Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Wonderful, Wonderful, a Random and Happy Word Counters Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Part of today’s post is also a writing challenge. This is how it works: one of the contributing bloggers picked a number between 12 and 74. The submitted number is a challenge to participating bloggers to write at least one piece using that exact number of words. 

This month, the word count number is: 24

It was submitted by:  yours truly


Links to the other Word Counters posts:

Baking In A Tornado                    

On the Border                                 

On Sunday, August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida hit NOLA and the vicinity, and got us with the "vicinity" part.  We got torn a bit.

On Monday, September 6, 2021, i finally got back to work at Carl's place.  His brother and sister-in-law had gone back home.

It's one of those things we're used to around here, when your relatives lose power and you don't, they move in for the duration.

Ms. V had not allowed Carl to move back into his apartment, she wanted me to get in there and clean it well first.

This is how tidy they'd left it, it will never be this clean before i get there again.

Then we move on to this week, Carl had been in there as usual since i'd left the week before.   It's business as usual.

We love that boy, he's job security, he's impossible to get out the door to work on time, he's perfect just as he is.

 Time for some cute and some funny to round out the post.

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!


Today is:

Battle of San Jacinto Day -- Nicaragua

Cochabamba Day -- Cochabamba, Bolivia (festival of the founding of the city)

Eat a Hoagie Day

Eleven Days of Global Unity -- Day 4, Economic Justice (sponsored by We, the World

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross/Elevation of the Life Giving Cross/Holy Cross Day -- Christian

Festivals and Matsuri of Japan -- several throughout Japan, today and for the next several, most as harvest festivals or traditional horseback archery rituals)

       including the O Sannomiya Autumn Festival, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Festival, Tono Matsuri, Kishiwada Danjiri Matsuri, Tsurugaoka-hachimangu Reitasai, Yachi Donga Festival, and Furusato Hyappei Festival

Gaura Parba -- Nepal (women's festival for the goddess Gauri to ask for health and long life for their husbands)

Hug a Crabby Stranger Day -- okay, as long as i don't end up on the evening news

National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day

Nutting Day -- British Isles tradition, the hazelnuts are supposed to be perfectly ripe on this day

Pilgrimage to the Black Madonna of Einsiedeln -- Switzerland

San Jacinto Day -- Nicaragua

St. Notburga's Day (Patron of agricultural workers, husbandmen, peasants, restaurant servers)

Unclear Ideas Display -- Fairy Calendar (Imps celebration)

Birthdays Today:

Amy Winehouse, 1983

Dan Cortese, 1967

Faith Ford, 1964

Wendy Thomas, 1961 (Namesake of Wendy's Hamburgers)

Mary Crosby, 1959

Sam Neill, 1947

Joey Heatherton, 1944

Nicol Williamson, 1938

Walter Koenig, 1936

Kate Millett, 1934

Harve Presnell, 1933

Zoe Caldwell, 1933

Constance Baker Motley, 1921

Clayton Moore, 1914

Stanley Ketchel, 1886

Margaret Higgins Sanger, 1879

Ivan Pavlov, 1849

James Wilson, 1742

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Golden Girls"(TV), 1985

"The Waltons"(TV Series), 1972

"Ironside"(TV), 1967

"Have Gun Will Travel"(TV), 1957

"The Turn of the Screw"(Opera), 1954

Today in History:

Domitian becomes emperor of Rome upon the death of his brother Titus, 81

Harun al-Rashid beomes Abbasid Caliph upon the death of his brother, al-Hadi, 786

The first lighthouse in the US, in Boston, is lit, 1716

George Frederick Handel finishes "Messiah" oratorio, after working on it non-stop for 23 days, 1741

Napoleon occupies Moscow; fires begin that will not be fully extinguished for 5 days, 1812

Francis Scott Key witnesses the battle which inspires him to write "The Defense of Fort McHenry", later retitled "The Star Spangled Banner", 1814

George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patents typewriter ribbon, 1886

President of the United States William McKinley dies after an assassination attempt on September 6, and is succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt, 1901

Groundbreaking for the United Nations headquarters in New York City, 1948

The Soviet probe Luna 2 crashes onto the Moon, becoming the first man-made object to reach it, 1959

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded, 1960

The first American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, is canonized by Pope Paul VI, 1975

President-elect of Lebanon, Bachir Gemayel, is assassinated, 1982

Joe Kittinger becomes the first person to fly a hot air balloon alone across the Atlantic Ocean, 1984

The Toronto Blue Jays set a record for the most home runs in a single game, belting 10 of them, 1987

Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations, 1999

Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks; a similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation's capital, 2001

In a referendum, Estonia approves joining the European Union, 2003

NASA reveals the Space Launch Program to replace the Space Shuttle program, 2011

The Bodleian Library confirms that the earliest evidence of the zero symbol found to date is a Bakhshali (Pakistani) manuscript that carbon dating puts as coming from the 3rd or 4th century, 2017

Astronomers report a possible sign of life on Venus, after detecting phosphine in planets's atmosphere by telescope, 2020


  1. Carl is very lucky to have you. I love all the photos, "how the internet changed my life" is me, exactly, love the first one with the squirrel buying nuts, the bird examining the camera, the baby dancing with the statue..thank you.

  2. Job security ... oh yes! Thanks for those funnies!

  3. I guess Carl just feels comfortable living in a mess, some people do. The computer jokes are great!

  4. Thank you ( so much) for that last photo.
    Hooray for Carl - and the amazing job that you do for him and his family.

  5. I can't imagine going through one of those storms, but taking care of each other is a given.

    Carl is such a whirlwind. Job security indeed.

    Love all the funnies. The nest to the last one made me smile. I can't wait till they put my washer and dryer back inside our laundry room.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  6. I completely understand the concept of relatives staying for the duration when in need, it's the definition of family!

  7. send the baby an email is too funny !! ☺☺♥♥

  8. The one place the hurricane didn't touch...until later...
    Oh, those funnies! Bwahahahaha!

  9. More storms coming in too. That was some Carl story and I loved the funnies!

  10. You definitely have job security. :) Great bunch of funnies. XO

  11. Those hurricanes really cause a fuss, don't they? Mother Nature really gets ugly sometimes. When Hurricane Henry passed through the Carolinas, it dumped some much rain that it broke a flood gate on Price Lake on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I don't know if that caused any damage to the residential communities nearby but it drained the lake. As of last Friday, they appear to have that fixed and the lake is slowly beginning to fill. Although, we don't have the worries of hurricanes, we have experienced more power outages this summer from multiple flickers to being down a few hours. It's annoying anytime but during the day while DH is doing is job is especially bothersome. These things can't be helped, though. Take care, my friend!

  12. Love the fun photos and captions ~ favorite is the last one of the little ~ Yep ~ YOu are a saint ~ cleaning up after Carl ~ Xo

    Living in the Moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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