Thursday, September 23, 2021

Remember Me/Six Sentence Story, Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


We have six cats in the house right now.

Four were bottle raised right here, part of the shelter program and then we adopted them ourselves from the shelter, that would be Dansig, Little Girlie, Link, and Enigma SissyCat (Little Sissy).

Horizon was a semi-feral kitten snatched off the street by #1 Son's first girlfriend and given to him as a birthday gift when her mom told her she couldn't keep the terrified little ball of fluff.

Tripod SissyCat (Big Sissy) belonged to a friend who asked us to cat-sit while she was moving and she agreed to leave Sissy here since the cat actually quit biting and liked us.

No matter the method by which you acquire a pet, they add so much to your life that they are worth the extra work and worry.

Remember, too, there are lots of pets waiting in shelters right now, so if you are looking for love and companionship, why not visit a shelter and adopt a new friend soon.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Method.      

Also linking with Lola the Rescued Cat for Remember Me Thursday, shining the light on pets in shelters.    


Gosia at Looking for Identity has taken over Good Fences, and it's now Good Fences Around The World.  Post a picture of a fence or gate, link back to her blog, and go visit other blogs to see what interesting fences there are out in this big world.     

Instead of a white picket, a black picket fence, and i kind of like it.


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

What da boss says

Is just what I do,

If da boss says to wait,

Den I wait 'til he's through.

He likes us boys stylin',

He wants us real tough,

An' if someone crossed him,

Then we'll play rough!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful that we are having a couple of lovely early autumn days, clear skies and cooler temperatures.  We know summer isn't over in the swamps, not quite yet, but we are so very thankful for this early taste of the season to come.


Today is:

Al-Yaom Al-Watany -- Saudi Arabia (National Day/Founding of the Kingdom)

Augustalia -- Roman Empire (birthday of Caesar Augustus, still the traditional New Year's Day in Constantinople and in the Eastern Orthodox Church)

Bunster Winding -- Fairy Calendar

Checkers Day/Dogs in Politics Day -- thanks to Mr. Nixon; and i'm tempted to further comment, but this one is too easy

Chuuk Liberation Day -- Micronesia

Citua -- Ancient Inca Empire (feast to the Moon, and to banish disease, in the month of Coyaraimi, date approximate)

El Grito de Lares -- Lares, Puerto Rico (anniversary of the first uprising against Spanish rule in 1868)

Haustmánuðr -- Icelandic Calendar (beginning of traditional Autumn Month, during which all the summer chores are finished, including livestock rounded up, before winter begins)

Innergize Day -- the day to take time for yourself! always on the day after the equinox, so either the 23rd or 24th, depending on where you live

International Restless Legs Syndrome Awareness Day -- on the birth anniversary of Professor Karl-Axel Ekborn, the neurologist who first described it

National Great American Pot Pie Day

Neptune Day -- planet discovered this day in 1846 by Johann Galle of Germany

St. Adamnan's Day (Patron of Donegal, Ireland; Raphoe, Ireland)

St. Padre Pio's Day

Thrue Bab -- Bhutan (Blessed Rainy Day)

Anniversaries Today:

The University of Alberta in Alberta, Canada, is founded, 1908

Birthdays Today:

Anthony Mackie, 1979

Ani DiFranco, 1970

Elizabeth Pena, 1961

Jason Alexander, 1959

Bruce Springsteen, 1949

Mary Kay Place, 1947

Paul Petersen, 1945

Julio Iglesias, 1943

Tom Lester, 1938

Ray Charles, 1930

John Coltrane, 1926

Mickey Rooney, 1920

Walter Pidgeon, 1897

Friedrich Paulus, 1890

Walter Lippman, 1889

Victoria Woodhull, 1838

William H. McGuffey, 1800

Kublai Khan, 1215

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, BC63

Euripides, BC480

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Marcus Welby, M.D."(TV), 1969

"The Jetsons"(TV), 1962

"Threni: id est Lamentatines Jeremiae Prophetae"(Stravinsky dodecaphonic work), 1958

Today in History:

Concord of Worms, 1122

The first major battle of the Wars of the Roses, at Blore Heath in Staffordshire, 1459

First commencement exercises of Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass., 1642

