Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Remind Me Where the Fire Extinguisher Is, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl has been taking time off lately.  My normal plan is to get to his place at 6am to not only clean and organize, but help him get out of the house for work.

He knew his family vacation would be sometime around the end of September/start of October, so he asked for time off very early in the year.  He needed about 10 days.

He asked for 3 weeks, and got it.

When i get there and he has the day off, i wake him and he goes into the living room to sleep in his recliner.  This time, he pointed out his suitcase before grabbing his pillows and heading out for more shut-eye.

My first surprise was the bed.

How many sheets?

Last week i remade the bed as usual with contrasting sheets, this time a dark sheet for the fitted and a white one for the top sheet.  (He needs the contrast or he can't tell the difference between them at night and so gets up to grab another sheet, thinking he doesn't have one.)

He'd not realized the white one was a top sheet, and grabbed his other bottom sheet to use, so i had to wash every sheet he owns that was actually in his room -- two are missing, and i'll have to search later in the week.

When i started sorting his shoes i found two left shoes and two right shoes.

Four shoes, none match.

None matched.  The mates were scattered all over.

Once i got laundry going, the closet put back together, and basic wardrobe in his suitcase, the rest of the sorting, tidying and cleaning was going very well.

He woke up and wanted a shower just as i was scrubbing the bathroom, so i told him to give me five minutes.  He wandered off, then came back and asked for clean underwear.  Since i was sorting the clean load, he grabbed two pair and went in the bathroom.

Two pair of underwear? i asked him, but he shut the door before i could tell if he answered.  Then he started yelling from in the bathroom, "Hey, check my hot pocket, will you?"

Hot pocket? i thought, and then, oh, no.

Yep, he'd started warming breakfast in the microwave in the kitchen, then come in to shower.  By the time i got to the kitchen, smoke was pouring out of the microwave and the hot pocket was a hot coal.  Ms. V and i opened windows, turned on fans, and reveled in the smell of charred hot pocket until he got out of the shower.

The second pair of underwear ended up on the floor, in case you were wondering.

They leave for vacation this Thursday, so next Monday i'll be cleaning over there by myself.  It's going to be very boring.

Time for some funnies passed on to me by Grandma.The biggest question in life, should I get a dog

or have kids?

Don't forget, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Always be thankful.

(and remember the cat is always going to be melodramatic)

Don't irritate a woman who knows how to use a backhoe.

 And now, a word from the animal kingdom.

Have a blessed and beautiful day, everyone!



Today is:

Arba'in-e Hosseini -- Iran (40th day after Ashura)

Czech Statehood Day -- Czech Republic

Drink Beer Day

Feast of Hapi and Creation of the Nile -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Fish Tank Floor Show Night -- the Wellcat Holidays people say that your fish keep you entertained all year long, so turn about is fair play, entertain your fish tonight!

Frances Willard Day -- Minnesota

International Right to Know Day -- FOI Advocates Network, promoting the right of access to information for all people and the benefits of open, transparent, and accountable governments

Menkhet Festival -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Michaelmas Eve -- Celtic celebration, bake your bannock bread tonight for eating on St. Michael and All Angel's Day tomorrow; tonight, build a bonfire and dine on roast lamb, and make sure the menfolk protect the horses, for anyone is allowed to "borrow" one for the celebration tomorrow

National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography -- Philippines

National Good Neighbor Day -- US (begun when Mrs. Becky Mattson from Lakeside, Montana, began campaigning for this National Day in the 1970's; go greet the neighbors, and be a good neighbor yourself!)

National Strawberry Cream Pie Day

National Voter Registration Day -- US (Celebrating Democracy in America) 

Read a Child a Book You Like Day -- someone started this to get us to remember the books we loved as kids, and share them with children now

Runic Half Month Gyfu begins (gift)

Simchat Torah -- Judaism (day to celebrate the reading of the Law; begins at sunset, through sunset tomorrow)

St. Wenceslaus' Day (Patron of brewers; Bohemia; Czech Republic; Moravia; Prague, Czech Republic)

Tales of Kelp-Koli's Second Visit -- Fairy Calendar (through the 30th)

Teacher's Day -- Taiwan (on the traditional Western date of Confucius' birthday, of course)

Woman Road Warrior Day -- to recognize the traveling businesswomen in today's world

World Rabies Day 

Birthdays Today:

