Thursday, February 23, 2023

Wrap It Up (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


Ms. G and i wander the aisles of the Club Store, where sizes are huge and you can hardly cram everything in the car when you are done.

She often makes comments about certain items, saying she will, "Think about it and maybe come back for one of those," but she seldom does.

The list is typically almost always the same, her favorite diet drinks, fruits and veggies, the bread she likes.  Sometimes she buys birdseed and cat food there, sometimes we made a separate trip to Tractor Supply for those items.

She'll keep a running monologue going all through the store, enumerating to me what she has and what she needs, "I still have plenty of toilet paper, let's stop and check the price on paper towels, it might be time to stock up."

When she's at the end of her patience (she's not enamored with shopping), she'll say, "Well, let's wrap this up and go play in the traffic," her way of saying, let's get this stuff home.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Wrap.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

We had more fun on the playground

though we oft skinned elbows or knees.

We'd go get a bandage and keep playing,

only babies cried, if you please.

We used our imaginations,

screens never got in the way

of being out there and having fun

on each beautiful, sunny day.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i was able to go to a 7:00pm Ash Wednesday service last night at a nearby church, as my church has it at noon when i'm at work.


Today is:

Curling Is Cool Day -- embrace the Olympic sport the whole family can play; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Defenders of the Motherland Day (formerly Red Army Day) -- Russia and some former Soviet Republics

     Homeland Defenders' Day -- Kyrguzstan

     Motherland Defenders' Day -- Transdniestria

Diesel Engine Day -- Rudolph Diesel received his patent in Germany on this day in 1893

Easy Divorce Day -- marking the passage, in 1915, of the Nevada law granting easy divorces after only a 6-month residency, the first such in the US

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day -- while i can't figure out who started this one, even Mr. Google says it's celebrated today

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day -- some student programs at universities are set for this weekend, as encouraged during National Engineers Week 

Iwo Jima Day -- commemoration of the US flag raising

National Banana Bread Day

National Chili Day  

National Day -- Brunei

National Rationalization Day

Pebbles Day -- Pebbles Flintstone was born this day around 10,000BC

Republic Day (Mashramani) -- Guyana

St. Milburga of Shropshire's Day (Patron of birds)

St. Polycarp of Smyrna's Day (Patron against dysentery and earache)

St. Serenus the Gardener's Day (Patron of bachelors, falsely accused people)

Terminalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival for Terminus, god of land boundary markers)

Birthdays Today:

Emily Blunt, 1983

Niecy Nash, 1970

Michael Dell, 1965

"Bobby" Bonilla, 1963

Howard Jones, 1955

Patricia Richardson, 1951

"Too Tall" Jones, 1951

John Sanford, 1944

Johnny Winter, 1944

Peter Fonda, 1939

Sylvia Chase, 1938

Donna J. Stone, 1933

Paul Tibbets, 1915

William L. Shirer, 1904

Victor Fleming, 1889

W.E.B. DuBois, 1868

Emma Hart Willard, 1787

George Frederic Handel, 1685

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, 1646

Samuel Pepys, 1633

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Fortune and Men's Eyes"(Play), 1967

"Pinocchio"(Disney Cartoon), 1940

Today in History:

Emperor Diocletian orders the general persecution of Christians, 303

Traditional date for the publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed with movable type, 1455

France begins its fifth "holy war" against the Huguenots, 1574

Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to help to train the Continental Army, 1778

The first US raw-cotton-to-cloth mill is founded, in Waltham, Massachusetts, 1813

The first US pharmaceutical college is organized, the College of Apothecaries in Philidelphia, 1821

Santa Anna begins his siege of the Alamo, 1836

John Newman leaves the Anglican Church and is welcomed into the Roman Catholic Church, 1846

In Mexico, American troops under General Zachary Taylor defeat Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna, 1847

Great Britain formally recognises the independence of the Boers in the area between the Orange and Vaal rivers, signing the Bloemfontein Convention with the Orange Free State, 1854

