family)

     Han'gawi -- North Korea (Harvest Moon Festival; through the 21st; a harvest festival and day to give homage to the ancestors and celebrate family)

     Navajo Sing Festival -- Navajo Native Americans festival in thanksgiving for the harvest, begins at the full moon and goes on for one week 

     Taw Thalin Full Moon -- Myanmar

     Zhongqiu Jie / Chong Chao -- China; Macau; Taiwan (Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival, the birthday of the earth god T'u-ti Kung, celebrating the harvests, family, and eating moon cakes, matchmaking, sky lanterns, Fire Dragon Dances, and more)

Genesia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival to honor the dead, especially those who died in wars)

International Love Your Files Week -- the week to make sure your filing system is working for you

International Women's Ecommerce Days -- supporting women's online business endeavours and buying power; through Friday

Keiro no hi -- Japan (Respect for the Aged Day)

National Farm Safety Day -- US (can't find a sponsor, but farming is hard, and dangerous, work, so it's a good idea)

National Rum Punch Day

National Youth Day -- Thailand

Okuma-kabuto Festival -- Nakajima, Japan (Noto Peninsula's top autumn festival)

Organ Donation Week begins -- UK (join the organ donor registry, when you don't need your parts any more, someone else will!) 

Pause the World Day -- because we've all wanted to do this at one time or another

St. Eustace's Day (Patron of difficult situations, fire prevention, firefighters, hunters, torture victims, trappers; Madrid, Spain; Poli, Italy; against fire and torture)

Sukkot -- Judaism (begins at sundown, through sundown Sept. 27)

Birthdays Today:

Kristen Johnston, 1967

Guy LaFleur, 1951

Taro Aso, 1940

Sophia Loren, 1934

Anne Meara, 1929

Donald A. Hall, 1928

Dr. Joyce Brothers, 1928

Red Auerbach, 1917

Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton, 1890

Maxwell Perkins, 1884

Upton Sinclair, 1878

Rama V, King of Thailand, 1853 (eldest son taught by Anna, of "The King and I" fame)

Emperor Takakura of Japan, 1161

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Cosby Show"(TV), 1984

"Eubie"(Revue), 1978

"The Phil Silvers Show"(TV), 1955

“Batman”(Comic Book), 1939

"The Corn is Green"(Play), 1938

Today in History:

Atilla the Hun defeated at Chalons-sur-Marne by General Aetius, 451

Saladin begins the siege of Jerusalem, 1187

Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de Barrameda with about 270 men on his expedition to circumnavigate the globe, 1519

Galileo Galilei is tried before the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for teaching that the Earth orbits the Sun, 1633

Maryland passes the first "anti-amalgamation" law to stop English women from marrying black men, 1664

The Negro Convention of Free Men agrees to boycott slave-produced goods, 1830

The American Association for the Advancement of Science is created, 1848

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 ends with the recapture of Delhi by troops loyal to the East India Company, 1857

The first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, 1891

The Otis Elevator Company unveils the first escalator at the Paris Exposition, 1900

Cunard Line's RMS Mauretania is launched, 1906

The first Cannes Film Festival is held, 1946

James Meredith, an African-American, is temporarily barred from entering the University of Mississippi, 1962

The RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 is launched, 1967

Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in The Battle of the Sexes tennis match, 1973

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joins the UN, 1977

Walt Disney World hosts its 200 millionth guest, 1985

U.S. President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror", 2001

The US Military ends its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, 2011

SETI researchers propose aliens may have left devices to spy on us planted on near Earth co-orbitals, suggesting these co-orbitals be investigated, 2019


  1. The kittens still look like they are only a handful size. I don't remember 8-tracks at all.

  2. I don't remember 8 tracks either - and am always amazing at how fast kittens grow.

  3. The kittens look so tiny in the photos. Nice poem. Have a great new week.

  4. Mom's family never had 8 track tapes but she knew some people who did. The tapes had a short lifespan. The kittens look so cute!

  5. Aww! so cute and tiny :-)

    Have an adorabletastic Monday 👍

  6. Kittens are always aww-worthy.
    Fun poem. It seems 8-track was mostly a thing in AÚSA and only for a short timespan.

  7. Awww on the kittens. They do grow up fast. Adorable.

    Love your Spark.

    You made me smile at the 8 tracks. I do remember them. They didn't last long.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hugs. ♥

  8. Such teeny little kittens- darling photos- Your Spark quote is very appropriate for these days! Have a lovely week!

  9. Oh- I forgot to comment on 8 Tracks- I never had one- I do have a CD installed in our car- that is far more handy! Cheers- and have a great sunny day!

  10. Such cute kittens. Great spark and I love the poem. My folks had an 8 track. I can remember listening to Sonny and Cher on it. :) XO

  11. Those wee kittens are so cute! That was a good Spark. Those 8 Tracks sure were the rage, we sold some in a yard sale 2 years ago.

  12. Darling kittens and they are definitely growing! I really do not miss 8 track tapes.

  13. Oh so adorable teeny, tiny kittens ~ Xo ~ Fun poem about 8 tracks ~ gotta keep us buying so they invent new things ~ Great spark ~ perfect!

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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