Liechtenstein declares its independence from the German Empire, 1719

John Paul Jones' "Bon Homme Richard" defeats the HMS Serepis, 1779

Lewis and Clark arrive back in St. Louis from their explorations, 1806

The Knickerbockers Baseball Club, the first baseball team to play under the modern rules, is founded in New York, 1845

Neptune is discovered by French astronomer Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier and British astronomer John Couch Adams, 1846

Nintendo Koppai, later known as Nintendo Company, Limited, is founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi; it produces and markets the playing card game Hanafuda, 1889

The Phantom of the Opera (original title: Le Fantome de l'Opera), a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux, was first published, 1909

The MS Princess of Tasmania, Australia’s first passenger roll-on/roll-off diesel ferry, makes her maiden voyage across Bass Strait, 1959

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos announces over television and radio the implementation of martial law, 1972

Juan Perón returns to power in Argentina, 1973

Saint Kitts and Nevis joins the United Nations, 1983

Qantas Flight 1 overruns the runway in Bangkok during a storm; some passengers only receive minor injuries, it is still the worst crash in Qantas's history, 1991

The first public version of the web browser Mozilla Firefox ("Phoenix 0.1") is released, 2002

Hurricane Jeanne strikes Haiti and leaves at least 1,070 dead, 2004

Researchers announce the identification of four genetically different types of breast cancer, 2012

Japan's space agency becomes the first to place two robotic explorers on an asteroid, Ryugu, from its Hayabusa-2 spacecraft, 2018


  1. Our pets become a member of our family. If I were to visit a animal shelter, I will be tempt to adopt one pet. Maybe one of these days....

  2. So many animals need rescuing ... people too.

    God bless you, Mimi, for your good works.

  3. I like your poem, and the photo very mush. When I was in Sicily (years ago now) they made a movie and this guy would have fit in perfetcly. I heard him saying your veres in a heavy Italian accent in my mind. Just good!

  4. That black picket fence is something I haven't seen before - but it is definitely stylish.
    Jazz is a rescue cat (and he has rescued us too).

  5. All my cats have been rescue cats! Probably the most special members of the family. ('Only probably?' says Luna).

  6. The green fence looks good with that house. Mom has always adopted rescue cats. If she ever gets another one, it will be a rescue too.

  7. "...they add so much to your life that they are worth the extra work and worry"

    no truer words spoke, yo, no truer words

  8. A delightful six with a great message. As for the poem and photo, very Mafiastic!

  9. we have six cats in the yard. none in the house. mary kay place happy birthday she's totally undervalued and love the poem and pix

  10. I like the poem. Sounds like a guy from the Mafia.LOL Have a great day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. Beautiful post today, you are a Superhero for loving all those kitties! I just love that poem, purrfect for that photo.

  12. We've always got rescue animals. They need us the most.

    Love your poem and love your thankful. We're so ready for some cooler weather. Summer isn't over here either.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  13. Adoptions are just the best for each and every species and we hope it’s the next big thing. That was a fun poem and a most "cool" thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Perfect Six, Mimi. And I love their names :)
    Our last 2 dogs have been shelter dogs. A lot of people are not aware of how much love is sitting in those cages waiting to be let loosed.
    Your poems - always bring a smile.
    Enjoy your respite of fall!

  15. Great post Mimi. We all need to shout the importance of of adoption of shelter/rescue cats. We are those cats and it is great having a home but so many are waiting

  16. I love your story. I am glad you have rescued so many kitties. Nice poem too. And I like the black fence too. XO

  17. Thank you for hopping with us today and shining a light on adopted pets!

  18. "Blog Hop Hosted by Lola the Rescue Cat"
    I had no idea my Lola was so clever! :)
    I like picket fences of any colour, they are just so neat, so tidy looking.

  19. Overwhelmed yet again by the bounty on display here

  20. Lovely Six Mimi and sending a great message, thank you!

  21. Great minds think alike...I went to cats, too, for the 6 sentence!

  22. You are an Angel ~ rescuing pets and people too at times ~ neat fence photos ~ Xo

    Yes, do hope they get good money for woodworking tools ~ Fun Cajun joke and Grandma is quite the artiste ~ and wonderful sunset photos ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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