Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hard to Pin Down (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


"What is the world are they talking about?"

"He and the deacon are discussing some evangelist's most recent attempt to pin down the date when Jesus will return."

"They'll be at that all day, and never come to any conclusions, Jesus himself said no one knows except the Father."

"I've often wondered how that works, how can Jesus be God and yet not know something, don't he and the Father and the Spirit all share all things as God?"

"That's part of the miracle of the Incarnation, when the Second Person of the Trinity (as we understand it in our limited way) decided to accept change and become human, he chose to limit himself and know only what his Father lets him know through the Spirit, and then there's the idea of Jewish wedding customs of the time, even the groom didn't know when the wedding would be until his father told him, and he likened his return to a groom coming back for his Bride, the Church."

"Well, they'll be at it a while, which gives us the chance to go back to the Fellowship Hall and grab more coffee and a donut!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Date.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

Mardi Gras is just around the corner.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

(This is based on a true story of Sweetie's mom and dad.  They were much younger than the lady in this picture, and it was a cast iron skillet, not a rolling pin, but i've taken liberties.)

She didn't stand for nonsense

when it came to demon rum,

he was a bit of a tippler still

and would nip out to have him some.

He came home rather tipsy

and saw his pretty wife,

he didn't know his attentions

were about to change his life.

She was in the kitchen working,

no smile upon her face,

cast iron skillet in her hand

scrubbing out dinner's every trace.

He came with rakish smile,

all she could smell was drink,

while she tried to ignore him

he stood next to her at the sink.

He tried to flirt and pinched her,

in anger her face turned red,

she turned and then she clonked him

with the skillet right on the head.

He went down like a "sack o' taters,"

she finished every chore,

he stayed unconscious all the night

right there on the kitchen floor.

When he woke up next morning,

hung over and in pain,

he knew he'd really hurt her heart

and he didn't want to do it again.

He never touched a drop from then,

became a different creature,

he gave his life to Jesus and

became a Baptist preacher!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i got the email in time telling me Sweetie didn't have choir practice last night, so he didn't make a trip downtown for nothing.


Today is:

9-1-1 Day -- the first 911 call in North America was placed, demonstrating the new system, on this day in 1968

Akiyoshidai Yamayaki -- Akiyoshidai, Japan (dry grass on the mountain side is burned in this coming of spring ceremony; date subject to change)

Bonten Matsuri -- Miyoshi-jinja Shrine, Akita, Japan (two-day festival to ask for good crops this year)

Do a Grouch a Favor Day -- internet generated attempt to get us to either get the grouches on our side, or make us cynical

Feast of the Incappucciati -- Gradoli, Italy (members of the Confraternity of Purgatory make the rounds of the town gathering food for the souls in Purgatory, which is served at a banquet next week on Ash Wednesday)

Fettiger Donnerstag -- Swabia, Germany ("greasy Thursday", so called because of the greasy Kuchli cakes and pastries made today to use during carnival before the Lent fast)

Independence Day -- Lithuania (National Day/Restoration of Statehood)(1918)

Kyoto Protocol Day -- International (treaty on climate change; today is proposed as "Wear purple for Kyoto Day")

National Almond Day

Respectable Tales of Kelp-Koli -- Fairy Calendar (5 minutes only) 

St. Juliana of Cumae's Day (Patron of the ill)

St. Onesimus' Day (runaway slave of Philemon, converted by Paul, of whom the Letter to Philemon was written)

Weiberfastnach -- Cologne, Germany (Women's Carnival, the day the women run the pre-Lent celebration)

Birthdays Today:

Christopher Eccleston, 1964

John McEnroe, 1959

Ice T, 1959

LeVar Burton, 1957

James Ingram, 1956

William Katt, 1951

Richard Ford, 1944

Barry Primus, 1938

Sonny Bono, 1935

Vera-Ellen, 1921

Patty Andrews, 1920

Jimmy Wakely, 1914

Hugh Beaumont, 1909

Richard McDonald, 1909

George Kennan, 1904

Edgar Bergan, 1903

Robert Joseph Flaherty, 1884

Johann Strauss, 1866

Nichiren, 1222

Emperor Yingzong of China, 1032

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"What's My Line"(TV Game Show), 1950

