Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Where's the Chair and Other Mysteries, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl greeted me in a work shirt and underwear just as i was checking his schedule to see he did not have work yesterday.

He was pleasantly surprised to find out he had yesterday and today off, but asked, "What about next week?  I put in for time off, we're going on a family vacation and they put me on the schedule!"

That's a matter you and your mom will have to work out with them, i noted, grabbing a bag of garbage he hadn't tied off but had left next to the garbage can, which had no bag in it now.  The bag he'd removed was barely half full, so i put it back to finish filling it and decamped to check the laundry situation.

The laundry situation showed wet clothes in the washer and the dryer, all left at least overnight and therefore needing to be washed again.  I let him brush his teeth while i changed all the pillowcases on the sleep chair pillows, then found him a clean pajama top so he could change into that while i washed all his other pajamas and everything else.

He wandered back in to brush his teeth twice, to ask where his gas pills were, and to say he needed the box for his pull-up bar.  We found gas pills but i told him he could wait on the pull-up bar as it was time to nap.  He muttered something about youth at the church, asked if he should take a walk this week, and stepped on something which he had a hard time brushing off the bottom of his foot.

When he asked me what it was he had stepped on, i simply said, whatever you dropped down there, sunshine, and if i were you, i wouldn't look too closely.

Yes, he has slippers, why do you ask?

He'd been shopping for pants, as his waist is bigger now than when he was ten years younger.  Unfortunately, he had purchased the same size he used to wear and didn't try them on, so he had 3 new pair that he can't get into with tags still on them and no receipt.

I tore the room apart, scrounged up every single receipt i could find, and realized most of them were not even his.  When he's pushing carts at the MallMart, he picks up receipts people leave in carts and puts them in his pocket.  I threw out all the extraneous ones after i found the one receipt for the pants, then tucked the pants and receipt in a bag and hid it, giving it to Ms. V later.  She's going to make certain he goes back, gets store credit, and finds pants to fit.

One of the chairs to his table in his room has disappeared.  I asked him about it, and he said, "Is a chair missing?"

If i hadn't said anything, he probably would never have noticed.

While there, i also consolidated two almost empty bottles of Tums into one

confiscated a Sharpie

put the deodorant back into the dispenser

dealt with the closet chaos and dirty clothes on hangers

dealt with a small about of fridge chaos

and was reminded he's just a big kid at heart.

In honor of missing furniture, some funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!



Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Bangladesh

False Confessions Day -- internet generated, and not for the faint of heart

Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin -- Eastern and Roman Catholic Christian (those following the Gregorian Calendar)

Festival of Madonna della Salute -- Venice, Italy

Furniture Memory Day -- an internet generated test of your memory; see if you remember where you got each piece of furniture you own, how much it cost, and how its most precious scratch came to be; you are also encouraged to dust if you want to

General Framework Agreement Day -- RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gerard d'Aboville Day -- marking the day, in 1991, he arrived in Ilwaco, WA, US, after departing Japan 4 months earlier in a rowboat!

Gingerbread Day

National Entrepreneurs Day -- US (by Congressional designation)

National Stuffing Day -- various dates given on many sites, so if you enjoy stuffing, celebrate them all

No Music Day -- www.nomusicday.com for the explanation

Pushkar Camel Fair -- Pushkar, India (for the camels, racing, fancy dress, changing owners, taking tourists on rides, and the chance to liven up this usually quiet town, and for the people, singing, dancing, exotic food, and watching the camels, as well as religious rituals at the time of the full moon; through Nov. 8)

St. Gelasius' Day

World Hello Day -- recognizing the importance of communication in world peace, say hello to people you don't usually greet today 

World Television Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

South Carolina becomes the 12 US State, 1789

Birthdays Today:

Tasha Schwikert, 1984

Ken Griffey, Jr., 1969

Troy Aikman, 1966

Bjork, 1965

Nicollette Sheridan, 1963

Cherry Jones, 1956

Cynthia Rhodes, 1956

Lorna Luft, 1952

Goldie Hawn, 1945

Harold Ramis, 1944

Marcy Carsey, 1944

Tweety Bird, 1942

Juliet Mills, 1941

Marlo Thomas, 1938

James DePreist, 1936

Laurence Luckinbill, 1934

Joseph Campanella, 1927

Stan Musial, 1920

Coleman Hawkins, 1904

Rene Magritte, 1898

Hetty Green, 1834

William Beaumont, 1785

Josiah Bartlett, 1729

Voltaire, 1694

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"(Single release), 1968

"A Tale of Two Kitties"(Warner cartoon, debut of Tweety Bird), 1942

"The Relapse, or, Virtue in Danger"(Vanbrugh play), 1696

Today in History:

Judas Maccabaeus, son of Mattathias of the Hasmonean family, restores the Temple in Jerusalem; this is the event commemorated each year by the festival of Hanukkah, BC164

The Pilgrims, aboard the Mayflower, reach what is now called Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts, and sign the Mayflower Compact, 1620

Richard Johnson, a free black, is granted 550 acres in Virginia, 1654

In Paris, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent, Marquis d'Arlandes, make the first untethered hot air balloon flight, 1783

Colonel Napoléon Bonaparte is promoted to full general and appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the French Republic, 1791

First Jewish Reform congregation in US forms, Charleston, SC, 1824

Moses F Gale patents a cigar lighter, 1871

Tom Edison announces his "talking machine" invention (phonograph), 1877

Rebecca Latimer Felton of Georgia takes the oath of office, becoming the first female United States Senator, 1922

First commercial crossing of Pacific by plane (China Clipper), 1935

The Alcan Highway is completed, 1942*

The British Natural History Museum announces that the "Piltdown Man" skull is a hoax, 1953

The first permanent ARPANET link is established between UCLA and SRI, 1969

Gerard d'Aboville completes his four-month solo journey to row across the Pacific Ocean, 1991

The Dayton Peace Agreement is initialed at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, near Dayton, Ohio, ending three and a half years of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1995

NATO invites Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia to become members, 2002

Iran's President Ahmadinejad rejects the country's successful family planning program and tells Iranian girls they should marry at 16, 2010

The three most senior surviving members of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime are charged with genocide and crimes against humanity, 2011

For the second time in four months, New Zealand's Mount Tongariro volcano, on the North Island, erupts, 2012

The Alabama parole board grants posthumous pardons to three members of the Scottsboro boys, 2013

Mt Agung on the Indonesian island of Bali begins erupting, 2017

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a measles epidemic has so far killed over 5,000 people in this year, making it the world's largest and fastest moving epidemic, 2019

Raven Chacon's "Voiceless Mass" premieres at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukee and becomes the first work by an Native American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Music, 2022

*Not opened to general vehicular traffic until the next year


  1. Furr niture cracked me up. So very true.
    Carl is almost a full time job in himself.

  2. I'm always so glad Carl has you. He needs someone who sees what a big kid he is! Love the funnies! I SO remember those record player/television/liquor cabinet combinations!

  3. Those furniture funnies are hilarious! Poor Carl, how can he not notice a chair is missing? The good thing is, his life is stress free as he really doesn't worry about much of anything. We could all use a bit of that in our lives, but not as much as Carl has.

  4. Of all the things you deal with at Carl's: funny, messy, confusing, a sharpie is by far the most dangerous.

  5. You're so good with Carl. He's a whirlwind of adventure.

    Love all the funnies.

    Our outdoor kitty is now inside. First night and she did pretty good. We had to move her in as another cat and her two kittens ran her off for a bit.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Hugs. ♥

  6. That "fixed it" photo made me laugh out loud!

  7. Carl keeps you busy ~ you earn your wings for sure ~
    Great funnies ~ lol ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Carl does keep you guessing! Those funnies were terrific!

  9. Glad you found the receipt for the pants. I sometimes forget laundry in the washer overnight.

  10. I hope Carl learns to remember his new pants size.

  11. Love those funnies. They made me laugh.

  12. Another amusing day with Carl! I'm a huge IKEA fan which made the funnies all the funnier!

  13. Carl really is a big kid, isn't he? So glad you found the receipt so he can return the pants and get new ones! LOVED all your funnies! And I WANT that cube table/chair thingy! :)


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