The London Times publishes the world's first classified ad, 1886

Charles Martin Hall, assisted by his sister Julia Brainerd Hall, produced the first samples of man-made aluminum, 1886 

The French/Italian Riviera is struck by an earthquake that leaves 2,000 dead, 1887

The Tootsie Roll is introduced by Leo Hirshfield, 1896

In France, Emile Zola is imprisoned for writing his "J'accuse" letter accusing the government of anti-Semitism and wrongly jailing Alfred Dreyfus, 1898

The Cuban state of Guantanamo is leased to the US, 1903

The US acquires control of the Panama Canal Zone for $10 million, 1904

The Rotary Club International is founded in Chicago, 1905

Russian Tsar Nicholas II dissolves the Diet of Finland, 1909

The US state of Nevada enacts a convenient divorce law, 1915

The February Revolution begins in Russia, 1917

Plutonium is first produced and isolated by Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, 1941

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is founded, 1847

The first mass inoculation with the Salk vaccine begins in Pittsburgh, 1954

First meeting of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1955

The United States Environmental Protection Agency announces its intent to buy out and evacuate the dioxin-contaminated community of Times Beach, Missouri, 1983

Supernova 1987a is seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 1987

A small fire occurs in the Russian Space station, Mir, 1997

An avalanche destroys the Austrian village of Galtür, killing 31, 1999

Unknown criminals pour more than 2.5 million liters of diesel oil and other hydrocarbons into the river Lambro, in Northern Italy, causing an environmental disaster, 2010

The journal Nature Human Behavior publishes a study of the discovery of the oldest Australian rock art, a 17,300-year-old painting of a kangaroo in the Kimberly region of Western Australia, 2021


  1. I remember those "roundabouts", the kids doing the pushing had to be careful and not trip or they would be caught underneath. I almost never went on one because I would get dizzy and throw up.

  2. Mom is a Sam's Clubber. Sometimes she buys dog beds there, but mostly she buys fruits, veggies, and other food items for herself. Even for one, buying big works well and saves money.

  3. Mom is a Sam's Clubber. Sometimes she buys dog beds there, but mostly she buys fruits, veggies, and other food items for herself. Even for one, buying big works well and saves money.

  4. We love your poem. Mom actually went to a 12:15 service yesterday which was PACKED.

  5. My momma used to belong to Sam's Club until we moved to a smaller house. No room cuz cupboards are ridiculously small. Loved yoor poem!

  6. Like your Six, makes shopping sound almost like fun! As always, it is the company not the activity, that makes the difference between chore and joy.

  7. Nice story and poem. Glad you were able to get your ashes. XO

  8. Fun story and great post ~ like the the thankful ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Mrs. G sounds fun to shop with. Knows what she really needs and wants. I enjoyed the fence with the pink flowers and dove/pidgeon.

  10. "Go play in traffic"
    That cracked me up!

  11. That was a good story, we are not fans of playing in traffic though. I liked your poem, we had that exact fun ride on our school playground. Of couse that is a wonderful thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Our beans go to Costco and buy lots of veggies and foods. They even found some new FF kitty crak for us! Let's see if we spit this new kind out too. Hah!

  13. wow- Fun poem however I never liked the roundabout- afraid of falling! Ms G is a good shopper and also lucky to have you there to help! Cheers!

  14. Ms. G. seems to keep the ball rolling no matter where the two of you go!
    Love your poem. Does every generation feel as if theirs was the best? So true about our imaginations.

  15. Love your poem for Poetic Thursday - it has the HAPPY feeling I recall from those days of merry-go-rounds on playgrounds.....screams of happiness and smiles on every face. Hugs, Pam

  16. Play in the traffic, I like that! Riding roundabouts was far more fun than sitting on a bench staring at a screen.

  17. I'm with Ms. G! Not a shopper. Costco (our big store) is about the only place I go! And after a few minutes, I'm SO ready to go play in the traffic! I always loved those carousals. But could never go on them. About the second time around, I was green...

  18. It is an interesting post, and thanks so much for sharing it


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