Frankie Jonas, 2000

Hilary Duff, 1987

Gwyneth Paltrow, 1973

Naomi Watts, 1968

Mira Sorvino, 1967

Janeane Garofalo, 1964

Suzanne Whang, 1962

Steve Largent, 1954

Jeffrey Jones, 1947

Ben E. King, 1938

Koko Taylor, 1935

Brigitte Bardot, 1934

Arnold Stang, 1925

Marcello Mastroianni, 1924

William Windom, 1923

Al Capp, 1909

Max Schmeling, 1905

Ed Sullivan, 1901

Kate Douglas Wiggin, 1856

Frances Willard, 1839

Confucius, BC551

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Ed Wood(Film), 1994

"Cosmos: A Personal Voyage"(Documentary series), 1980

"I Heard It Through the Grapevine"(Single release, Gladys Knight), 1967

"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales"(TV), 1963

"Dr. Kildare"(TV), 1961

"Hazel"(TV), 1961

"Purlie Victorious"(Play), 1961

Radio Times(Magazine, first issue), 1923

Today in History:

Pompey the Great, member of the Triumvirate, is assassinated by order of King Ptolemy of Egypt upon landing in that country, BC48

King/Saint Wenceslas murdered by his brother, 935

William the Conqueror invades England, 1066

Sinking of the Spanish fleet during a hurricane off the coast of Florida, 1528

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo becomes the first European to reach San Diego Bay, 1542

Publication of "Pilgrim's Progress", 1678

Divorce is legalized in Maryland, 1701

American and French forces begin the siege of Yorktown, 1781

Napoleon Bonaparte, age 16, graduates from the Military Academy of Paris -- 42nd in a class of 51, 1785

Donati's comet becomes the first to be photographed, 1858

Toronto becomes the capital of Ontario, 1867

Sir Alexander Fleming notices a bacteria-killing mould growing in his laboratory, discovering what later became known as penicillin, 1928

Indonesia joins the United Nations, 1950

Mali and Senegal join the United Nations, 1960

SpaceX launches the first ever private spacecraft, the Falcon 1 into orbit, 2008

Research teams from Exeter and Cambridge Universities announce in the journal Nature Genetics their discovery of the DNA controllers that determine at what age women go into menopause, 2015

Elon Musk unveils the SpaceX spacecraft Starship, which is designed to travel to Mars and other parts of the solar system and land back on earth, 2020


  1. You're going to miss Carl and wherever he goes, they won't know what hit them.
    Love the horse inspecting the engine.

  2. Carl sounds like a full time job - but never dull.
    Thanks for the smiles.

  3. That Carl really blows one's mind with the things he thinks of to do! Great for stories, though.

  4. Carl is such a whirlwind. I wears me out just reading about his antics. Never a dull moment, but the microwave was scary.

    Love all the funnies. Thanks for the chuckles.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  5. Carl is one extraordinary person. Thanks for the funnies.

  6. Love this post. P.S. I know how to drive a backhoe.

  7. HA! If Carl worked for me I'd give him 3 weeks off too! Those were really fun funnies!

  8. I can't even read about Carl anymore ~ you must have the patience of a saint ~ sorry ~ fun photos and captions ~ lightened the post up from Carl's confusion ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Carl certainly keeps you on your toes. Love the funnies, every one of them!

  10. You are way nicer and patient than I could ever be!

    Funny stuff, loved the lady who can use a backhoe.

  11. Carl never fails to provide you with comedy material.
    Love the backhoe one. :)

  12. Oh my you have the patience of Job! And Grandma's photos are hysterically funny! Thanks for the giggles!

  13. Since I enjoy all of these Carl stories, I guess you could say I'll miss him while he's gone.

  14. I do hope to one day see a book of your cleaning adventures! It'd be so fun!
    And those funnies! Ohmyword!

  15. I love all of your animal funnies! Especially the kitties in the tree. Carl sounds like a handful at times.

  16. Mimi,

    I'm glad I don't have to clean up after Carl. Whew, what work! Great funnies, especially the cat's password. I got a chuckle out of that one! :D

  17. Next week will be so boring without Carl. I like the funnes, the mest is the horse inspecting the car. Thank you for writing.

  18. That horse inspecting the engine, talk about horsepower. hahahaha Oh Carl, have you thought of writing a book. Carl is doomer without you by his side. He seems to need you and I know how lonely you will be when they are gone. Oh goodness.....


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