"Le Voyageur Sans Baggage"(Anouilh Play), 1937

"The Marquise"(Coward Play), 1927

"Chung Sai Yat Po"(Publication; first Chinese daily newspaper in US), 1900

"Werther"(Massenet Opera), 1892

"Ladies' Home Journal"(Publication), 1883

"Orpheus"(Liszt Opera), 1854

"Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard"(First Publication), 1751

Today in History:

9th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, 374

Pope Gregory the Great issues a decree saying that "God bless you" is the correct response to a sneeze, 600

English king Charles I accepts Triennial Act, requiring the king to assemble Parliament at least once every 3 years, 1641

The first known check (cheque) is written, for 400 English Pounds Sterling (currently on display at Westminster Abbey), 1659

Kentucky passes a law permitting women to attend school under certain conditions, 1838*

Weenen Massacre: Hundreds of Voortrekkers along the Blaukraans River, Natal are killed by Zulus, 1838

American Charles Wilkes discovers Shackleton Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1840

The Battle of Sobraon ends the First Sikh War in India, 1846

Studebaker Brothers wagon company, precursor of the automobile manufacturer, is established, 1852

The French Government passes a law to set the A-note above middle C to a frequency of 435 Hz, in an attempt to standardize the pitch, 1859

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks forms, 1868

The "Ladies Home Journal" begins publishing, 1883

The first Chinese daily newspaper in the US, Chung Sai Yat Po, begins publication in San Francisco, 1900

The first US Esperanto Club organizes in Boston, 1905

The first synagogue in 425 years opens in Madrid, Spain, 1917

Howard Carter unseals the burial chamber of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, 1923

The first patent is issued for a tree, to James Markham for a peach tree, 1932

Wallace H. Carothers receives a United States patent for nylon, 1937

Canadians are granted Canadian citizenship after 80 years of being British subjects. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King becomes the first Canadian citizen, 1947

Britain abolishes the death penalty, 1956

Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba after dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown on January 1, 1959

In Haleyville, Alabama, the first 9-1-1 emergency telephone system goes into service, 1968

The first computer bulletin board system is created (CBBS in Chicago, Illinois), 1978

The trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being a Nazi guard dubbed "Ivan the Terrible" in Treblinka extermination camp, starts in Jerusalem, 1987

The Kyoto Protocol comes into force, following its ratification by Russia, 2005

The last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) is decommissioned by the United States Army, 2006

China announces it will relocate 9,000 people in Guizhou province, before completion of world's largest telescope (FAST), designed to look for extraterrestrial life, 2016

Pope Francis defrocks ex-cardinal and archbishop of Washington Theodore McCarrick for sexually abusing minors and adults, making him the first Cardinal to be removed for sexual abuse, 2019

The United States removes 400 citizens quarantined for Covid19 on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, 2020

Athens and parts of Greece receive unusually heavy snowfall, 2021


  1. It is baffling how are people (like TV evangelists) manage to create fortunes over such prophecies etc.
    I guess they didn't read the memo that says there are no ATMs in heaven...or hell.

  2. I like fences. They keep the mosquitoes out of my garden.

    God bless.

  3. That skillet story is a real good one. Drinking can cause so many problems and so much heartache. Even if it was embellished, it was a great story and lesson.

  4. I love the ending, " he gave his life to Jesus and

    became a Baptist preacher! "Wow how love does something to a man.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. I would also take that moment to grab a donut, and a cup of tea, if that's available.

  6. I would go for the coffee and donut over talking about something we don't know when will happen. Interesting story. I would be afraid to kill a person with a whack to the head. Glad it had a happy ending. XO

  7. That was a good story and a fun poem too. I'm glad you didn't have to make that trip for nothing. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Great story and fun poem and glad Sweetie and you didn't have to make a trip and could relax ~ Great Mardi Gras photo ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I always learn something, or get another perspective from your posts. Love that!

  10. Mimi! Your post today is fabulishious! I loved EVERYTHING!

  11. Clonked on the head with a skillet? He must have a hard head to be only unconscious for the night.

  12. The skillet conversion tactic! Should be tried more often!

  13. That's definitely one of those conversations could go on for hours. I'd be stepping out for coffee too!
    Timely e-mails can have a huge impact.

  14. Hey Mimi!...(from a clark wandering the very strange landscape in feverland.
    Grateful for being a clark at times like these...


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